英语人>词典>汉英 : 人文学者 的英文翻译,例句
人文学者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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They were both Megalopolitans; they had been scholars in the academic philosophy, and friends to Arcesilaus, and had, more than any of their contemporaries, brought philosophy to bear upon action and state affairs.


The humanistic spirit is resently understood from the point of essentialism by many Chinese scholars .

近年来 ,我国许多学者对人文精神的理解存在着本质主义的倾向。

I was going to be a complete engineer: technical genius and sensitive humanist all in one.


Instead, they tried to re-categorize the practice of lechery and selfishness which occurred at that time into the scope of "benevolence and righteousness", hoping to tackle the social crisis and right the deviation of people's thoughts from Confucianism.


Based on the summary of the works on " humanism studies " of chinese scholars in recent one hundred years, this paper explains the connotation of " humanistic spirit " and the relationship between natural sciences and humane studies, discusses the methods and skills to embody humanistic spirit in popular science writing, and quoated in particular the writing examples of the famous modern popular science writers to support its points.

摘 要]本文在总结了近百年来我国学者对"人文科学"的有关论著的基础上,说明了"人文精神"的内涵,以及自然科学与人文科学的关系;探讨了在科普创作中体现人文精神的方法与技巧;特别是引用了现代著名科普作家的创作实例,佐证了文章的立论。

By 1990s, Manchu study had gradually become a independent study out ofArts through the long-term efforts made by international experts; Tungusic Study is also taking shape.

经海内外专家学者的长期努力,到20世纪90 年代,满学开始从人文学科中逐渐形成一门独立的学科;通古斯学亦日益发展成熟。

Also during this time he took part in the movement of humanists, writers, musicians and scholars of the ancient world who formed the Florentine Camerata , the group which gathered at the home of Count Giovanni de' Bardi , and which was dedicated to recovering the supposed lost glory of ancient Greek dramatic music.


The main topics of the forum are: how to face our own issues and shift to theoretical originality,abandoning the so-called "originality overgeneralization" phenomenon of depending on western issues and engrafting eastern and western theories together;how to deepen the researches on the difficulties and questions about theoretical originality and how to implement the theoretical originality at the practical level without prating about it in the academic circle.


Therefore, unearths traditional fully the humanities resources, the promotion managerial effectiveness, becomes the Contemporary China business management scholar's historical mission.


The scholars are called humanists because they were interested in people and in the world around them.


更多网络解释与人文学者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Asian Studies:亚洲研究

除了研究自然科学的之外,搞人文社科的有相当比例的人数进入到"亚洲研究"(Asian Studies)领域. 这一专业在美国特别兴盛,无论是规模、资源,还是奖学金与从业人员数,其他西方国家的相关专业都望尘莫及. 20多年来,大陆背景的学者渐渐成为这个学科的中间力量,


科隆(Cologne)于1464年拥有自己的印刷厂,巴塞尔(Basle)则是在两年后. 巴塞尔很快因为学者编辑的古典文学书而声名大噪,稍后并由荷兰的人文主义者伊拉斯谟(DesideriusErasmus,约1466-1536)作为该地的学术顾问.

freelance writer:撰稿人

尽管一些独立的思想领袖人士仍旧从自由撰稿人(freelance writer)、艺术家、法律家和医务阶层当中产生,而且他们还在不断地提出新观点,但是绝大多数(博学的科学家和人文学者)应当起领导作用的人士,当下却处在被雇佣的地位,


而在西方,"人文"一词与"人类"(human)有关,强调的是人之为人本身. 这一点可以从"人性"(humanity)和"人文主义"(humanism)略见一斑. 不管中国学者也好,西方学者也好,基本认同人文包括两方面的含义:一是"人",一是"文". 一是关于理想的"人",


humanist 人类学者 | humanist 人文学者 | humanisthumanitarian 人道主义者


humanismhumanitarianismhumanitarism 人道主义 | humanist 人类学者 | humanist 人文学者

The Humanities:人文科學

然而,是不是在做出了这些批评观察之后,一个人文学者就可以对太空时代及其可能面临的问题,那些需要人文科学(the humanities)而且也许只有人文科学才有能力对之进行沉思的问题,置若罔闻了呢?




Germanist 日耳曼学学者,德语专家,德意志主义者 | Pan-Germanist泛德意志主义者 | humanist 人文主义者