英语人>词典>汉英 : 事务上的 的英文翻译,例句
事务上的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The jungle fever might not have killed him if he had not been driven mad by the business troubles, and the business troubles might not have put an end to him if the jungle fever had not assisted.


This is merely a technicality, but could you show me your license?


Untainted by Iraq, France may be able to help in places where America and Britain are unwelcome.


China prefers to style itself as a poor country largely focused on its own affairs -- a low-key approach in keeping with late leader Deng Xiaoping's instruction to 'hide one's capacities and bide one's time.


House of Budget Committee Chairman Democratic representative John Spratt has is quoted as deriding in his words, President Bush's "dismal legacy" in fiscal matters, converting record surpluses into record deficits.

美国众议院预算委员会主席、民主党代表 John Spratt 在他的说话中嘲弄布什总统在财政事务上的&差劲的遗产&把历史上最大的顺差转变称了最大的赤字。

For so shall you procure peace and surety to yourselves in time to come ; and by despatching out of the way the great men, there shall be an equality in liberty, and no difference in degree of nobility; but a like dignity and equal authority in all things brought in among you.


A person who meddles in the affairs of others.


A person who meddles or pries into the affairs of others .


The existence of outer power stayed in Arab world destroys union of geography, society, economy, culture and spirits of Arab world, separates the connection of different regions, obstacles development of Arab unity movement which is thought to be outer factors. However, deeper reasons should be found in inner world. Inner reasons include that political structure of Arab world and deeply dispute weakens the base of Pan-Arabism movement. In local region, the thoughts of Religious Minorities and Sectarianism deny and destroy Arab nationalism movement and its premise-the sincerity of country. Some non-Arab nations pursuit the unity of theirs own not the whole Arab nations. Regional Nationalism and Islamism obstacle the development of Pan-Arab unity movement Weak sovereignty of Arab countries and diverse political rules weaken the political base of movement of Pan-Arab unity. Unbalance of economy, culture and base of society between different regions also lag the unified movement.


On this recommendation, Mr Bush needs to insist on his prerogatives as custodian of America's foreign policy and just say no.


更多网络解释与事务上的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



attorney at law:或attorney (美)律师(法律事务上的代理人)

9 part-time lawyer 兼职律师 | 10 attorney-at-law 或attorney (美)律师(法律事务上的代理人) | 11 government lawyer 政府机关的律师


摘要报告中的可能方案如同"卡通片"(cartoon),缺乏详细的成本、进度表、技术上的、安全上的及其它细则. 一些立法者称,他们不需要一份告诉他们NASA在财政事务方面的报告.


都仅仅扮演着象征意义上的角色. 加国的实际事务由其加国人民通过其内部的民主议会制决定. 正因为贵国纸头上和现实中存在的巨大差别,达赖喇嘛才希望为西藏争取到"真正的"(Genuine)自治--就像是>中允许的那样.

In Appearance:外观上

审计师的独立是指在事实上(In fact)与在外观上(In appearance)均能客观地及不偏不倚地执行审计及会计的事务. 因此,即使会计师自己认为关系绝不影响自己的独立、公正性,但只要在别人眼里认为关系会影响会计师的独立性,


在你们互相关系上,在处理事务上,在诉讼及争辩上,你都遵照他的训令,接受他的决定,......你的这重态度,就叫做劳役(Servitude)或"尔巴代提". 简单地说,伊斯兰真正的目标是消除人对人的统治,并在地球上建立一个安拉的王国. 为达此目的,


SIP Servlets用于开发可以处理SIP信令(signalling)的应用程序,比如电话和现场应用程序. 与J2EE HTTP Servlets类似,后者是驻留在web/应用服务器上的Java应用程序,处理服务器端的事务,而SIP Servlets则驻留在基于SIP Servlet的应用服务器上,

great occasions:只有在日常事务上尽责的人,才能在重大事情上尽责

Only that which is honestly got is gain. 正当的收入才是真正的收入. | great occasions. 只有在日常事务上尽责的人,才能在重大事情上尽责. | Open confession is good for the soul. 坦白交代,身心愉快.

How do you coordinate with each other on practical maters, ie. Cooking, cleaning, etc:你们在实际的事务上是怎样配搭的,譬如饮食,整洁方面

8. Which local church are... | 10. How do you coordinate with each other on practical maters, ie. Cooking, cleaning, etc.? 你们在实际的事务上是怎样配搭的,譬如饮食,整洁方面? | 11. Are you involved with ...

letter of introduction:介绍信

(二)介绍信(letter of introduction)介绍信也是一种常见的英文书信. 私人之间的交往,各种大型的会议交流以及其它商业事务 上的业务联系,常常要用到这种书信. (三)