英语人>词典>汉英 : 会沉的 的英文翻译,例句
会沉的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与会沉的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One day, the entire Adriatic Sea Venice will sink into the seabed go, that is its most beautiful outcome.


Is to be in transit of goods in good condition and the safety of transport, if transport had failed to safeguard the quality of goods or even a large number of defective goods, damage and loss of quality and quantity will not be able to complete the goods transport; if in the event of a major transportation accident, car crash 船沉, not only can not complete the task, but also the lives and property caused by the heavy losses, so should the security of international transport of goods in the first place.


Watchman your grandmother," I says;"there ain't nothing to watch but the texas and the pilothouse; and do you reckon anybody's going to resk his life for a texas and a pilot-house such a night as this, when it's likely to break up and wash off down the river any minute?


Shark is the only fish in the sea that has no pneumatocyst, which means that it will swim to the bottom or even die if stopping swimming for a little while.


It is so salty that you can't sink when you are in the water.


But I do know that I will definitely be sad, will sink into the depths of the lonely.


If we go back, they will swamp the boat.


People said,"This ship will never sink. It is unsinkable!"


Sara Mednick, from the University of California, San Diego, suggests that non-habitual nappers suffer from this more often than those who siesta regularly.


I don't think the boat will sink.


更多网络解释与会沉的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She had a bad cold:她患了沉感冒

158. May I use your pen? 俺能够用你的笔吗? | 159. She had a bad cold. 她患了沉感冒. | 160. That's a good idea. 这个主张真不会错.




但水在摄氏四度的时候密度最大,会自然往湖底沉的的物理特性,却使得湖泊由表层以降,出现上方是密度较低、水温较暖的上湖层( epilimnion )、下方是密度较高、水温较低的下湖层( hypolimnion ),中间则夹著水温快速降低的斜温层( thermocline )或称变湖层( metalimnion ),


但水在摄氏四度的时候密度最大,会自然往湖底沉的的物理特性,却使得湖泊由表层以降,出现上方是密度较低、水温较暖的上湖层( epilimnion )、下方是密度较高、水温较低的下湖层( hypolimnion ),中间则夹著水温快速降低的斜温层( thermocline )或称变湖层( metalimnion ),

paddle wheel:明轮

1653年,法国人戴森(de Son)制造了一艘可潜入水中的小艇,利用一个以类似钟表发条装置带动的明轮(paddle wheel)来推动此艇,但并不成功. 稍后,又有二个英国人建了一艘小艇,利用皮革充水会沉的基本原理来使小艇得以沉於水中.

rip current:离岸流;裂流

但会把你带往外海, 不会游泳的因无法久浮在水面, 或者是善泳者急著游回岸边而耗尽体力, 最后都沉入海底而溺毙"Re: 离岸流/裂流(Rip Current) 的逃生(转贴於台

Water Strider:水黾

会在水面上乱逛的昆虫当中,以水黾(water strider)最常见. 既然不知道耶稣吃不吃鱼,水黾吃不吃鱼就无关宏旨了. 最关键的是,水黾能不能像耶稣一样,至少还可以承受一位同伴的重量而不会沉下去. 这,可是水黾爱做的事,当然没问题!

Seeing,shall take heart again:会看到这脚印而振作起来

遇险沉了船,绝望的时刻, A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, | 会看到这脚印而振作起来. Seeing, shall take heart again. | 那么,让我们起来行动吧, Let us, then, be up and doing,


sinistrotorsion /左旋/ | sinkable /会沉的/ | sinkage /下沉/下沉度/低洼地/

vowing to return the day his people needed him most:发誓说,最需要的时候还会回去

"And it is said that he went into exile,|据说他我放逐,离开家... | "vowing to return the day his people needed him most.|发誓说,最需要的时候还会回去 | "So the Golden Army lay dormant,|于是黄金军队陷入沉...