英语人>词典>汉英 : 亚历山大大帝 的英文翻译,例句
亚历山大大帝 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

Alexander the Great
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Upon his death in 323 BC, the body of Alexandros was prepared for transport to and burial at the Oasis of Siwa, the Ammonion, as per his wishes, and to the dismay of his Makedonian soldiers and companions.


The apocalyptic traditions about Alexander the Great in medieval apocalyptic literature and also in the midrashic literature-for example, the tradition of Alexander imprisoning Gog and Magog behind the mountains of darkness in the far north.


One of the most prominent Molossi kings was Alexander of Epirus who died in 330 B.C. His sister was Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great.


It is certain that he refounded a city in Margiana ; up till then, it had been known as Alexandria (because it was founded by Alexander the Great or his general Craterus in 328), but from now on, it was to be called Antiochia.

可以肯定的是,他refounded市马尔吉安;直至然后,它被称为亚历山大(因为它是由亚历山大大帝或其一般克拉特罗斯 328 ),但是从现在起,将被Antiochia要求。

The Museum of Alexandria, a real university, still maintained a precarious existence until 415 when in riots incited by the Christians, the last remnants of Alexandrian schools of philosophy and science were swept away and the last notable teacher and philosopher of that school, Hypatia (370 - 415) fell a victim to the violence of the mob.

亚历山大大帝图书馆,一所真正的大学,仍维持不稳定状态直到受基督徒煽动发生暴乱时期,亚历山大大帝哲学和自然科学学校最后的遗迹被横扫一空,学校最著名的老师和哲学家Hypatia(370 – 415年)成为了暴徒暴动的牺牲品。

Alexander the Great, also known as Alexander III, was an AncientGreek king of Macedon during the time of 336323 BC.


The name of the city dates back to its founder, the Macedonian leader Alexander the Great, he came to Egypt in 332b.c, and its one of the most beautiful Mediterranean citiesThe Graeco-Roman museum built in 1893,most of its pieces date back to the Graeco-Roman period, its also includes some pharaonic monuments.


The name of the city dates back to its founder, the Macedonian leader Alexander the Great, he came to Egypt in 332b.c, and its one of the most beautiful Mediterranean citiesThe Graeco-Roman museum built in 1893,most of its pieces date back to the Graeco-Roman period, its also includes some pharaonic monuments.The national museum of Alexandria considered one of the most unique museum of the world for the main aim behind its construction as its narrates a story of acity across different ages from the past and till now.


The name of the city dates back to its founder, the Macedonian leader Alexander the Great, he came to Egypt in 332b.c, and its one of the most beautiful Mediterranean citiesThe Graeco-Roman museum built in 1893,most of its pieces date back to the Graeco-Roman period, its also includes some pharaonic monuments.The national museum of Alexandria considered one of the most unique museum of the world for the main aim behind its construction as its narrates a story of acity across different ages from the past and till now.

说明: 在你在开罗不要错过机会,充分一日游,看看亚历山大,享受medterine海,所有这一切美好的事物有这个名字的城市可以追溯到其创始人,领导者的马其顿亚历山大大帝,他来到埃及332b.c,它的一个最美丽的地中海城市旅游行程从您的酒店在开罗7我会向您可在亚历山大访问希腊罗马博物馆建於1893年,其大部分作品追溯到希腊罗马时期,它也包括一些法老遗址。

The name of the city dates back to its founder, the Macedonian leader Alexander the Great, he came to Egypt in 332b.c, and its one of the most beautiful Mediterranean citiesThe Graeco-Roman museum built in 1893,most of its pieces date back to the Graeco-Roman period, its also includes some pharaonic monuments.The national museum of Alexandria considered one of the most unique museum of the world for the main aim behind its construction as its narrates a story of acity across different ages from the past and till now.


更多网络解释与亚历山大大帝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


看过"亚历山大大帝"(Alexander)的人都会有印象,雅典人都是能言善辩的人,他们靠雄辩来取得尊重和他人的崇敬. 每次出征之前,亚历山大都要在众士兵前慷慨激昂的来一段讲演,鼓舞士气. 在雅典,带军打仗的将军要文武兼备,不仅骁勇善战,




Alexandria | 亚历山大大帝 | Alexandrian | 亚历山大港(Alexandria)的 | Alexandrine | 亚历山大诗行 亚历山大格式的

Thrace, under Alexander the Great:色雷斯,亚历山大大帝统治下

Thrace 色雷斯-选自现代卷 | Thrace, under Alexander the Great 色雷斯,亚历山大大帝统治下 | Thrace 色雷斯-选自古代卷

Alexander the Great:亚历山大大帝

在香港开镜,其后辗转到泰国、澳门、上海等地进行拍摄工作,并请来法国著名的BUF公司负责影片的特技效果. 该公司曾为<<骇客任务>>(Matrix 2, 3)二、三集、<<斗阵俱乐部>>(Flight Club) 、和<<亚历山大大帝>>(Alexander the Great)等电影制作特技.

under Alexander the Great:亚历山大大帝统治下

a Umma 温玛-选自古代卷 | under Alexander the Great 亚历山大大帝统治下 | under Alexander the Great 亚历山大大帝统治下

Discovery Alexander The Great:亚历山大大帝

[驯鹿返乡] Discovery Return of the Caribou | [亚历山大大帝] Discovery Alexander The Great | [耶路撒冷] Discovery Jerusalem City of Heavin

Cilicia, under Alexander the Great:西利西亚 亚历山大大帝统治下

Cicero西塞罗-选自古代卷 | Cilicia, under Alexander the Great 西利西亚 亚历山大大帝统治下 | Cimbrians 基姆布利人

Home to Alexander the Great:(亚历山大大帝的故乡)

Hint: All the words are country names 所有单词均为国家名 | 1. Home to Alexander the Great (亚历山大大帝的故乡) | 2. Lion City, Asian Tiger (狮城,亚洲四小龙之一)

Cyrenaica, at the time of Alexander the Great:昔兰尼加,亚历山大大帝时代

Cyrenaica 昔兰尼加-选自中世纪卷 | Cyrenaica, at the time of Alexander the Great 昔兰尼加,亚历山大大帝时代 | Cyrene库伦尼-选自王以欣<<神话>>