英语人>词典>汉英 : 以为依据 的英文翻译,例句
以为依据 的英文翻译、例句


to go by
更多网络例句与以为依据相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our aim was to investigate changes in the population-based incidence of intracerebral haemorrhage according to age and likely aetiology.


The result of this study indicant instructing death education have some major finding, and the conclusions of this study brought up as follow suggestions for preschool teachers, preschool principals, education administration unit.


The present study applied fuzzy theory and Fuzzy MCDM to build a strategy which utilizes Fuzzy MCDM for accessory negotiation. This strategy calculated every accessory's fuzzy evaluation and negotiation insistency for selection and negotiation. At last, a shopping website with the function of accessory negotiation was built on the Internet in the expectation that it can make progress in both buyers' satisfaction and sellers' earnings.

因此本研究运用模糊理论与Fuzzy MCDM的机制与方法,建立Fuzzy MCDM为附属品的协商机制之策略,计算出各附属品的模糊评估值与协商坚持度,以为遴选之依据与协商之准则;最后在网路上实作建置一个具有协商附属品功能的购物网站,藉由系统的建立期能获取消费者满意度且成就商家的营业收入之双重利基。

Objective: To study the relationship between catecholamine of amniotic fluid of parturient with pregnancy induced hypertension and cord blood and fetal prognosis.


From her portrait of you, I thought you'd be much shorter.


Plant tissue and cell culture of pyrethrum cinerariifolium Trev.


Using different concentrations of PEG solution simulated drought stress, measured PB86, PR107, RRIM600 and GT1 rubber tree seedling leaves relative water content, the relative conductivity, malondialdehyde, soluble sugar content, superoxide dismutase, 8 physiological indicators, and their changes in the law, and using principal component analysis, membership function analysis, correlation analysis grey mathematical statistical methods, such as the evaluation of four strains of rubber tree seedlings and with the drought resistance the relevance of indicators; at the same time analysing the use of hypertonic solution screening rubber tree seeds and the drought resistance of different rootstocks on 7-33-97 budding seedlings of the impact of drought that rubber tree planting material and rootstocks drought assessment, and provide a theoretical basis choice.


However,from the idealistic perspective,it is necessary to perfect Article 360 Paragraph 1 of the current Chinese Criminal Code,in order to provide legal basis for punishing all types of actions of disseminating venereal diseases in judicial practice,which in turn will further promote judicial unification and justness.


These results can be used to improve the efficiency of photodynamic therapy and the accuracy of optical diagnosis for nasopharyngeal carcinoma with HMME.


Not from the stars do I my judgement pluck, And yet methinks I have astronomy, But not to tell of good, or evil luck, Of plagues, of dearths, or seasons' quality, Nor can I fortune to brief minutes tell; Pointing to each his thunder, rain and wind, Or say with princes if it shall go well By oft predict that I in heaven find.


更多网络解释与以为依据相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]





to give way to:被...代替

770to give up放弃 | 771to give way to被...代替 | 772to go by遵循;以为依据


我们不断地被提醒: 我们的好行为绝不能作我们进天堂的依据, 而唯一能进天国的途径是藉相信基督, 使祂的功德 (merits) 归到我们身上. 我们强调这个基础教义到一个程度使人不知不觉地倾向一种想法, 以为好行为是无足轻重的和对基督徒将来的生命是全无关联的.


而将道 (yukti)作为获致正法的手段93. 因此如同<<显依据、以为基础(basis)之意,而在后世 书中则有引申解释为依止、所依的意思. 关於向(turning back)、回 (returning)、旋转(revolving)之意123;而就藏文之I<-0 而言,则有变动、


七宗罪,火线追缉令(Seven) 中的杀手杀人并非是因为嗜血 而是有着强大的理论信条加上妄念来实施他自以为的通过'审判'和布道来拯救的目的 这才是最可怕的 这个杀手也许平时连一只鸡也杀 但是他找到了依据来实施对人的毛骨悚然的谋杀 这种恐怖并非是亲眼看到某种可怕场面时感官的自然反应 而是心理上的恐怖 这使得 七宗

to go by:遵循;以为依据

771to give way to被...代替 | 772to go by遵循;以为依据 | 773to go on foot步行

to go on foot:步行

772to go by遵循;以为依据 | 773to go on foot步行 | 774to go through做完