英语人>词典>汉英 : 价值工程 的英文翻译,例句
价值工程 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

value engineering
更多网络例句与价值工程相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Here is to discuss how to bring VAVE and Benchmarking as well as price breaking-down analysis into practice, which can find the opportunity to reduce product cost.

本研究就是探讨如何综合运用价值工程法、"头脑风暴"法(BrainStorming,BS)、作业成本计算法(Activity Based Costing,ABC)、竞争对手成本分析法和标杆制度和产品分解分析法,以及成本动因分析法等一些价值工程和产品对比、分解价格分析这些手段来对汽车零部件的成本进行分析对比,开展实际零件成本比较工作,发现降低产品的成本的机会。

This paper analyze the function and cost of the software product by making use of the basic principle of the value engineering.


The second part for 2-5, carried on the detailed treatise to each step of the article frame. Among them, chapter 2 mainly introduces the theories of total value management and real estate, paves the way to analyze the next substances; chapter 3 introduces the basic theories on value engineering and the significance of value engineering application in project decision-making, and finally indicates the processes and methods of value engineering application in project decision-making with particular analysis of a case; Chapter 4 describes the management of customer value, this part use the factorization methods and factorize the factor of customer value, establishes the step analysis evaluation model, use the SPSS software to analysis the data, scooping out the "latitude degree" that concealed, which customers pay attention to. According to these, this part puts forward the factor classification and improvement; Chapter 5 describes the society responsibilities that the real estate enterprises should afford, constructs a system of target about society value management and poses the specific methods of society value management.


Functional analysis is an approach that has been successfully employed as a part of value analysis and value engineering.


In chapter two and three, combined with example, this paper discusses theapplication of value engineering in construction engineering project managementsuch as design, invitation for bid, optimization of construction organization anddesign, selection of material and equipment, and demonstrates that valueengineering can bring huge economic and social benefit in constructionengineering project management and recommends some adoptable valueengineering methods in each stage of construction engineering project for thepurpose of extending it maneuverability in construction engineering projectmanagement.


Based on value engineering, this article elaborate on application of value engineering in project management in different phase of of real estate project life cycle.


Although traditional value analysis method is not directly applied in the logic product, the value engineering of the basic thought and the theory system have the same significance of instruction for promoting the value of logic product.


The engineering cost control is the core of the engineering cost management, and it pierces through in the whole process of the engineering construction.


At the last of the paper, the author makes a number of feelings, and gives the expectation on the application of value engineering.


As he heads for Hogwarts, the chilling Dementors who trail him quickly descend upon the school."Each successive volume expands upon its predecessor with dizzyingly well-planned plots and inventive surprises," said PW in a Best Books of 2001 citation.


更多网络解释与价值工程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acquisition for value:(工程)获取价值/有偿取得

174,"acquisition evaluation "," (工程)采购评估/(资源)获得评怙" | 175,"acquisition for value "," (工程)获取价值/有偿取得" | 176,"acquisition methods ","(工程)采购方法/获取途径"


它4O年代起源于美国,麦尔斯(Miles)是价值工程的创始人. 1961年美国价值工程协会成立时他当选为该协会第一任会长. 在二战之后,由于原材料供应短缺,采购工作常常碰到难题. 经过实际工作中孜孜不倦地探索,

value engineering:价值工程

1947年,美国通用电气公司工程师麦尔斯(Mi-les)提出"价值工程"(Value Engineering)的概念,要求企业在新产品设计或者产品改造时,要从消费者的需要出发,考虑产品的成本,尽量采用新结构、新工艺、新材料以及通用件、标准件等,实现功能与成本的"匹配",

VE value engineering:价值工程

VD volume deleted 勾销的数量 | VE value engineering 价值工程 | Veep Vice president 副总裁

VE value engineering:价值工程- 由于要求降低成本,因而推动的活动

VAD Visual Aid Display 一种列出了生产线作业程序以引起操作员注意的受控... | VE Value Engineering 价值工程- 由于要求降低成本,因而推动的活动 | WI Work Instruction 指出怎样生产产品的作业指导书,可能包含图片或...

E value engineering:价值工程

D volume deleted 勾销的数量 | E value engineering 价值工程 | Veep Vice president 副总裁

Value Engineering, VE:价值工程

价值工程(value engineering ve)与价值分析(value analysis va)两种活动都是对商品的价值、功能与成本进一步做思考与探索,以小组活动方式,集思广益朝各方向寻求最佳方案,再运用体系分工的方式达成价值提升或降低成本的目标.

after-the-fact value engineering:事后价值工程

"事后价值评价","after-the-fact value appraisal" | "事后价值工程","after-the-fact value engineering" | "后像","afterimage"

vivid value engineering:活动价值工程

voice recognition 声音辨认 | vivid value engineering 活动价值工程 | vitals 主要部件


在实现产品/过程质量的持续改进过程中, 许多制造企业使用各种质量工具或软件来提高企业的质量水平, 如新旧七种工具、质量功能展开(QFD)、 发明问题解决理论(TRIZ)故障模式和效应分析(FMEA)、 价值工程(VE)、 统计过程控制(S