英语人>词典>汉英 : 二头肌 的英文翻译,例句
二头肌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

musculus biceps
更多网络例句与二头肌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You should seek full development in terms of thickness and fullness of your biceps muscle attachments, plus optimum accentuation of the biceps peaks.


The biceps also contribute to the movement, however try to minimize biceps involvement as the ...


So, many have spent much time in training biceps, especially with barbell biceps curl.


Forearm flexor origin from the medial epicondyle was exposed to allow tunneling of the long head tendon underneath the flexor origin.


EMG signal analysis software from DASYLab 6.0 rectus femoralis, biceps femoris, tibialis anterior , the gastrocnemius and other muscles of the original EMG signal, the 10-500Hz to the band-pass filter processing, the full-wave rectifier on the turn, rate of 10 Hz low-pass smoothing wave treatment, and then by the integral operation, the available IEMG values, and divided by the integral interval of time, come to the average EMG EMG signal amplitude, and action cycle the largest standardized EMG values.

肌电讯号由DASYLab 6.0软体分析股直肌、股二头肌、胫骨前肌、腓肠肌等肌群之原始肌电讯号后,进行10-500Hz的band-pass滤波处理,经全波整流上翻、10 Hz低通率波平滑化处理,再经积分运算后,可得积分肌电值,并除以积分区间之作用时间,得出肌电讯号的平均肌电振幅,并以动作周期中最大肌电值进行标准化处理。

Study on lipid oxidation of Rugao ham during traditional past-ageing process: An investigation was carried out on oxidative processes of Semimembranosus, Biceps femoris and Subcutaneous fat in dry-cured ham during 12 months past-ageing storage.


Applying RQA, we analyse the EMG of biceps brachii muscle and brachioradialis muscle under different loads, point out the percent recurrence of brachioradialis muscle is higher than that of biceps brachii muscle and more periodic.


The fitting function of SEMG signal indexes and the vibration parameter change of the key parts of a human body are achieved by the regression analysis method, including the biceps brachii, erector spinae and biceps femoris. Carrying on grading to the subjective feeling, the objective method of comfort evaluation based on SEMG signals of human body under the different vibration environment is proposed.


Results: MRI findings included: 13 cases of abnormality of the rotator cuff, 4 of abnormality of the glenoid labrum, 2 of abnormality of both the rotator cuff and long head of biceps tendon, 2 of abnormality of long head of biceps tendon,5 of subacromial bursitis, 4 of abnormality of bony structure.


On magnetic resonance imaging examination, the thigh, calf, arm, and paravertebral muscles were selectively involved, especially in the paravertebral, biceps brachii, gluteus maximus and medius, vastus lateralis and medialis, sartorius, adductor magnus, tibialis anterior, soleus, lateral head of gastrocnemius, and peroneus longus muscles.


更多网络解释与二头肌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Standing Bice Curl:(站立式二头肌屈接)

Seated Trice Exte ion(三头肌屈接) | Standing Bice Curl(站立式二头肌屈接) | Trice Pushdown(三头肌下推)


bicavitary 两腔的 | biceps 二头的,二头肌 | bichromate cell 重铬酸盐电池

biceps brachii:二头肌

完全成长暴龙的肱二头肌(Biceps brachii)能够举起199公斤的重量;二头肌也可以增加这个数值. 暴龙前臂的移动范围有限,肩膀与手肘关节只能做出40到45度的旋转. 而恐爪龙的肩膀与手肘关节可以做出88到100度的旋转幅度,人类的肩膀关节可以做出360度的旋转,

biceps reflex:二头肌反射

(1)二头肌反射(biceps reflex)使患者的前臂屈曲90o,检查者把一手的拇指放置于肱二头肌腱上,用另一手持叩诊锤叩打其拇指甲,此时因二头肌收缩,前臂出现屈曲运动.

biceps reflex:二头肌反射,肱二头肌反射

bicarbonate ion concentration 重碳酸钙盐离子 | biceps reflex 二头肌反射,肱二头肌反射 | Bichat's canal 蛛网膜管

bicipital tuberosity:二头肌粗隆

biciliate | 双纤毛的 | bicipital tuberosity | 二头肌粗隆 | bicipital | 有两头的, 二头肌


\\"二房性心动电流图\\",\\"bicardiogram\\" | \\"二头的,二头肌的\\",\\"bicipital,bicipitous\\" | \\"结间滑液囊\\",\\"bicipital,bicipitous bursa\\"

long head of biceps femurs muscle:股二头肌长头

二头肌 biceps m.of thigh 206 | 股二头肌长头 long head of biceps femurs muscle 186 | 股方肌 quadrate m.of thigh 186


Bicep curl machine 二头肌训练机 | Bicep 二头肌训练机 | Cable column 复合拉伸机

This bicep:这个二头肌

She touched my bicep, for crying out loud.|她还摸我的二头肌尖叫 | This bicep?|这个二头肌? | Well, it's not flexed right now.|是我现在没挤它