英语人>词典>汉英 : 交换意见 的英文翻译,例句
交换意见 的英文翻译、例句


compare notes · give and take · exchange of views
更多网络例句与交换意见相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hu said he will meet with Japan's Emperor Akihito, have an in-depth exchange of views with Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda on bilateral relations and other issues of common concern, and have extensive contact with Japanese people from different walks of life.


I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to exchange views with you.


Exchange opinions with your parents frequently so you both can be on good terms with each other.

a。 经常和父母交换意见,这样你们双方的关系就会很融洽。

This chatroom is about Love,We can exchange opinions about this.


He is now comparing note with his co- worker about the job.


And you and I compare notes.


After doing some more research, confab'ing with some pro shamans, and reading lots of forum posts, we decided this was probably a sufficient niche for CL and trying to push it into a purely AE role would mean a loss of fun for some shamans.


We confer on equal terms with each of the States


I'm going to consult with my publisher about my forthcoming book.


In order to remove completely all excuse and leave no pretext of any impediment to anyone who is obliged to attend, in addition to the public guarantee which was clearly granted at the summoning of this council to all coming to it we give, concede and grant, acting on the advice and power mentioned above with the same council's approval, to each and all who have been accustomed to be present at the meetings of general councils and are coming to the present Lateran council, as well as to members of their personal staff, of whatever status rank, order and condition or nobility they may be, ecclesiastical and secular, a free, safe and secure safe-conduct and, by apostolic authority in the meaning of the present letter, full protection in all its aspects, for themselves and for all their possessions of any kind as they pass through cities, territories and places, by sea and land, which are subject to the said Roman church, for the journey to the Lateran council in Rome, for remaining in the city of freedom, for exchanging views according to their opinions, for departing therefrom as often as they may wish and also after four months from the conclusion and dispersal of the said council; and we promise to give readily other safe-conducts and guarantees to those desiring to have them.


更多网络解释与交换意见相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be bent on doing sth:专心致志地做某事

94.take----nationality入---国籍; | 95.be bent on doing sth专心致志地做某事; | 96.compare notes商量,交换意见;

compare notes:交换意见

cold pig: 泼醒人所用的冷水 | compare notes: 交换意见 | dry goods: 谷物(英),纺织品(美)

compare notes:商量,交换意见

95.be bent on doing sth专心致志地做某事; | 96.compare notes商量,交换意见; | 97.put an end to结束、停止;

compare notes on:探讨研究,交换意见

arrange the schedule 安排日程 | compare notes on 探讨研究,交换意见 | report back to the head office 向总部汇报

Parents should compare notes with children:父母和孩子之意应交换意见

compare notes交换意见,商量: | Parents should compare notes with children. 父母和孩子之意应交换意见. | Every week they got together and compared notes. 他们每星期都碰头交换意见.

confer with:交换意见

PMSG 孕马血清促性腺激素 | confer with 交换意见 | fumonisin 串珠镰孢菌素,伏马菌素

give and take:平等交换;交换意见

part and parcel 重要部分 | give and take 平等交换;交换意见 | mock and satire 冷嘲热讽

problem solving:解决问题

(3)解决问题(problem solving),指学生共同努力解决某项任务. (4)决策性任务(decision making)要求学生共同完成某一任务,任务结果有多种,他们可以选择完成其中的一个结果. (5)交换意见(opinion exchange),指让学生进行讨论和交换观点、看法.

Quid pro quo:交换

事实上,这里面体现了一种信任和交换(quid pro quo),即基于获得某些有价值的东西的期望而给予其他有价值的东西. 当然,并不是任何不满的一方都将被给予听取意见的机会. 根据WTO的职能,尽管可能受到严重影响但却与贸易无关的利益,

Unequal Exchange:不平等交换

这种机制在依附论学者以及大部分左翼倾向学者中有不同的表述,比较共同的意见是,国际分工或国际专业化分工所造成的"不平等交换"(unequal exchange)导致外围国家在发展中越来越被置于世界的底部.