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代码 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
code  ·  codes

更多网络例句与代码相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The code plate is equipped with intelligence code, energy code, constitution code, ovulation conclusion table of women with normal catamenia as well as code positioning cooperation method.

8 ,其组成包括衬盘、生理周期盘、代码定位盘和标尺,生理周期盘、代码定位盘和标尺分别配装在衬盘的正、反两面,由盖拴固定在衬盘上,生理周期盘的月日盘周圈上设有月日相应标识,精力盘、智力盘和体力盘周圈上分别设有精、智和体力生理周期循环变化标识,内圈盘依次位于相邻外圈盘上标识内圈:代码定位盘的年份盘周圈上设有 00-99 个年份标识,代码盘上设有智力代码、精力代码、体力代码标识和月经正常女性排卵时间推算表以及代码定位操作方法;标尺为两把,分别配装在生理周期盘和代码定位盘上,生理周期盘上的标尺上设有指示标尺线,代码定位盘上的标尺设有定位代码标识框;本实用新型优生测算器结构简单,测算内容显示直观,操作简便。

The article discussed Malicious Code technique, include signature code, check sum, software emulation, etc.


So good, read a book, look big the hornbook of 2 computer science departments, see programmer manual, see server knowledge, see a website run an environment, read code, read the code of others, change code, change the code of others, write code, write oneself code that think of, take paper, keep website structure, take a pen, keep database structure, take small easel, draw website structure to pursue, my sweat, I feel suddenly I bring into contact with a term that clinking ox compares, UE stylist.


Among these strategies, the first one is used to remove implementation code of irrelative functions according to users' requirements for software functions in particular scenarios, and the others are used to optimize software performance by removing redundant code and transforming code.


The way that concretely adds a code chases advertisement code after being your website to pass to examine and arbitrarily add you can add advertised position, advertising a code can establish a color by himself/herself and descend lineation etc., but generally don't is a JS document that code is adjusted to use, constitution over put code in own website OK.


The assembly code is much worse, with staggering levels of copy-paste coding, some completely useless instructions that do nothing at all, unaligned loads/stores to what-should-be aligned data structures, and a few functions that are simply written in unfathomably roundabout ways.


I do not feel, whole grand, name or agree data structure, function, variably readable code annotate is done not have namely originally necessary contrary, to CAPI part, documentation specification is very complete Yawl keeps the problem that is not you, allegedly Matz also admits very sodden: hear of for the first time, give a source Potian writes Yawl to keep the problem that is not you, allegedly Matz also admits very sodden: hear of for the first time, give a source there is this title on the slide that Matz had made a speech 2003, but rot with code seeming is two different matters, garbled. Http://www.rubyist.net/~matz/slides/rc2003/mgp00003.htmlhttp://www.rubyist.net/~matz/slides/rc2003/mgp00004.html this is all PPThttp://www.rubyist.net/~matz/slides/rc2003/index.html Potian writes code annotate to be done not have namely originally necessary contrary, to CAPI part, documentation specification is very complete " code annotate does not have necessary " this kind of word is very arrogant still.

我不觉得,整个宏、数据结构、函数、变量的命名还是一致可读的代码注释本来就是没有必要的相反,对于CAPI部分,文档说明非常完整 yawl 写道不是你的问题,据说matz也承认很烂:)第一次听说,给个出处 potian 写道yawl 写道不是你的问题,据说matz也承认很烂:)第一次听说,给个出处2003 年 matz 做过一个讲演的幻灯片上有这个标题,但是跟代码烂好像是两回事,断章取义了。http://www.rubyist.net/~matz/slides/rc2003/mgp00003.htmlhttp://www.rubyist.net/~matz/slides/rc2003/mgp00004.html这是全部 PPThttp://www.rubyist.net/~matz/slides/rc2003/index.html potian 写道代码注释本来就是没有必要的相反,对于CAPI部分,文档说明非常完整"代码注释没有必要"这种话还是很牛的。

NET Framework class library. It is the backbone of partially trusted code and is not restricted to file access, but rather affects everything from network access to windowing and more. When you use it in your own component code, users will be able to execute code regardless of origin, and their systems will remain safe. This allows you to write code that is featureful, executes in native machine language, and is distributed across a LBN or even over the Internet. You can take advantage of this feature with only a minimal exposure to the underlying mechanics of code access security.


