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抽象代码 的英文翻译、例句


abstract code
更多网络例句与抽象代码相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When you have an abstract class, you can add a new method and provide a default implementation in it.


As a general rule, if our code base is abstract it should be abstract all the way.


The sales tax rate is a detail I abstract out of the code and store externally.


An Automatic Refactoring Method of Cloned Code Using Abstract Syntax Tree and Static Analysis.


The main idea of this optimization is to strip the vtable initialization code from abstract class for abstract class the vtable is empty, while it is initialized in contructor


Instead of embedding cross-cutting code in classes, AOP allows you to abstract the cross-cutting code into a separate module and then apply the code dynamically where it is needed.


Maintenance can be a nightmare if we have concrete implementations for interfacing with some code and abstract classes and interfaces for other parts of the code (how would we then keep track of which is which and manage change?).


Name unmarshalling method call unmarshalling context method to push instance on stack unmarshal "firstName" field value from "first-name" element unmarshal "lastName" field value from "last-name" element call unmarshalling context method to pop instance from stack

JiBX 通常将解编排的代码变成虚方法添加到类中,添加的虚方法的名称以"JiBX"开头。在清单 4 中,我列出了 Customer 解编排方法的一部分抽象操作序列和 Name 解编排方法的完整抽象操作序列。

Dave Thomas: Yes, once you adopt a discipline of separating the abstraction and the data that abstraction is working on, your code starts being structured in a far tidier way. Your code tends to be decoupled and orthogonal.


But it is easily noticed that certain activities, such as the maintainance and reengineering of the software, the modernization of the code written before, remain problems unsolved in this field. The solution of these problems largely depends on the programm-intepretaion, namely, to reconstruct the demain model and to document with new characteristics through the analyzation (black- or white-box, static or dynamic) of the old code by using advanced tools.


更多网络解释与抽象代码相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abstract code:抽象代码

abstergent 洗净剂;去污的 | abstract code 抽象代码 | abstract function 抽象函数

abstract code:抽象代码,理想码

abstract 文摘,摘要 | abstract code 抽象代码,理想码 | abstract system 抽象系统

abstracted heat:抽出的热量;放出热,散失热

abstract code 抽象代码;理想码 | abstracted heat 抽出的热量;放出热,散失热 | abstract heat 散热




客户可通过代理返回的"期货"(future)获取方法执行的结果. 方法请求用于将代理上的特定方法调用的上下文信息,比如方法参数和代码,从代理传递给运行在分离线程中的调度者. 抽象方法请求类为执行主动对象方法定义接口.