英语人>词典>汉英 : 亲昵的 的英文翻译,例句
亲昵的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pet  ·  petted

更多网络例句与亲昵的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At that time, the real tragedy of Adventism's dallying with the "new theology" will be revealed.


Pandas are so silly that they do nothing but hold a piece of bamboo gnawing all the day, however, People endearingly call them "national treasure".


"Do come here," Fauchery repeated with the good-humored familiarity which men adopt among their fallen sisters.


Or, as John Mortimer liked to think of them, votaries of "my darling" Prince Kropotkin.


And your mother seems to prefer I go through life like a fucking prisoner while she keeps my dick in a mason jar under the sink.


I'd say Sheasy. I'm not the thickest, but I think Sheasy is probably the cleverest in the squad.


At that time, the real tragedy of Adventism's dallying with the "new theology" will be revealed.


"Yes, yes." His pet tone made me feel extremely flattered, gave me a unimagined hope.


For an instant, each was tempted to lapse into the old, familiar progression of movements toward further intimacies.


Or, as John Mortimer liked to think of them, votaries of "my darling" Prince Kropotkin.


更多网络解释与亲昵的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a pet name:昵称(表示亲昵的)

56:She's the teacher's pet.她是老师的宠儿. | 57:a pet name昵称(表示亲昵的) | 58:a pet grandchild.受溺爱的孙子


近日狗仔队又拍到库尔尼科娃和她传闻中的丈夫底特律红翼队冰球明星费德罗夫在"床"上亲昵的照片. 不过此床非彼床,安娜和费德罗夫只是在一个叫"床"(BED)的高级餐厅共进晚餐而已.


affectionate 和睦的,亲昵的 | brainy 聪明的 | courageous 勇敢的

to do research into:停止...的研讨

pet n.宠物,爱畜 a.溺爱的,表示亲昵的 | to do research into 停止...的研讨 | paralyse vt.使麻木,使瘫痪;使有力,使泄气


情感差异表现为三个不同的等级:高雅的(elevated)、中性的(neutral)和粗俗的(vulgar). 中性词没有感情色彩,而高雅词和粗俗词均带有感情色彩. 高雅词表示尊重,但有时又表敬而远之. 粗俗词表示轻蔑,但常有亲昵的感觉. 如表示"死亡"的同义词中,

fatuous: a.1:愚昧的,昏庸的 2.虚幻的,不真实的

intimacy: n.1.熟悉;亲密 2.亲昵的言语(行为) 3.私下,秘密 | fatuous: a.1.愚昧的,昏庸的 2.虚幻的,不真实的 | frankness: n.坦率,坦诚,率直


62. Pep 活力 | 63.fella小伙子,伙计,亲昵的称呼 | 64. toad 癞蛤蟆,讨厌的人

a pet grandchild:受溺爱的孙子

57:a pet name昵称(表示亲昵的) | 58:a pet grandchild.受溺爱的孙子 | 59:delightful令人愉快的, 可喜的


On the money:正中目标. | Pana:亲昵的称谓. | Pattin'pies:性交.

it was essential that I avoided all intimacies:所以我尽可能避免所有的亲昵言行

Since my job required a vow of chastity,|因为我的工作需要我洁身自好 | it was essential that I avoided all intimacies,|所以我尽可能避免所有的亲昵言行 | especially first names.|尤其是名字