英语人>词典>汉英 : 交接处 的英文翻译,例句
交接处 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与交接处相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ajax son of Telamon was more angry than any, for the man had fallen close be, him; so he aimed at Polydamas as he was retreating, but Polydamas saved himself by swerving aside and the spear struck Archelochus son of Antenor, for heaven counselled his destruction; it struck him where the head springs from the neck at the top joint of the spine, and severed both the tendons at the back of the head.

他当即 投出闪亮的枪矛,对着回退的普鲁达马斯,但后者迅速跳到一边,躲过了。。幽黑的死亡――枪尖吃中安忒诺耳之子阿耳开洛科斯,永生的神祗注定他必死的命运。枪矛扎在头颈的交接处,脊椎的最后一节,切断了两面的筋腱;所以,倒下时,他的头、嘴和鼻子抢先落地,远在腿和膝盖之前。

The so-called bearing chamfer, that is, the horizontal and vertical bearing surface of the junction.


A leak of chyle was found near the esophageal hiatus of the costophrenic angle.


We describe an 11-year-old boy with ureteropelvic obstruction secondary to pancreatitis following chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.


Seismologist William Mccann and his colleagues have identified trouble spots in a remote region of Alaska on the boundary between the North American and Pacific at which there has been only minor activity to relieve pressure for 30 years more. In some cases, all movement has ceased and the tension is such that only the most violent activity can release it.


A We are on the corner of Slade Rd.


It's a common problem happening to many new born baby - blocked tear duct, I'm no exception, but it's an easily treatable problem and I'm feeling good now.


The orange ball of the sun hesitated tremulously on the edge of the sea and then gracefully sank ,leaving its rays for a brief moment to light up the western horizon and to touch the soft curves of the sea with burnished silver.


The crack that see much of most in several residence is that a layer maneuver a wall to hand over to connect place to have the stairs form the crack creation;Hand over to connect place or beam bottom and wall body to have the level crack the creation in the house noodles and the wall body;There is Shu under the first floor window sill toward the crack creation, the window sill of each floor two wall window way outside the layer four Cape existence inclined crack;Small scaled and hollow carve in the reinforced concrete pillar and the Mao a piece of fill a wall of mutually knot existence the Shu is to the crack;It is carve a piece periphery a creation crack.


The crack that see much of most in several residence is that a layer maneuver a wall to hand over to connect place to have the stairs form the crack creation;Hand over to connect place or beam bottom and wall body to have the level crack the creation in the house noodles and the wall body;There is Shu under the first floor window sill toward the crack creation, the window sill of each floor two wall window way outside the layer four Cape existence inclined crack;Small scaled and hollow carve in the reinforced concrete pillar and the Mao a piece of fill a wall of mutually knot existence the Shu is to the crack;It is carve a piece periphery a creation crack.


更多网络解释与交接处相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在赛道转弯处,其内缘极可能为车辆轮胎跨越之地方,或为车辆通过弯顶 (Apex) 切往跑道外侧边缘之地方,在路边与路肩交接处应有材质为混凝土之路缘石之设置,通常在弯顶之路缘石基本长度不得小於2.5公尺,而在出弯外侧不可少於5公尺.

apical dominance:頂芽優勢

依原生地不同可分为两大类:蕙兰属植株主要由叶片 (leaf)、 假球茎 (pseudobulb)、 鞘叶(sheath leaf)及肥大的根 (root)组成,叶片和鞘叶在与假球茎交接处都有潜伏芽, 这些潜伏芽的萌发受到顶芽优势 (Apical dominance)控制,在假球茎膨大部位上方的潜伏芽较不易萌发,


比如说模型创建时"面"(Face)的数目会直接影响到纹理的疏密. 虽然这会有效地防止纹理的缩减,但在面与面的交接处会出现不均匀的现象. 你可以注意到,在此图中只有那个胶囊状物件的贴图是恰当的

flaccid paralysis:松弛性瘫痪

肉毒杆菌素进入人体后,会经由血液循环来到我们的周边神经系统,然后粘结到神经肌肉交接处的神经末端,使一种叫乙醯胆碱(Acetylcholine)的神经传导物质的分泌受到阻断,结果由上源神经系统传来的动作命令无法传达给肌肉系统,因而发生松弛性瘫痪(flaccid paralysis).


包括两种细胞:胶质(glia)细胞及神经元(neurons)细胞(p.60)神经系统包括两种细胞:胶质(glia)细胞及神经元(neurons)细胞(p.60)神经元细胞 构造(见图2.9)分为轴突(Axons)及树突(Dendrites)神经系统包括两种细胞:胶质(glia)细胞及神经元(neurons)细胞(p.60)交接处称为突触(synapse),

cortical nephron:皮质肾元

肾元可分为皮质肾元(cortical nephron)和近髓质肾元(juxtamedullary nephron)两类. 皮质肾元的肾丝球位於皮质的外围,近髓质肾元的肾丝球接近皮质与髓质的交接处. 近髓质肾元的亨利氏环较长,集尿功能较强. ...< 前页


Turn: 赛道交接处有个弯道 | Opens: 弯道出口很宽阔 | Tightens: 弯道出口很窄


CO2与接受阳光,宽的部份为叶片(blade),叶柄(petiole)为叶片与茎之交接处. 在叶柄与茎之间的所夹的锐角为叶腋(leaf axil),侧芽(axillary bud)由此而出,可分化为另一枝或花. 有些叶片具特殊功能,如保护花蕾、攀附、储藏、捕捉昆虫等.

Ligation and division of short saphenous vein at sapheno- popliteal junction:小隐静脉在隐-膝腘静脉交接处的结扎和分离

颈静脉结扎 Ligation of j... | 小隐静脉在隐-膝腘静脉交接处的结扎和分离Ligation and division of short saphenous vein at sapheno- popliteal junction | 其它小静脉曲张之缝合,结扎或剥除 Suture, ligation or s...

junctional premature beat:交接处性过早搏动,交界性期前收缩

junctional membrane ==> 联结膜 | junctional premature beat ==> 交接处性过早搏动,交界性期前收缩 | junctional reciprocal rhythm ==> 交界性反复心律