英语人>词典>汉英 : 人类行为学 的英文翻译,例句
人类行为学 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anthroponomy  ·  praxiology  ·  praxeology

更多网络例句与人类行为学相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is an international and transdisciplinary journal. The journal covers the fields of Neuroendocrinology, Psychoneuroimmunology, Neuropsychopharmacology, Reproductive Medicine, Chronobiology, Human Ethology and related areas.


Study of human ethology, evolutionary psychology, and related fields.


The links below are online references for additional resources in the field of human ethology.


Human ethology research looks at the evolutionary origins of human behavior and also compares behaviors across cultures.


While the course focuses primarily on humans, it explores the intersection of human ethology and animal behavior, because there are many similarities between the two disciplines.


Architectural semiotics involves syntactics, semantics and pragmatics. Syntactics cares for architecture forms, and semantics emphasizes architectural aesthetics must born from abstract human culture, in the end, pragmatics pays attention to the semiotic affect on human deeds.


When you utilize『利用』fat it comes from a pool of lipids 『脂类』-fatty substances-throughout the body, not from one specific location, says physiologist『生理学家』Robert M. Otto, director of the Human Performance Laboratoryat Adelphi University in Garden City, N.

罗伯特·奥托,生理学家,来自纽约州达登市阿德非大学人类行为学实验室主任,指出 quot;要消耗的脂肪是来自整个身体里的很多脂肪类物质,犹如潭中取水,不是来自某一特定的部位。

As far as this purpose was adequately realized, the legal concept of property rights corresponded to the catallactic concept.


This catallactic notion of ownership and property rights is not to be confused with the legal definition of ownership and property rights as stated in the laws of various countries.


Other studies of animal behavior are based in psychology, focusing on things like learned behavior and teaching behaviors to animals and applying the results to humans.


更多网络解释与人类行为学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


例如,"行为主义"(behaviorism)认为人类的习惯仅仅是身体的(腺体的和运动神经的)条件反射的结果,而这恰恰与用意识和无意识的区分或心智的水平来解释人类行为的"精神分析学"(depth psychologies)背道而驰.

Public health:公共卫生学

ion)公共卫生学(Public health)生物极与文化极的结合精神病(mental sickness)生理与生化因素压力引起的心理与社会文化现象饮食(diet)食物的习惯与嗜好与营养水准(level of nutrition)的关系流行病学人类行为影响传播多种疾病的传染病媒介发现灰菜籽与驱虫药的关系医学人类学的根源体质人类学民族医学(ethnic medicine)文化和

Karl von Frisch:卡尔.冯.弗里施

1973年的诺贝尔生理学和医学奖授予康拉德.洛伦茨(Konrad Lorenz)、尼可拉斯.廷伯根(Nikolaas Tinbergen)和卡尔.冯.弗里施(Karl von Frisch),表彰他们对"行为学、尤其是对建立一个统一的动物和人类行为的进化理论的贡献.


praxeology 人类行为学 | praxis 行为 | PRE 部分强化效应


他认为"心理学 "(Psychology)一词源自古希腊的"灵魂"(Psyche)一词,也就是所谓的"心灵"(Soul). 所以他杜撰"人类行为学 "(Anthroponomy)一词来取代心理学,其中"Anthropo"是指人,"Nomy"是指控制人的行为之法则.


力求避免应用带有心灵色彩的术语. 他认为"心理学 "(Psychology)一词源自古希腊的"灵魂"(Psyche)一词,也就是所谓的"心灵"(Soul). 所以他杜撰"人类行为学 "(Anthroponomy)一词来取代心理学,其中"Anthropo"是指人,"Nomy"是指控制人的行为之法则.


anthroponomy 人类行为学 | anthroponomy 人体进化论 | anthropopathy 情感拟人说

prandial drinking:膳食性饮水

praise 赞美 | prandial drinking 膳食性饮水 | praxeology 人类行为学


哲学伦理学(或道德哲学)与人类行为学(Praxiology)也属于技术,是哲学性的技术. 为什么这么说?技术是要设计和规划一些事物,其目的是完成一些事或避免一些事. 道德哲学与人类行为学也是为了避免一些事或完成一些事. 二者的功能是一样的.

praxiology:人类行为学 (名)

prawn 捕虾 (动) | praxiology 人类行为学 (名) | praxis 实践; 例题; 练习; 现实 (名)