英语人>词典>汉英 : 二度烧伤 的英文翻译,例句
二度烧伤 的英文翻译、例句


second-degree burn
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A second-degree burn involves all of the epidermis and much of the corium.


The three classifications of first-degree burn, second-degree burn and third-degree burn will help you determine emergency care


If the second-degree burn is no larger than 2 to 3 inches in diameter, treat it as a minor burn.


In a second-degree burn, damage extends into the dermis, with redness and blister s.


In a second-degree burn, damage extends into the dermis, with redness and blisters.


OBJECTIVE L-arginine is a semiessential dibasic amino acid for humans and animals. This paper aims to investigate the therapeutic effect of L-arginine supplementation on partial-thickness burned patients.

目的 通过观察烧伤后胃肠途径给予L-精氨酸对二度烧伤免疫功能和营养代谢的影响,探讨L-精氨酸对二度烧伤的治疗作用。

Objective To evaluate the influence of necrotic tissue on progressive injury in deep partial thickness burn wounds.

目的 为探讨深二度烧伤创面坏死组织持续存在对创面组织进行性损害的影响。

Since the skin appendages are destroyed , there is no epithelium available for regeneration of the skin . An ulcerating wound is produced , which in healing leaves a scar .


The death radius by blast fireballs is smaller than that by blast wave, the 2nd burn radius is smaller than the 50% eardrum rupture radius, and the 1st burn radius is smaller than the 1% eardrum rupture radius, if the amount of gas fuel which contributes to vapour cloud explosions is less than 1×10〓kg propane.


Second-degree burn When the first layer of skin has been burned through and the second layer of skin also is burned, the injury is termed a second-degree burn.


更多网络解释与二度烧伤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


粟丘疹(milium)可分原发性及继发性二种. 前者由毳毛漏斗部下端的上皮所形成,后者继发于大疱性类天疱疮、营养不良性表皮松解性大疱病、迟发性皮肤卟啉病等表皮下大疱病、二度烧伤及皮肤磨削术后表皮或皮肤附属器上皮增生所致的潴留性囊肿

second-class maintenance:二级保养

second-channel frequency 镜像频率,镜像频率 | second-class maintenance 二级保养 | second-degree burn 二度烧伤

second-degree erythema:二度红斑

second-degree burn 二度烧伤 | second-degree erythema 二度红斑 | second-degree parabola 二次抛物线

Sulfadiazine Silver:磺胺嘧啶银

3.外用磺胺药 磺胺嘧啶银(sulfadiazine silver)能发挥sd及硝酸银两者的抗菌作用,抗菌谱广,对绿脓杆菌抑制作用强大,尚有收敛作用,能促进创面的愈合,适用于二度或三度烧伤.