英语人>词典>汉英 : 任性的 的英文翻译,例句
任性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
brainish  ·  capricious  ·  egotistic  ·  egotistical  ·  headstrong  ·  heady  ·  impulsive  ·  indulgent  ·  obstreperous  ·  ramstam  ·  unruly  ·  wayward  ·  wild  ·  wilful  ·  willful  ·  dissocial  ·  rackle  ·  headier  ·  unrulier

self-indulgent · self-willed
更多网络例句与任性的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

David's first wife, was cantankerous.


Later, the life told me: People can be capricious.


If true love you, he would never scold you, at you are very intractable of time allow you to let out, be your self-will is past of time, will discommode very much of say:Wife, I make again wrong what?


It's unfortunate, but we live in a very disposable society.


If one day, we do not willful disregard everything!


I am an egotistical person; there is no doubt about it.


Will not be headstrong when I'm on my mood swing.


My pupil was a lively child , who had been spoilt and indulged , and therefore was sometimes wayward ; but as she was committed entirely to my care , and no injudicious interference from any quarter ever thwarted my plans for her improvement , she soon forgot her little freaks , and became obedient and teachable


At least, I do not hurt others willful, wayward, why not enjoy the happiness of it!


I am a wilful child perhaps My mother was spoiled child I wayward I hope Every moment As beautiful as crayons I hope The white paper in love can draw Draw clumsy freedom Draw a never Tears in eyes Sky A sky plumage and leaves A green night and apples I want to paint in the morning Under the picture Can see the smile Under the picture all the young No pain of love She hadn't seen clouds Her eyes are clear color She looked at me forever Forever, watching Never suddenly fell away I want to paint distant scenery Under the picture of the horizon and the water is clear Painted many happy river Under the picture Lightly covered with fluff I let them get very close Let them fall in love Let each one Each a silent spring throb Have become a little birthday I also want to paint in the future I haven't seen her, it is impossible But know that she is very beautiful I painted her coat of autumn Under the burning candle painting and maple leaf Painted many because love her And out of the heart Under the picture Draw a woke up early The glass wrappers above And the fairy tales illustrations I am a wilful child I want to wipe away all the unfortunate I think in the earth Painted with Windows Let all habits dark eyes All light I want to paint surface Draw a frame under a higher than the mountains Draw down the Orient Under the picture A voice of limitless Finally, in the paper Angle I also want to paint Draw a koala He sat on the dark jungle in Victoria Sit quietly branches Become speechless He had no home No one in the distance He only, many The same dream. Berries And a big, big eyes I hope think But I wonder why I didn't receive crayons Don't get a color moment I only have me My fingers and trauma Only the pieces Love her Let them go looking for a butterfly Let them vanish from today I was a child A mother is spoiled child fantasies I wayward


更多网络解释与任性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


egotist /自我中心主义者/ | egotistic /自我本位的/任性的/ | egotistical /自我本位的/任性的/

indiscriminate: a.1:不加区别的,无选择的 2.任意的,任性的

preemptive: a.1.有优先购买(权)的 2.抢先的,先发制人的 | indiscriminate: a.1.不加区别的,无选择的 2.任意的,任性的 | feign: v.1.假装 2.捏造,伪造,虚构


pucker /折起绉纹/ | puckish /像小妖精的/恶作剧的/任性的/ | pucklike /顽皮的/恶作剧的/任性的/

ramstam:固执的, 任性的 固执地,任性地 固执者

beat it while the beatings good [口]趁早走吧, 不走就来不及了 | ramstam 固执的, 任性的 固执地,任性地 固执者 | standing wrestling 站立摔练习(将对方双腿抱起离地)


self-will 任性 | self-willed 任性的 | self-winding 自动上发条的


self-will /任性/固执/ | self-willed /任性的/顽固的/ | self-winding /自动上发条的/


unruliness 任性 | unruly 任性的 | unsaddle 解下马鞍


wayside 路旁 | wayward 任性的 | waywardly 任性地


puckish /像小妖精的/恶作剧的/任性的/ | pucklike /顽皮的/恶作剧的/任性的/ | pud /手/前脚/

rackle:任性的, 刚愎的, 鲁莽的, 激烈的, 匆忙的

racking adj.拷问的, 痛苦的 | rackle 任性的, 刚愎的, 鲁莽的, 激烈的, 匆忙的 | racket n.球拍, 喧闹纷乱 v.过着花天酒地的生活