英语人>词典>汉英 : 亚述研究 的英文翻译,例句
亚述研究 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Assyriology now applies to a much wider field: the study of all the civilizations in Mesopotamia and all related questions.


Assyriology rests on information from archeological excavations on the one hand and on the study of written documents by philologists on the other hand .


Lit., Professor of Assyriology, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, England 怀斯曼,唐纳德j.


In less than twenty years, Chinese Assyriologists has achieved outstanding success and exert a great influence in the world. At the beginning of the new century, not only Chinese Assyriology faces serious challenges, but also is vested with opportunities of development. zgwww.comKey words: Assyriology, China, cuneiform


The branch of science dealing with the study of ancient civilizations in the Near East is called 'Assyriology', named after an Assyrian empire uncovered by the first archeological excavations.


Whatever they borrowed, this pessimism they did not borrow -- not from Greek thought, which was a joyous acknowledgment of and homage to the beautiful and noble in this world, with a studied disregard of the element of sorrow; not from Egyptian thought, which did not allow its elaborate speculations on retribution and judgment in the netherworld to cast a gloom on this present existence, but considered the universe created or evolved under the presiding wisdom of Thoth; not from Iranian thought, which held to the absolute supremacy of Ahura Mazda and only allowed Ahriman a subordinate share in the creation, or rather counter-creation, of the world; not from Indian Brahminic thought, which was Pantheism pure and simple, or God dwelling in, nay identified with, the universe, rather than the Universe existing as the contradictory of God; not, lastly, from Semitic thought, for Semitic religions were strangely reticent as to the fate of the soul after death, and saw all practical wisdom in the worship of Baal, or Marduk, or Assur, or Hadad, that they might live long on this earth.


An ancient inscription memorializing Jerusalem's salvation from Assyrian invaders 2,700 years ago is to be returned to the Holy Land from Turkey for study and public display.


更多网络解释与亚述研究相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Assyriologist:亚述研究者, 亚述专家

Assyrian /亚述的/亚述人的/亚述语的/亚述人/ | Assyriologist /亚述研究者/亚述专家/ | Assyriology /亚述研究/亚述学/


这一门研究美索不达米亚的历史与文化的学问,就是十九世纪后期和二十世纪前期的著名的亚述学(Assyriology). 亚述学除研究文物古迹外,也研究历史语言文字. 自1843年以来,迄今的一百五十馀年间,近东的考古学以1927年美国的考古队重回豪尔萨巴德为分界线,


Assyriology 亚述学 | Assyriology 亚述研究 | Astacusfluviatilisnipperseaturtlepincerpincers 螯

Assyriology:亚述研究, 亚述学

Assyriologist /亚述研究者/亚述专家/ | Assyriology /亚述研究/亚述学/ | Astarte /阿斯德尔特神/


东闪语(East semitic):源自米索波大米亚的阿卡德人(Akkadian),分成两小支,即亚述语(Assyrian)和巴比伦语(Babylonian). 我们对它们的认识全是从石头或泥板上的楔形文字得来的,如图二在埃及的El我還是把語言學家對希伯來文的研究跟大家分享一二:...希伯來文是閃語(semitic)的一支.

Nineveh:尼尼微 尼尼微

要进行这项研究,并不意味着必须去发掘像尼尼微尼尼微(Nineveh)是古代亚述帝国的首都,现已不存,其遗址在如今的伊拉克北部. 或巴比伦那样的古墓里,因为与西亚那些已经消亡的昔日帝国墓地不同,中国是一个具有无穷精力之民族的故乡,