英语人>词典>汉英 : 产褥 的英文翻译,例句
产褥 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Leop. Bloom there for a languor he had but was now better, he having dreamed tonight a strange fancy of his dame Mrs Moll with red slippers on in pair of Turkey trunks which is thought by those in ken to be for a change and Mistress Purefoy there, that got in through pleading her belly, and now on the stools, poor body, two days past her term, the midwives sore put to it and can't deliver, she queasy for a bowl of riceslop that is a shrewd drier up of the insides and her breath very heavy more than good and should be a bullyboy from the knocks they say, but God give her soon issue.

林奇、一苏格兰人、威尔。马登、为亲自下赌注之马伤心不已之托。利内翰和斯蒂芬。迪。利奥波。布卢姆原为解乏而来,现已略恢复元气。今晚彼曾做一奇梦:其妻摩莉足登红拖鞋,身着土耳其式紧身裤,博闻多识者谓此乃进入一个新阶段之征兆。普里福伊太太系住院待产妇[109] ,惜预产期已过二日,仍卧于产褥上,助产士焦急万分,不见分娩。灌以可充作上好收敛剂之米汤一碗,亦呕吐之,且呼吸无比困难。

Results 13 patients were stanched effectively by means of the operation of uterus suture ligation with saved without childbed infection and late postpartum hemorrhage.


Obstetrics mainly involves the entire process from woman pregnancy, delivery to childbed.


Precautionary childbed infection should cause the above element of infection to begin from the likelihood, above all gravid evening does not want the lying-in woman of the same branch of a family, notice perineal ministry is wholesome.


The happening that childbed affects lives because of sexual of gravid later period likely, carelessly wholesome, caul is defeated early, broken film time grows easier to produce infection more, before childbirth or when childbirth for many times vaginal operation, loss is produced when producing, puerpera constitution is poor, hidebound, haemorrhage is much, anaemic, pathogenic bacteria invades the film inside postpartum uterus achieve a face and diffuse to reach pelvic cavity to genital other position, the phlogistic sex that cause reacts.


Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Cefoperazone sodium and Sulbactam in the treatment of puerperal infection.

目的 评价在临床应用铃兰欣(Cefoperazone sodium and Sulbactam)治疗产褥细菌感染的有效性和安全性。

Morden medicine call these symptom as "protein poisoning complex".


The rank order of maternal deaths of cesarean section was as follows: PIH, Cardiac diseases, embolisms, haemorrhage, hepatic diseases, and infections.


更多网络解释与产褥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

childbed :产褥

childacutelaryngitis 儿童急性喉炎 | childbed 产褥 | childbehavior 儿童行为

childbed :产褥, 分娩

childbearing /分娩/ | childbed /产褥/分娩/ | childbirth /分娩/


Belly button 肚脐 | Lochia 恶露(产褥排泄) | Sanitary pad 卫生巾

pueperal morbidity:产褥病率

Sheehan's disease 席汉氏征 | pueperal morbidity 产褥病率 | pueperal infection 产褥感染

Puerperal osteophyte:产褥性骨赘

Puerperal osteodystrophy 产後骨荣养障碍 | Puerperal osteophyte 产褥性骨赘 | Puerperal scarlet fever 产褥性类猩红热; 弥漫性红斑

Puerperal scarlet fever:产褥性类猩红热; 弥漫性红斑

Puerperal osteophyte 产褥性骨赘 | Puerperal scarlet fever 产褥性类猩红热; 弥漫性红斑 | Puerperal tetanus; Postpartum tetanus; Uterine tetanus 产褥期破伤风; 子宫破伤风

puerperal infection:产褥感染

产褥感染(Puerperal infection)是指分娩及产褥期生殖道受病原体侵袭,引起局部或全身的感染,是产妇死亡的4大原因之一,对于产后发热者,首先考虑产褥感染分娩降低或破坏了女性生殖道的防御功能和自净作用若产妇营养不良、孕期贫血、胎膜早破合并慢性疾病、产程延长、产后出血等均为产褥感染的诱因产褥病率与产褥感染的含义不同

lochial:恶露的; 产褥排泄的 (形)

lochia 恶露, 产褥排泄物 (名) | lochial 恶露的; 产褥排泄的 (形) | lock on 用雷达自动跟踪

phlegmasia alba dolens puerperarum:产褥股白肿

产褥感染 puerperal infection,infection puerperalis | 产褥股白肿 phlegmasia alba dolens puerperarum | 产褥期 puerperium,puerperal state,ramus pubicus arteriae epigapuerperal state,lying-in,stegmonth

Puerperal disease; Puerperalism:产褥病

Pudendal tumor; Tumor of labia pudendi 阴唇肿瘤 | Puerperal disease; Puerperalism 产褥病 | Puerperal erysipelas 产褥丹毒