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人科 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Hominidae  ·  hominids

更多网络例句与人科相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandaled feet.


Thereafter, due to a large number of ancient human fossils found in the material, some people think that the human and ape in the new Middle and Late Miocene Tertiary (180-600 million years ago) started to divide the community a few years Dryopithecus health of various species are the ancestors of monkeys, a species which evolved into the first person Branch representatives - Ramapithecus later evolved from the Ramapithecus dating back 200 million years ago, Australopithecus, and then through the Homo erectus, early Homo sapiens, late Homo sapiens (M. Krume farmer) and evolved into modern man.


A member of the genus Homo, family Hominidae, order Primates, class Mammalia, characterized by erect posture and an opposable thumb, especially a member of the only extant species, Homo sapiens, distinguished by a highly developed brain, the capacity for abstract reasoning, and the ability to communicate by means of organized speech and record information in a variety of symbolic systems.


Zoology A member of the genusHomo, family Hominidae, order Primates, class Mammalia, characterized by erect posture and an opposable thumb, especially a member of the only extant species, Homo sapiens, distinguished by a highly developed brain, the capacity for abstract reasoning, and the ability to communicate by means of organized speech and record information in a variety of symbolic systems.


Zoology A member of the genus Homo, family Hominidae, order Primates, class Mammalia, characterized by erect posture and an opposable thumb, especially a member of the only extant species, Homo sapiens, distinguished by a highly developed brain, the capacity for abstract reasoning, and the ability to communicate by means of organized speech and record information in a variety of symbolic systems.


Genus of Old World hominoids; Miocene and Pliocene.


Experts examine growth patterns found within available Plio-Pleistocene hominid samples, and analyse variation in ontogenetic patterns and rates of development in recent modern humans in order to provide a comparative context for fossil hominid studies.

发展在(剑桥用生物 Living beings 学 Biological和进化的人类学学习)的均匀的属内的图案专家检查发展模式在可得到的Plio-Pleistocene内找到人科的样品,并且为了为守旧的人提供比较上下文,分析在在新近的现代人方面的发展的ontogenetic 图案和比率方面的变化人科的研究。

Dostoevski told God-Man from Man-God, examined the differences between the true spirit of Christ and the anti-Christ who pretended to be Messiah and led people onto the road to serfdom. Dostoevski deeply doubted reason, liberty, enlightenment, and modernity, he also carefully looked into the painful tortured hearts of intellectuals, who were the offspring of modernity. All these above are embodied penetratively in 地下室人基里洛夫, Raskolnikov,梅希金、Ivan,etc.


Nellie envisions Lakers dethroning Celtics 老尼尔森猜想湖人将废掉凯子夺冠 Golden State coach Don Nelson admires Kobe Bryant's leadership and hinted that he sees the Lakers winning it all this season.


Dostoevski told God-Man from Man-God, examined the differences between the true spirit of Christ and the anti-Christ who pretended to be Messiah and led people onto the road to serfdom. Dostoevski deeply doubted reason, liberty, enlightenment, and modernity, he also carefully looked into the painful tortured hearts of intellectuals, who were the offspring of modernity. All these above are embodied penetratively in 地下室人基里洛夫, Raskolnikov,梅希金、Ivan,etc.


更多网络解释与人科相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

geriatric medicine:(老 人 科)

18 Geriatric Medicine (老 人 科) | 20 Nephrology (肾 病 科) | 21 Neurology (脑 神 经 科)

geriatrician:老 人 科 醫 生

General Surgeon 外 科 醫 生 | Geriatrician 老 人 科 醫 生 | Gynecologist and Obstetrician 婦 產 科 醫 生


人属于动物界脊椎门(chordata)哺乳纲(mammalia)灵长目(primate)人科(hominid)人属(Homo). 灵长目的祖先体态较小,原先与其它哺乳动物一样,生活在地上. 大约6500万年前,地球上出现了第一批啮齿目(rodent)动物,由于与其竞争失利,


有一个根本的问题被忽略了:"人科动物"(hominid)的根本标志是什么呢?!恩格斯告诉我们说,人的根本特征是有目的地制造工具,以及由此发展而来的,直立行走、高度发达的智力和语言能力. 这也是19世纪后生物学界广泛认同的观点.


hominine 人的 | hominoid 人科之动物 | hominy 玉米粥

hominoid:人科之动物 (名)

hominid 原始人类 (名) | hominoid 人科之动物 (名) | hominum 人 (来自拉丁文) (名)


人工滩 beach;feeder | 人科 Anthropidae | 人科 Hominidae


真核总界 动物界 后生动物亚界 后口动物总门 脊索动物门 脊椎动物亚门 羊膜总纲 哺乳纲 真兽亚纲 灵长目 类人猿亚目 狭鼻猴次目 人猿超科 人科(Hominidae) 人亚科(Homininae) 人属(Homo) 智人种.




人亚科(Homininae)是人科动物(Hominidae)大猿的一个亚科. 人亚科原人只包括我们自己的直接祖先. 他们的历史开始于600万年到500万年前从中新世到上新世的过渡时期. 这个历史开始于基于分子测定年代技术的认识,即大约600万年前,