英语人>词典>汉英 : 以...为业 的英文翻译,例句
以...为业 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
profess  ·  professes  ·  professing

更多网络例句与以...为业相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"I say this with the certainty of an academician who has based a career on such distinctions."


See "Many Models of Empowerment: Students Make a Business of Learning," and read this interview with Baez.

详细情况参见"获准的各模型:学生以学习为业。"(Many Models of Empowerment: Students Make a Business of Learning)并阅读本期采访。

The author of Confucianist school is Confucius, kong Qiu recruits chela all one's life (in all 72), impart knowledge, with " photograph ceremony " for course of study, be " Confucianism " the medium person that above average, his behavior is followed the example of, if his place says by person account, because this school that he founds is weighed by later generations,be the Confucianist.


As for Albert and Franz, they essayed not to escape from their ciceronian tyrants; and, indeed, it would have been so much the more difficult to break their bondage, as the guides alone are permitted to visit these monuments with torches in their hands.


These were the chiefs of Edom, according to their settlements in the land they occupied.


These are the clans of Edom according to their habitations in the land of their possession.


AIJIAN makes powerful brand to reach its goal, to setup a new configuration for Chinese manufactural, in order to bring gains to consumers.


More and more pundits are predicting the return in new guise of the Resolution Trust Corporation, which was tasked with taking over and offloading


The senate shall be a court, with full authority to hear and determine all impeachments made by the house of representatives, against any officer or officers of the commonwealth, for misconduct and maladminstration in their offices; but, previous to the trial of every impeachment, the members of the senate shall, respectively, be sworn truly and impartially to try and determine the charge in question, according to the evidence.

术。。议院应是立法机关的第一家分行,以及参议员人选应以下列方式,即:应在4月meetin的第一个星期一,每年永远每个县的几个镇的居民,这个联合体,被称为由selectmen,并在适当的法律途径警告说,至少在7天前 4月第一个星期一,为选举人员的目的是参议员和议员,并在每个男性居民的这类会议二十一年岁及以上,有一个对六十○磅thevalue永远为业权,应有权给予他的这些地区的居民,他是美国参议员表决。

Though there is not apparent social division of labor in traditional Yi society, handicraft production has developed to certain extent and weighed a lot in the life of some groups, such as "HongYi" in Xueshan, called "lagou" in Yi language, who cast ploughshares as a secondary occupation, and "GanYi" in Longjie, called "guo" in Yi language, who made bamboo articles for generations.


更多网络解释与以...为业相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

make a great business of:认为(某事)很难办; 把(某事)当作难办

make business of 以...为业 | make a great business of 认为(某事)很难办; 把(某事)当作难办 | make a great business of sth. 认为(某事)很难办; 把(某事)当作难办

deferred assets:递延资产

181 递延资产(deferred assets) 指已发生之支出,其效益超过一年或一个营业周期,应由以后各期负担者. 182 闲置资产(idle assets) 指目前未供营业上使用之资产. 185 出租资产(assets leased to others) 指非以投资或出租为业之商业供作出租之自有资产.



Autonym:本名, 实名,以真名发表的作品

autonumerologist | 汽车牌照专家,以研究汽车牌照为业的人 | autonym | 本名, 实名,以真名发表的作品 | autonymous | 自名的


马援在北方以放牧(browse)为业,养了很多牲畜. 他把赚来的钱全部分赠亲友,自己吃穿都很简朴. 他常用"大丈夫为志,穷当益坚,老当益壮"这句话勉励自己. 贝多芬年幼时,音乐神童莫扎特是风靡全欧洲的人物,看在贝多芬的父亲(酗酒又性格暴烈的宫廷乐师)眼中,


这里的森林业(forest-trade),与现在的林业(forestry)不同. 林业,是以经济学、林学为理论基础和行为指导方针,只注重经济效益,一切以经济为中心. 而森林业则不同,森林业是以发展学、生态学、林学为理论基础和行为指导方针,


努赫率桑海军队撤退到南方热带森在加亚(Gaya)对岸的加鲁(Garu),而侵略军在尼日尔河W 区修筑挺进基尔科(Muhammad Sorko)篡夺了. 种. 奴隶在凡发(fanfa)的监督下劳动,收成以实物地租的形式被征调和运铎人和鲍佐人(Bozo)以渔为业,


seafaring 海上工作的 | seafaring 以航海为业的 | seafaringlife 航海生活

coastal small-type whaling communities like Taiji:是在扼杀像太地町这样 以捕鲸为业的沿海小镇

International Whaling Commission is essentially killing|... | coastal small-type whaling communities like Taiji.|是在扼杀像太地町这样 以捕鲸为业的沿海小镇 | for the plight of the people of Japan?|给身处...

common carrier:公共运送人

以自有或租赁而来的运输工具运送货物或旅客为业收取费用的人,依运输工具之不同可分为海上运送人(OCEAN CARRIER),铁路运送人(RAILWAY CARRIER)公路运送人(HIGHWAY CARRIER)及航空运送人(AIRWAY CARRIER),若以服务对象来分有公共运送人(COMMON CARRIER)和私运送人(PRI