英语人>词典>汉英 : 交迭 的英文翻译,例句
交迭 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fold  ·  folded  ·  folds

更多网络例句与交迭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is based on an ideal, existentialism, from German philosopher, Martin Heidegger. The musical materials of the composition are inspired by the musical languages between the western tonality and atonality at the end of 19th and begin of 20th century.


The two bolus tests are not diagnostically useful, as overlaps between the diagnostic groups were observed.


The Antennae Galaxies (also known as NGC 4038/NGC 4039) are a pair of galaxies about 68 million ly away in the constellation Corvus.


With the introduction of overlapping factor , a new simulation model for fiber Raman amplifiers is proposed.


Their fingers intertwine, their breaths overlap, and...


As for the use of imagery, white, green and red express the poet's deepest emotions of delight, lightheartedness and enthusiasm, respectively; the allusions are succinct and rich in meaning; the syntactic and semantic structures are primarily inductive, deductive, antecedent-consequent and abstract-concrete, and involve the skillful organization of words.


While there was no evidence of subordinate stress, one oryx which had been dominant but then was excluded for two years had three fold higher testosterone and corticosterone than the other males at estrus


While there was no evidence of subordinate stress, one oryx which had been dominant but then was excluded for two years had threefold higher testosterone and corticosterone than the other males at estrus.


In essence it is overlap and follow through.


Although they overlap in many ways, each has a different focus.


更多网络解释与交迭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Hall effect 霍尔效应 | clustered 丛生,成群 | overlap 交迭

DEC:(译码 )

对应的流水线结构分别为:取指(Ifet ch)、译码(Dec)、执行(Exec)、存储器操作(Mem)和写回寄存器(WB). 如图2所示,指令在流水线上顺序执行,但是同周期有五条指令相交迭. 所以采用流水线结构大大提高了指令的并行性,CPI近似等于1.

pairwise mutually exclusive events:两两互斥事件

overlap 交迭;相交 | pairwise mutually exclusive events 两两互斥事件 | parabola 拋物线

pairwise mutually exclusive events:两两互斥事件Btu中国学习动力网

overlap 交迭;相交Btu中国学习动力网 | pairwise mutually exclusive events 两两互斥事件Btu中国学习动力网 | parabola 拋物线Btu中国学习动力网

Follow-through and Overlapping Action:完成弧形运动与交迭

Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose 持续动作与姿势定位 | Follow Through and Overlapping Action 完成弧形运动与交迭 | Slow In and Slow Out 减速和加速


与数学上对集合求交集有所不同,获取多边形之间的"交集"(Intersection)实质上就是搜索多边形之间的"交迭"区域,然后将其转变成新的多边形. 从"编辑"下拉菜单中,选择"交集要素"(Intersect Features)选项. 这样,这些多边形之间的公共"交集"将会形成,


溢出 overflow | 过度黏合 overidentification | 交迭;相交 overlap


然后我会指出Cyc模式是如何与传统的文字冒险游戏(traditional text-adventure)交迭(overlap)的. 我还要讨论一种富有潜力同时能更为简单地建立一个互动小说专用"Cyc"的策略--用一种被称为"完全文本(meta-story)"的结构,


(59)中国传统美学以"互涵"(interrelated)和"交迭"(overlapping)为关注的重点. (60)古典小说评点家十分重视小说的结构问题. (61)奇书文体的"百回"定型结构,结构上以十回为一个单元,十回中又有次结构(二三回为一个段落),

overlapping event:交迭事件

overlapping averages,滑动平均 | overlapping event,交迭事件 | overload,过载;超负荷