英语人>词典>汉英 : 从西面 的英文翻译,例句
从西面 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The Elgin Marbles include some 17 figures from the statuary from the east and west pediments, 15 (of an original 92) of the metope panels depicting battles between the Lapiths and the Centaurs, as well as 247 feet (of an original 524 feet) of the Parthenon Frieze which decorated the horizontal course set above the interior architrave of the temple.


Exactly one month before the wedding party, till now I just get chance to catch up with my 'comrade in arms', my: host, wedding supervisor, make-up artist, photographers, chocolate maker, my alliance, and my long-distance but always caring groom, our battle is just about to start.


It was a small fishing-boat, beating up from the westward.


Out to the west toward the Great Smoky Mountains and Tennessee the sun was low and the sky rosy.


West, south, the east parts to be surrounded by channel of Yellow Sea, Korea and Japanese sea place, be from northeast inferior go southeasterly inferior with East Asia surely the road of classics.


For in that whole area that extends from the mouth of the Danube to the westernmost shores of England, and which is defined by the boundaries of the Italians and the French, and by the ocean, only one language prevailed, although later it was split up into many vernaculars by the Slavs, the Hungarians, the Teutons, the Saxons, the English, and several other nations. Only one sign of their common origin remains in almost all of them, namely that nearly all the nations listed above, when they answer in the affirmative, say i .

从多瑙河河口直到英格兰最西面的海岸,从意大利和法国的边界到大海,整个区域曾经主要是用一种语言,后来被斯拉夫人、匈牙利人、条顿人撒克逊人英国人以及其他国家的人分成很多种方言,只有一个标记在几乎所有人种中保留下来,显示他们曾经有过共同的源头,即上述所有国家在做肯定回答时都说"i "。

Zhangjiajie in the west, the paper from the grass to the left Tan, Jin Bianxi off, and then back on the water, and officially entered into the sand trench knife.


Topping a rise, he saw the road before him intersected by a dark swath, a crease of wagon tracks that emerged from the forest and meandered south across the fields; a woodsman's road, perhaps, a route from the woodchopper's harvesting-place to the farmlands west of Erchester.


Palm Beach Interactive - On the western side of A1A, only about 200 yards from the surf, Captain Doug Lubahn, 39, and other employees of a sport fishing firm called The Monster Fleet were battening down their four boats at the American Marina.


The Mitanni were an eastern Indo-European people (belonging to the linguistic "satem" group) who settled in northern Mesopotamia circa 1600 BC South-East of Turkey and by circa 1450 BC established a medium-size empire east, north and west, and temporarily made tributary vassals out of kings in the west, even as far as Kafti and making them a major threat for the Pharaoh.


更多网络解释与从西面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


从文献得知,这是一个"躺在沙马什(Shamash)院落中的出席者(attendant ),"庙宇就是为了纪念它而建的. 东院位于南院的北面,大门朝东直接通向外面. 在这个院落的一个西侧房里(6 号房屋)发现了带阶梯的水井,是沐浴的地方. 西北院位于东院的西面,

Kubu Cornwallis:康华里城堡

市内的康华里城堡(Kubu Cornwallis)建于1786年,目前仅存残垣和大炮遗迹,是旅游者必经之地. 圣乔治教堂位于城堡的西面,教堂造型美观,是最具代表性的英国建筑之一. 从圣乔治教堂西行,便可到达槟城州立博物馆. 州立博物馆也是一栋英国风格的建筑,


墨西哥湾的群岛. 由从美国佛罗里达州南端基韦斯(Key West)向西延伸的一系列珊瑚岛和沙洲中的最西面8个岛组成. 其中加登(Garden)和洛格赫德(Loggerhead)两岛建有灯塔. 1935年加登岛(多鸟类和海生动...