英语人>词典>汉英 : 人民之间的 的英文翻译,例句
人民之间的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与人民之间的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His desire to increase understanding among people took him to other countries as well.


At least five people have been killed in clashes between Bengali settlers and local tribal people.


Meanwhile, Korean movies like "Dae Jang Geum" also introduced Korean culture to Chinese people, and promoted the understanding between two countries.


Since China and USA has established diplomatic relations,there are increasing intercommunion between the two countries' people.


Kirby: Because sports is the bridge between world people.


The overall development of tourism diplomacy has brought about benefits and merits in many fields: first is contributing the nation's economy with bordering area getting more prosperous, and with the ability of foreign investment introduction improved, etc., second is showing the naiton's good image including powerful image, civilized image, friendship image and security image, etc., third is improving the outside environment of the nation, such as attracting the worldwide attention, raising up the international position of its people, upgrading the financial services internationally, and making practical Chinese language much more international, etc., fourth is transmitting national culture into the world, for example, doing more promotional activities and strengthening protectional measures on it, etc., fifth is solidifying the sino-foreign civilian friendships, including better mutual understandings between various peoples and cultural exchanges between different regions and countries.


People change so quickly, just find I am so puerility that didn't know how to deal well with the relationship between people and made myself so hard.


This article attempts to expound the related historical facts and argues that such salvage was the spontaneous actions among the peoples to begin with, reflecting and increasing the friendly relationship between the peoples of both countries; later on, because of the intervention of both governments, especially as the rulers of the Qing Dynasty pursued the policy of non intervention into Annan internal affa...


It is the wise choice to solve the conflicts by using the thoughts and methods of "win win" of "nonzero game". It can make steady transition from analogizing application of each law region to phase of unifying all substantiality laws, but also can protect the legal profit of each law region's people, boost amicable come and go of each law region's people, implement lasting reign and peace of our country an...


For example, the relationship between the ruler and the subject needs to be restated as the relationship between the government and the citizens.


更多网络解释与人民之间的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


人民对政府的意见,更多采用"抱怨"、"投诉"(complain)来表述. 人民之间有不同的意见,则形成争议(issue),往往通过辩论来确定是非,并最终由法规和权力部门(通常是法院)来裁定争端. 在分歧的舆论基础上产生的裁决,又通常带有相互妥协的成份.


今天,我们对于压迫人民的政府、贪得无厌的地主和残酷剥削工人的业主,都会冠以"封建的"(feudal)这个形容词,而且往往带着很强的贬义. 领主和侍从之间的这种紧密联系通过效忠仪式(homage)而得到一次又一次的确认:侍从跪在领主面前,

sacred and inviolable:神圣不可侵犯

people-to-people contacts and exchanges 人民之间的联系和交流 | sacred and inviolable 神圣不可侵犯 | ecocide 生态灭绝

sacred and inviolable:圣神不可侵犯

人民之间的联系和交流 people-to-people contacts and exchanges | 圣神不可侵犯 sacred and inviolable | 生态灭绝 ecocide

sacred and inviolable:神圣不可侵略

people-to-people contacts and exchanges 人民之间的联系和交流 | sacred and inviolable 神圣不可侵略 | ecocide 生态灭绝

sacred and inviolable:神圣不可侵犯bHe中国学习动力网

people-to-people contacts and exchanges 人民之间的联系和交流bHe中国学习动力网 | sacred and inviolable 神圣不可侵犯bHe中国学习动力网 | ecocide 生态灭绝bHe中国学习动力网

peddle munitions:贩卖军火

patrimonial sea承袭海 | peddle munitions 贩卖军火 | people-to-people contacts and exchanges人民之间的联系和交流




"罗马人民"(populus)一词源于"populor"意为"摧毁"、"劫掠"(注:格莱尔:<<牛津拉丁字典>>(p.g.glare,oxford latin dictiona拉斯特混淆了populus中非显贵成员与外来平民之间的界线,看不清平民没有公民权这 一事实,他说:"我们不能否认,

social contract:社会契约

仔细想了一下,实际上,首先应该明确的是(晨枫兄前面其实也已经有类似的提法),宪法只是整个"社会契约"(social contract)的一部分,而这整个契约的"两造",并不是人民和政府,而是人民中的所有个人之间(或曰公民).