英语人>词典>汉英 : 互相有关系 的英文翻译,例句
互相有关系 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
correlate  ·  correlates  ·  correlating

更多网络例句与互相有关系相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Both it is the relation with cross correlation, influential each other.


According to experimental results and etiopathogenisis and pathology of osteoporosis , and analyzing review investigation on hepcidin、associations of bone metabolism and iron metabolism and relations of ferri ion and calcium ion,we can make conclusions as follows: 1、We applied single manmade intervention approach to induce osteoporosis model in this study, there was no other influential factor. In the termination of test , rats bone density and bone histological anatomy indicated that osteoporosis model was creditable,meanwhile hepatic functional enzyme and hepatic microtome section demonstrated that hepatic function had noci-influence induced by medicinal herbs resource. Accordingly, we could believe that hepatic hepcidin gene expression and serum hepcidin contents can represent internal iron metabolism changes at selected test time. 2、In this investigation, different findings between test group and control group indicated that:according to changes of hepcidin gene expression measured by RT-PCR and changes of serum hepcidin contents determined by ELISA kit , there were correlations between hepcidin and rat osteoporosis model induced by retinoic acid. 3、Under the condition of this investigation,there was a interactive hypothesis as follows: Hepcidin iron metabolism←→ferriion←→calcium ion←→osteoporosis.


Relations between the neighbours for much of the past two millennia have been marked by brief bursts of mutual admiration interspersed with lashings of trouble, strife and, on occasion, total war.


After the establishment of Republic of China, the signification of Collection of nations was paid more attention to. For the expression of national relationship, there were different version such as nation monogenism and nation Assimilation, all are emphasized the monogenism and assimilation in genesis. In later 1930's, nation amalgamation became the main expression which focused on the amalgation of nations as well as the eguality. All the expression influenced each other and founded Chinese history and culture. Chinese nation has become the public cognition.


Everybody pays attention to everybody else — but no one is ignored or ostracized — you can't starve, you can't be sick alone, you can't lie injured unattended, you can't have hidden or undiscussed problems for long if they affect your work or your relations with people.


You can get first options at clubs, have different types of relationships around the world, and utilise your relationships with other managery linking up with those that you have a good relationship with via manager interaction.


The constitution original thought concept of our country thinks always that under socialist system, worker is with enterprise and is the consistent foundation of fundamental interests between country on mutually cooperation relation, even if have contradiction, is also nonantagonistic, may also solve through the way of consultation conciliation.


The sense of texture intertwines with the sense of strokes, giving us not only a powerful impact on our sight, but also strong impacts on our minds. Audience cannot help but stop before his works, pondering at the pictures, at the relationships between shapes of colors, at the aesthetic sensations and imaginations. In this process, we do not only have a better understanding of the images portrayed in the works of art, but feel the excitement from the interaction between his works and our minds.


The safety image of the enterprise is the publicity of the society and whole staff about the work safety in the enterprise including substantial safety image, image of safety behavior, spiritual image and image about safety achievements. The safety image and safety culture intersect and link to each other in many aspects such as in their perception, system, appearance, and functions.


1B1 the name transferred to that intimate and reciprocal relationship formed between men by the bonds of love, friendship, trust, just as between parents and children 1b2 in affectionate address, such as patrons, helpers, teachers and the like employ: my child 1b3 in the NT, pupils or disciples are called children of their teachers, because the latter by their instruction nourish the minds of their pupils and mould their characters 1b4 children of God: in the OT of "the people of Israel" as especially dear to God, in the NT, in Paul's writings, all who are led by the Spirit of God and thus closely related to God 1b5 children of the devil: those who in thought and action are prompted by the devil, and so reflect his character 1c metaph.

1b1 这字被借来指人与人之间因爱,友谊,信任所结合成的亲蜜与互相的关系,如同父母与子女间的关系一般 1b2 一种慈爱的态度,如守护者,救助者,帮手,老师,和如同雇工般的自己的孩子 1b3 在新约时代,学生和门徒被称为他们老师的子女,因为老师的教导培育了学生的思想和塑造了他们的个性 1b4 神的子女:在旧约中的&以色列之民&,指其和神特别亲近;新约中保罗的书信中,用以指所有接受圣灵带领而和神有亲近的关系的人 1b5 恶魔之子:指在思想及行为受魔鬼影响,而反映出其邪恶特质的人 1c 隐喻。

更多网络解释与互相有关系相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


医患关系有赖于建立全科医师/家庭医师与病人之间的互相信任,用来描述这种信任的其他术语有"契约"(covenant)、"协约"(pact)、"伙伴"(partnership)和"相互或共同的责任(mutual- commitment).


从前好勇斗狠的人一言不合就会伸手拔出 (draw)短剑 (dagger)怒目相视准备拚命,所以, at daggers drawn就是 " 互相仇视 " 、 " 关系紧张 " 的意思. 留意这个成语往往和介系词 with连用, drawn字有时会略去,例如:

Data Structure:据结构

数据结构(Data Structure)是指互相之间存在着一种或多种关系的数据元素的集合. 在任何问题中,数据元素之间都不会是孤立的,在它们之间都存在着这样或那样的关系,这种数据元素之间的关系称为结构. 根据数据元素间关系的不同特性,通常有下列四类基本的结构:


与校长因相互吸引、彼此认同、互相欣赏而且有良性的互动教师,较易成为校长的内群(in group)份子,在公私两方面会彼此相互照顾. 事实上,Peter(1997)的分群法,将教师分为内群(in group)与外群(out group)的二分法里教师与校长的关系,


在开始一段恋爱关系之前,如果有一个因素我们必须准备好,那就是要有一个相对独立的自己. 我们都知道,恋爱的基础就是两个独立的(independent)人的互相依赖(Interdependence). 所以,独立在亲密关系中是那么的重要!

interrelated:有互相关系的 (形)

interrelate 使相互关连; 相互关连 (动) | interrelated 有互相关系的 (形) | interrelation 相互关系 (名)

Nitrogen Narcosis:氮醉

可透过胶衣明显觉得水温下降了. 最后我们很快便找到洞口,此处水深约 42 米. 因我们使用压缩空气的关系,要提防氮醉 (Nitrogen Narcosis) 的发生,不时要互相观察队友状况. 我们见到洞口有一铁柱竖立,

the difference between tweedledum and tweedledee:几乎没有什么差别

split the difference 妥协, 折中, 互相让步 | the difference between tweedledum and tweedledee 几乎没有什么差别 | What's the difference? 这有什么关系呢?