英语人>词典>汉英 : 产生印象 的英文翻译,例句
产生印象 的英文翻译、例句


make a dent
更多网络例句与产生印象相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When I first acquired an imprint of the original Russian edition of this book I sat and perused the pages in stunned silence.


This battle will be fought nationwide. In Florida, for example, the party pooh-bahs back Charlie Crist, the governor, for a soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat. Mr Crist could probably win a general election. But conservatives despise his free-spending, Barack Obama-embracing ways, and would rather gamble on Marco Rubio, a young Cuban-American who hits all their sweet spots. The National Republican Senatorial Committee has recruited an impressive batch of moderates to contest winnable seats, such as Mark Kirk in Illinois and Michael Castle in Delaware. But all are likely to face bare-knuckle conservative challengers. Vicious primaries may yield either unelectable extremists or moderates who have been wounded by attack ads and drained of money. And the party is too ill-disciplined to prevent any of this from happening. In short, the Republicans are doomed.

这场战争会在全国范围内打响,比如,在佛罗里达州,党内要人支持Charlie Crist州长去争取将要腾出来的参议院的位子,Crist先生一般来说会赢得选举,但是保守派鄙视他如同奥巴马所做的那样乱花钱,保守派宁可把赌注压在Marco Rubio这位年轻的古巴裔美国人身上,他正好处于最佳位置全国共和党参议院委员会已经招募了一群给人深刻印象的温和派,比如伊利诺伊州州的Mark Kirk和特拉华州的Michael Castle去竞争可能获胜的位子,但是他们所有人都需要去面对毫不留情的保守派挑战者,残酷的初期阶段会产生没有参选资格的极端主义者或者温和派,他们会因攻击性的广告或者钱财耗尽而受伤,并且共和党毫无纪律去防止此类事情的发生,一句话,共和党前景黯淡。

I know the end of myself with respect to this, await in those days namely, friend of my friendly to the chasteness in impression all corners of the country concerns, produced the change of world-shaking.


The author ever saw with one's own eyes witnesses a child of 2 years old of toddle, the noise as a result of a shoe implement bad already, she to make another shoe gives out noise, when walking exert all one's strength the chela palm of a foot to walk downward, after that calcaneal criterion basically not touchdown, generation giving a person walks one kind " one foot is deep, one base is low " impression, fortunately the author discovers in time, reminded the parent to dismantle noise plant, the pose that the child walks just transforms somewhat.


Along with the maturity of consumer's consumption psychology, The market competition is more and more drastically.


Because stage performance inevitably sustains interference from audience, which provokes actors to embarrassment, the practice of impression management plays an influential part, including the first impression, idealization, mystification, tact, unmeant gestures, etc..


It is to think network advertisement at or surpass traditional advertisement, cheap Mo place does not go to charge; 2 it is Shu of one-sided pursuit impression, impressional Shu is one of levels that measure network advertisement effect, but sometimes one Ge visits Ke Zai a website can produce ten Ge even Shu of two Ge impression; San is to feel integrated big website is straighter than hanging down effect of advertisement of site of is good, but accept the product ad with apparent feature of numerous target group to great majority, this kind of choice is unwise.


Intel company already took the attempt to produce impression on public, after demonstrating the prototype of processor with 80 cores, the speed level of which exceeded one teraflop.


This effect is often the result of similes and metaphors in the writing, which create powerful images in the reader's mind.


A well-expressed letter makes a far more positive impression on the reader than does an awkwardly phrased, jargon-filled letter.


更多网络解释与产生印象相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aileron chord:副翼弦[长]

issuingtransaction 发行业务 | aileron chord 副翼弦[长] | make a dent 引起注意 产生印象

communicate: v.1:传达,传递,传播 2.传染 3.显露

inclination: n.1.倾向,爱好,癖好 2.趋向,趋势 | communicate: v.1.传达,传递,传播 2.传染 3.显露 | effective: a.1.能产生(预期)结果的,有效的 2.给人深刻印象的,显著的,有力的

strike sb. as sth.: have an effort on sb.; impress sb:对某人产生效果;给人留下印象

If we can't afford a car, we'll just have to do without one. 我们要... | 2. strike sb. as sth.: have an effort on sb.; impress sb. 对某人产生效果;给人留下印象 | The plan strikes me as ridiculous. 我觉得...

First Impressions:第一印象

脸部肌肉的改变会传递讯息给大脑,大脑接收到讯息之后便会产生相对应的情绪感受. 因此,当你心情不好时,试着做出微笑的表情,可以立即改变情绪感受. >(First Impressions)的作者安?戴玛瑞斯(Ann Demarais)认为,更好的方式应该是:

I : inspiration:千万要捕捉住读书时产生的灵感

C-Copy,精彩文字要抄录下来,加深印象,这是我的笨办法; | I-Inspiration,千万要捕捉住读书时产生的灵感; | P-Peer,与同道交流,尤其是利用科学网的博客平台;

make a dent:引起注意 产生印象

aileron chord 副翼弦[长] | make a dent 引起注意 产生印象 | multiple solvent front 多溶剂前沿

make a dent:引起注意; 产生印象; 有初步进展, 完成开头阶段

peacock 孔雀 | make a dent引起注意; 产生印象; 有初步进展, 完成开头阶段 | tooty 小猫

prepositional:介词的, 前置词的 (形)

preposition 介词, 前置词 (名) | prepositional 介词的, 前置词的 (形) | prepossess 使预先产生; 预先拥有; 使产生印象 (动)

strike up:开始演奏;开始(交谈); 建立起(友谊等)

recent a. 新近的,近来的 | strike up 开始演奏;开始(交谈); 建立起(友谊等) | strike v. 冲,撞;罢工;(使)产生印象,打动;极点;发现,找到 n. 罢工

with the orderly ranks of my infantrymen:步兵队伍产生了深刻的印象

into the nursery and obviously impressed|来到托儿所 对我那整齐有序... | with the orderly ranks of my infantrymen,|步兵队伍产生了深刻的印象 | "Would you like to enter the army?" he said.|"你想参军吗?" 他...