英语人>词典>汉英 : 二分法 的英文翻译,例句
二分法 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dichotomy  ·  dichotomies

method of bisection
更多网络例句与二分法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For Vitry the breve could be divided , for an entire composition, or section of one, into groups of two or three smaller semibreve this way, the tempus( the term that came to denote the division of the breve) could be either"perfect", with ternary subdivision, or "imperfect" with binary subdivision.


In hyperelliptic curve cryptosystem,the most important and costliest operation is the scalar multiplication,and the halving algorithm is more effective than the doubling algorithm.


In this system,arc length of the curve between two points is calculated by Simpson method,and then observer's position and orientation at every frame are deduced by bisection.


Dichotomy, a simple iterative method Yi Newton iteration of these three methods for nonlinear equations ro...


The Winklhofer method is an exact method.But Winklhofer method cannot calculate centerdistance of a roller chain drive whose length of chain is an odd number of chain pitches.Involute function method is anapproximative method.

W ink lhofer方法是准确的计算方法,但只能用于链条总长是链节的偶数倍时的链传动,而渐开线法是近似法,不能精确地计算链传动中心距;而二分法是一种数值法,它可精确地计算链传动中心距,并且适用于链条总长是任意值的链传动,可计算出链传动中心距最大值和最小值。

The first one is to generate the circle for each borderline segment of the component by considering the segment length and the prescribed tolerance value. If this is not the case, the borderline segment will be equally divided into halves until the obtained circle satisfies the tolerance value over the whole borderlines of the component. The basic idea of the last two algorithms aims at covering the domain occupied by the component as much as possible. The circle generation is carried out sequentially from salient angle to the sector formed by the salient angle till the uncovered borderline segments of the component. Particularly, the three-step algorithm with gap allows that the generated circles are distributed with gap along the component contour.


In the analysis of language sign, there are two different ways: dichotomy suggested by Saussure and trichotomy suggested by Peirce.


In ancient times, civil society is a concept that corresponds to the natural state .However, in modern times, Western thinkers have begun to put forward a concept of civil society which is set up based on the dichotomy of state and society, and to the contemporary, the people also began to use the trichotomy of s...


After this,it is examined whether there is zero point in each sub-interval vector.

然后, 采用区间二分法对给定的区间矢量进行二分并判断每个区间是否有解。

In contrast, the Ars Nova period introduced two important changes, the first was an even smaller subdivision of notes(semibreves, could now be devided into minim) the second was the development of "mensuration". By the time of Ars Nova, the perfect division of the tempus was not the only option as duple divisions became more accepted.


更多网络解释与二分法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bisection method:二分法

本研究以二分法(bisection method)求使行式值为零的根,当设定角为β=0°时,本研究用类似的方法求得一组非齐次方程式,再以高斯消去法解该非齐次方程式求得侧向稳态变形.

dichotomizing search:对分检索二分法搜索

dibit 二组位 | dichotomizing search 对分检索二分法搜索 | dichotomy 对分

dichotomizing search:对分[半]检索, 二分法检索

revertive impulse circuit 反向脉冲电路 | dichotomizing search 对分[半]检索, 二分法检索 | caryozoic 核内寄生的


在方法论上,"二分法"(dichotomy)错误的产生,一方面,是因为把各种关系看成是静止的、非历史的;另一方面,是把历史看成是可还原的、非联系的. 这种二分法的错误方法,会把社会科学研究引入歧途. 因为各种关系是处在特定历史环境中的关系,

dichotomy method:二分法 二分法

diatropic 横向性的 橫屈曲性 Y | dichotomy method 二分法 二分法 Y | dicotyledon 双子叶植物 雙子葉植物 Y

dichotomy method:二分法

diatropic 橫屈曲性 | dichotomy method 二分法 | dicyclic 複周期性;雙環的

Double dichotomy:双次二分法

Dotted map 点图 | Double dichotomy 双次二分法 | Double entry table 双列表

Dichotomy, double:双次二分法

Dichotomy 二分法 | Dichotomy, double 双次二分法 | Dictogram 实体图

dichotomic method:二分法

二分 bipartition | 二分法 dichotomic method | 二分檢索表 dichotomous key

method of dichotomic classification:二分法

正误法 method of right and wrong cases | 二分法 method of dichotomic classification | 双重分离 double dissociation