The main function of this system is to implement automatic analysis of malicious codes'attacking behavior by the dynamical analyzing method. The system has the flowing characteristics: 1 Automatizing the malicious codes analyzing flow which includes the attack information collection, the attack information analysis and the attack recovery. 2 Collecting comparatively detailed attack information. 3 Detecting many kinds of automatic running techniques of malicious codes. 4 Detecting a kind of attack technique of hiding information in registration table and several kinds of attack techniques of hiding process. 5 Implementing visual show of attack reports. 6 Preventing attack from diffusing by the technique of virtual machine. 7 Detecting some new malicious codes.


It displays their location, ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2-3 codes and ISO number as well asIDDD (International Direct Distance Dialing) country code and flag, FIPS PUB 10-4 and TLD code and the current time in the country.

该软件显示它们的位置,ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2-3代码以及ISO号码和IDDD(International Direct Distance Dialing)国家代码和旗帜,FIPS PUB 10-4 and TLD代码以及这些国家中的当前时间,IOC代码,ISO Currency代码和三个字母的语言缩写名称。

更多网络解释与代码相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

transportation account code:运输会计代码运输帐户代码

transportable 可运输的可移动的 | transportation account code 运输会计代码运输帐户代码 | transportation account code 运输帐户代码


爱墙代码(asp)软件介绍爱墙代码(asp)爱墙代码(asp)使用QQ爱墙2009新年风格制作,后台地址:login.asp;默认用户名,密码都是admin.爱墙代码(asp) 下载爱墙代码(asp)相关软件

main code:主代码

Boot Loader由两部分组成:OEM启动代码(OEM startup code)和主代码(main code). OEM启动代码是开始实行的部分,它的成果是初始化内存寄放器、设置CPU频率、初始化高速缓存等. 之后它跳转到主代码中实行. 一样寻常OEM启动代码都是用汇编编写.

nonexistent code:不存在代码,不存在的代码,不存在码,非法代码

nonexistent arc 不存在的弧 | nonexistent code 不存在代码,不存在的代码,不存在码,非法代码 | nonexistent code check 非法码校验,不存在代码检查

nonexistent code check:非法码校验,不存在代码检查

nonexistent code 不存在代码,不存在的代码,不存在码,非法代码 | nonexistent code check 非法码校验,不存在代码检查 | nonexpendable item 非消耗品

operation code:操作代码

这些代码,包括机场代码(Airport code),城市代码(City code),国家代码(Country code)以及其他操作代码(Operation code)在实际操作工作中的应用往往比全称重要得多,这些代码具有简洁、节省空间、容易识别等优点,在航空运输的操作过程中,

pure code:纯代码

可重入代码(Reentrant Code)又称为"纯代码"(Pure Code),是一种允许多个进程同时访问的代码. 为使各个进程所执行的代码完全相同,绝对不允许可重入代码在执行中有任何改变,因此可重入代码是不一种不允许任何进程对其进行修改的代码.

reentrant code:可重入代码

可重入代码(Reentrant Code)是一种允许多个进程同时访问的代码. 为使各个进程所执行的代码完全相同,绝对不允许可重入代码在执行中有任何改变,因此可重入代码是不一种不允许任何进程对其进行修改的代码.

code commenter:代码注解 代注解

code base 代码基底 代码基底 | code commenter 代码注解 代注解 | code components 代码组件 代码元件

code panes:代码窗格 代码窗格

code page 代码页 字码页 | code panes 代码窗格 代码窗格 | code resource 代码资源 代码资源