英语人>词典>汉英 : 于尔 的英文翻译,例句
于尔 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与于尔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Two canicule ago, the Amir of Kuwait, whose country is the additional better shareholder, accustomed a appointment from the group'schief controlling Jurgen Schrempp.


Chemical Philosophers:Chemical Medicine from Paracelsus to Van Helmont,载于《科学史》History

狄博斯的其他相关研究论著包括:《化学论哲学家:从帕拉塞尔苏斯到范·赫尔蒙特的化学论医学》 The

The company has always been committed to the cause of China's import and export development, the Acting world's third-largest maker of construction machinery CASE company's Series 60 horizontal directional drilling rig, M series of backhoe loader and the United States麦克尔罗伊of the company's PE Fusion Splicer, the United States DCI's control to the instrument, and other products.


NSU in 1873 in the Danube River瑞德林root the establishment of the founder of the two Swabian mechanics, a Christian Schmidt Clay, another is called the sea希斯特尔by Lane.


According to the Wall Street Journal, Marchionne also met yesterday with the head of the North Rhine-Westphalia government, Juergen Ruettgers, in Cologne, and he will meet with Dieter Althaus, head of Thuringia, soon.


"I have warned that there could be viruses originating in swine jumping to humans and creating pandemics," says Juergen Richt, a veterinary virologist at Kansas State University.


"I have warned that there could be viruses originating in swine jumping to humans and creating pandemics," says Juergen Richt, a veterinary virologist at Kansas State University.


War and politics in Afghanistan 阿富汗的战争与政治 McChrystal in the bull ring 斗牛圈中的麦克里斯托尔 Sep 3rd 2009 | KABUL From The Economist print edition NATO is running out of time in Afghanistan 北约在阿富汗耗尽了时间 CALL it the " Matador Doctrine ": a beast charges pointlessly at the bullfighter's cape, exhausting itself and suffering endless small wounds, until it succumbs to a weaker opponent.


Next to Malms and close to the centre of the room is ISL's former top bean counter Hans-Jurg Schmid.


In the contemporary Spain most famous matadors is 科尔多 the bess. In August, 1965 a month, died under his sword bull reaches 64 heads, created for a month to kill cow most records.


更多网络解释与于尔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Johanna Sigurdardottir:约翰娜西于尔扎多蒂

新当选的冰岛首位女总理约翰娜.西于尔扎多蒂(Johanna Sigurdardottir)甚至是个公开的女同性恋者. 至于如今最大名鼎鼎的女性政治人物,非希拉里莫属,从第一夫人到竞选总统,直至坐上国务卿的宝座,希拉里从来就不是省油的灯. 政坛层出不穷的女强人,

Johanna Sigurdardottir:过渡政府总理:约翰娜.西于尔扎多蒂

冰岛总统:奥拉维尔.拉格纳.格里姆松 Olafur Ragnar Grimsson | 过渡政府总理:约翰娜.西于尔扎多蒂 Johanna Sigurdardottir | 马耳他总统:爱德华.费内克.阿达米 Edward Fenech Adami


水晶(Crystal),、于尔根(Jurgen)、妮可( NIC)、亚洲( Asia)、 科尔庆(Kroenchen )和巴姆斯(Bamse)从各自的熊区搬进了这个近似"疗养院"的特护区,在迟暮之年享受这个能满足它们特别需求的环境.

Jurgen Klinsmann:于尔根.克林斯曼

于尔根.克林斯曼(Jurgen Klinsmann) 出生:1964年7月30日 身高:1.81 体重:76kg 国籍:德国 俱乐部:退役 场上位置:前锋 加入的时间: 曾经呆过的俱乐部:斯图加特、国际米兰、摩纳哥、 托特纳姆、拜仁慕尼黑 荣誉:1990年世界杯、1996年欧洲杯冠军 职务:德国国家队队长 场上位置: 中锋 国家队入球: 108 场入47球 世界杯入球:8球

Jurgen Klinsmann:于尔根.克林斯曼(德国)

Jose Luis Chilavert 奇拉维特(阿根廷萨斯菲尔德俱乐部) | Jurgen Klinsmann 于尔根.克林斯曼(德国) | Luis Enrique Martinez 路易斯.恩里克.马丁内斯(西班牙巴塞罗那俱乐部)

Jurgen Kohler:橡皮膏药"于尔根.科勒

Andreas Moller:从尤文回归的安迪.穆勒 | Jurgen Kohler:"橡皮膏药"于尔根.科勒 | Silva Julio Cesar:儒里奥.塞萨尔,绝对的铁闸

REIMNITZ, Juergen:于尔根.赖姆尼茨

reimbursing agent;偿付银行;; | REIMNITZ, Juergen;于尔根.赖姆尼茨;; | REIMUNDIN, Eduardo RAMOS-;爱德华多.拉莫斯-雷蒙丁;;

DEMBSKI, Juergen:于尔根.登布斯基

DEMBRI, Mohamed Salah;穆罕默德.萨拉赫.德姆布里;; | DEMBSKI, Juergen;于尔根.登布斯基;; | DEME, Mamadou;马马杜.德梅;;

OESTREICH, Juergen:于尔根.厄斯特赖希

notification by the Secretary General;秘书长提送的通知书;; | OESTREICH, Juergen;于尔根.厄斯特赖希;; | off-balance-sheet financing;资产负债表外筹资;;

OESTERHELT, Juergen:于尔根.厄斯特黑尔特

oecumenicalrelieforganization世界基督教救济组织 | OESTERHELT,Juergen于尔根?厄斯特黑尔特 | OesterreichischeLaenderbank奥地利联邦银行