英语人>词典>汉英 : 事实问题 的英文翻译,例句
事实问题 的英文翻译、例句


matter of fact · fact question · matters of fact · quaestio facti · question of fact
更多网络例句与事实问题相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As there is the difference between the judicial review about the administrative affirmance of facts in administrative litigation and the review about the affirmance of facts in civil litigation and criminal litigation and there is the difference between the judicial review and the administrative affirmance of facts, on the premise of the necessary respect for the administrative affirmance of facts, courts should, based on whether the process of the administrative affirmance of facts and the putative facts is rational or not, adopt different judicial review standard to the different generic problem of administrative facts .


He explores such problem consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action which seems appropriate in the light of the factual and moral information which he has obtained.


He explores such problems consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action which seems appropriate in the light of the factual and moral information which he has obtained.


In the light of 按照,根据,当作 according to He explores such problem consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action which seems appropriate in the light of the factual and moral information which he has obtained.


There will thus be a penumbra of counterfactual cases where the question of whether two things would be the same is not a matter of fact.


But the following case shows that whether a particular issue is one of fact or one of law may sometimes be hard to decide.


From the distinguishing the issue of law and fact,the ChapterⅥ educes the mixedissue interposing between the issue of law and the issue of fact,that is,rule-applicationissue that applies the legal provisions to specific facts.


The question of fact is to the affirmation of the objective situation at the same time, the legal question is the appraisal on the question of fact, direct against that legal question make to it adjudicates to be to have public trust for the future case of resembling One has function of restraining.


The question as to whether a duty of care has been breached is a question of fact, not one of law.


The questions put to those early juries were usually questions of fact or mixed questions of fact and law.


更多网络解释与事实问题相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brass tacks:基本事实,实质问题

3. At one time: 同时,曾经 | 4. Brass tacks: 基本事实,实质问题 | 5. Work table: 工作台

counterfactual conditional:反事实条件句

除了让哲学家在讨论时有一个具体的概念可以用之外,可能世界还涉及了一些哲学问题,例如跨世界等同(cross-world identity)及关於二维语意论(two-dimensional semantics)或反事实条件句(counterfactual conditional)的问题等等,待我自己弄得清楚一些

emerge vi.1:出现,浮出;2.(问题)冒出,(事实)暴露

+embroidery n.刺绣 | emerge vi.1.出现,浮出;2.(问题)冒出,(事实)暴露 | emergency n.突发事件,紧急情况


单声道机型的峰值表现较佳, 也没有串音 (crosstalk) 的问题.一般的爱乐者常常被一些杂志上的 "事实" (fact) 与 "意见" (opinion) 所困惑. "事实"的意义是:一个可以科学方法, 重覆验证, 测量的科学实验. "水往低处流"是一个事实.


正是在此限度内,人们可以领会并接受这一事实(Factum). 也正是在这些被决定因此也就是物质的限度内,所谓问题的形式性(formality)才得到支撑. 这一"存在问题的形式结构"一经海德格尔提出,

Issue of Fact:事实问题

在英美法系中,法律审可以指下列几种情况:第一指在有陪审团参与审理的刑事和民事案件中,"陪审团的职责是参加庭审,听取证据,然后进行评议,就诉讼中的事实" [45]作出裁断,由陪审团来决定事实问题(issue of fact);而法官则只决定有关的法律问题(issue of law),

Issue of Law:法律问题

在英美法系中,法律审包括以下几种情况:1、在有陪审团参加审理的刑事和民事案件中,陪审团就诉讼中的事实问题(issue of fact)进行裁断;法官在陪审团认定的事实基础上决定有关法律问题(issue of law),此种意义的法律审和事实审多是表明陪审团和法官各自处理的问题不同而已,

matter of fact:事实问题

在陪审制度之下,推论纯属事实问题(matter of fact),推论之是非、对错,绝非法律审所得置喙. 但推定则不然,推定事实之存在,系法律所拟制,其中自然涉及法律适用,本质上属于法律问题(matter of law),法律适用之是非、对错,当然属于法律审审究之范畴. "

stylized fact:典型事实

事实审查:Trial of fact | 典型事实:stylized fact | 事实问题:Issue of Fact


在一个涉及"交易(trade)"这一词的解释的英国税收案件中,Lord Radcliffe说,"在所有这些案件中,事实以(两者中的)任何一种方式确保判决正当化,这些案件被描述为度(degree)的问题,因此也被认为是事实问题.