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从此一直 的英文翻译、例句


since then
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Granddaddy Rice's family has been Presbyterian ever since.


Yet I feel that I shall stand Henceforward in thy shadow.


Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand Henceforward in thy shadow.

走吧 。从此我就觉得一直徘徊在你的身影里。

Immediately,rose breaders began using it to hybridize red roses for cultivation.


Immediately, rose breeders began using it to hybridize red rosesfor cultivation.


A woman who spent nearly 60 years of her life with an iron lung died Wednesday after a power failure shut down the machine that kept her breathing. Dianne Odell, 61, had been confined to the machine since she was stricken by polio at 3 years of age.


Thank those flowers, and life has again been pickpocketing; those tears to make a flight, running away with the crystal; those beautiful voices, such as the Voice of Angels, as they have a dream; cloth dolls that smile again and re-blooming , but fixed in the distant heaven; them himself: I can no longer be given from this gentle love my people and I love, my secret diary from this collection never really became a secret, my if there is no memory of the color of flame, like a snake swallow a letter describing the position on the future; color my world has always been so gorgeous, the vision of girls, girls do not really have too much sky the clouds, even every ray of sunshine every day is like a butterfly-like羽翅fibrillation in my eyes, let me indulge.


Now I'm not the responsibility police and these women are hardly role models, however the Sex and The City movie would have been a far more empowering story for women if Carrie had told that emotionally unavailable, flip flapping, good for nothing, Mr Big to go take a run and jump In fact, I would have applauded if she had gone to the apartment, hurled herself into his arms, shagged him, and then bade him goodbye and walked out of the penthouse with her head held high, leaving him dazed and confused

我不警察,事故一出,就忙着负责追究责任,原本剧中设定几位主角也并非女姓楷模。但如果Carrie能叫那个一直以来不能给其承诺,态度总阴晴不定,死不足惜Mr Big从此在自己眼前消失,这部电影对于广大女姓观众来说,将会多么意义深刻范本啊。

Before she turned 15, she had an ambition to become a formidable track and field sportswoman, aiming to represent the nation in track and field athletics.


At that time, I was once afraid of losting my desire for aggressive goals because the harmonious and warm family is just in front of me and the family happiness is just within my reach.


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把"药物"(drug)硬翻译成"毒品",是一种思维定势. 美国明星不少因为毒品而死,drug就被想当然的写作"毒品". MJ在83年拍百事广告时头部被烧伤,从此一直要靠服用镇静和止痛药物来止痛,而且所用药物基本是医生开的处方药.



Henceforward in thy shadow. Nevermore:一直在你的身影里. 不再孤独

Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand 离我而去吧. 可是我觉得,我会从此 | Henceforward in thy shadow. Nevermore 一直在你的身影里. 不再孤独 | Alone upon the threshold of my door| 予于生命的边缘之门...


1959年2月6日, 基尔比向美国专利局申报专利,这种由半导体元件构成的微型固体组合件,从此被命名为"集成电路"(IC). 从那以后,基尔比一直供职于德州仪器公司,担任技术主管等职务,直到1970年才退出, 成为德州A&M大学教授.


杜鲁门.传(TRUMAN)简介:1884年,哈里.S.杜鲁门出生于拉默镇. 1901年,17岁自杜鲁门高中毕业,从此走上了独立的人生之路. 为了开创自己的事业,杜鲁门一直在努力,虽然几次生意失败,但是他并没有灰心. 第一次世界大战爆发后,杜鲁门参军了,

The Carpenters:卡朋特兄妹

1969年,卡朋特兄妹与A & M唱片公司签约,以固定的"卡朋特兄妹"(THE CARPENTERS)形式演出和录音,从此发展顺利而扬名于世界,在大约5年的时间里一直是全世界最受欢迎的流行音乐演唱组合.