英语人>词典>汉英 : 二年一次的 的英文翻译,例句
二年一次的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
biennial  ·  biyearly

更多网络例句与二年一次的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1859 he made a third visit, this time under the patronage of the Czar, Alexander II.


Analysts were anticipating a large number thanks to continued improvement in the economy, a snap back effect from a snowy February, and the hiring of tens of thousands of temporary workers to help complete America's decennial census.


The examination for operation certificates, you have to pass it every other year, is of great important. The aim of the examination is to test and to promote one's skill constantly and to avoid ignorant intrepidity.


In 1924, the Winter Olympic games were added, and an increasing number of countries joined the quadrennial event.


His madness became clear in 2000, when, to his amazement, he lost what amounted to a referendum on his two-decade rule. Mr Mugabe turned wrecker.


The annual member survey reports that AAFPRS surgeons completed a projected 10,700 rhinoplasties in 2006, with an average number of individual AAFPRS members performing an estimated 53.5 rhinoplasties per year.


The annual member surey reports that AAFPRS surgeons completed a projected 10,700 rhinoplasties in 2006, with an aerage number of indiidual AAFPRS members performing an estimated 53.5 rhinoplasties per year.


A biennial life cycle; parsnips and carrots are biennial plants often grown as annuals.


Examples in which the Red Army, for this reason, failed to break the enemy's "encirclement and suppression" campaigns were its defeat in 1928 in the Haifeng-Lufeng area of Kwangtung Province, and its loss of freedom of action in 1932 in the fourth counter-campaign against the enemy's "encirclement and suppression" in the Hupeh-Honan Anhwei border area, where the Red Army acted on the theory that the Kuomintang army was merely an auxiliary force.


Z XII (Z 12)十二( 12 ) December 14 , 191412月14日, 1914年 11 attacks in northern France and at the eastern front, dropping 20,000 kg bombs; By the summer of 1915 the LZ 12 had dropped around 9 tons of bombs on the trunk railway line between Warsaw and Petrograd and the stations at Malkin and Bialystok ; one flight carried a load of 3 tons.


更多网络解释与二年一次的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


semiannual (每) 半年的,一年两次的 | biannual 一年二次的 | biennial 二年生植物,二年一次的


biennial 二年一次的事 | biennially 每两年 | biennially 二年一次地

biennially:二年一次地, 每两年

biennial /二年生植物/二年一次的事/二年生的/二年一次的/ | biennially /二年一次地/每两年/ | biennialy /每二年一次地/

biyearly:每年两次的, 二年一次的 <单词词性>两年一次地

peh 希伯来语的第十七个字母(亦作 pe) | biyearly 每年两次的, 二年一次的 两年一次地 | tear out 撕下, 扯下


biyearly 每年两次 | biyearly 二年一次 | bizarreeerieeerypreternatural 奇异的


biennial 二年生植物,二年一次的事 | triennial 每三年一次的 | centennial 百年纪念


bicameral (议会)两院制的 | bicolored 二色的 | biennial 每两年一次的

vicennial:(每)二十年的, 每二十年一次的

scotch carpet 苏格兰地毯 | vicennial (每)二十年的, 每二十年一次的 | irreducible algebraic family 不可约代 数族

biennials:两年生的 二年生的

biennial plant 两年生植物 二年生植物 Y | biennials 两年生的 二年生的 Y | big-bang 终生一胎 一次產卵性 Y

tear out:撕下, 扯下

biyearly 每年两次的, 二年一次的 <单词词性>两年一次地 | tear out 撕下, 扯下 | Gilderoy 吉尔德罗伊(苏格兰一盗贼名)