英语人>词典>汉英 : 事先认为 的英文翻译,例句
事先认为 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
preconceive  ·  preconceives  ·  preconceiving

更多网络例句与事先认为相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While it may well have been panic, I do not believe that it was necessarily "cut and dried" as suggested.


We like to think Darley and Batson beat the crap out of some random dude to make it more realistic, but sources say otherwise.


We wish and desire to put into effect a decree of this general council [45 ] which lays down, among other things, that general councils must always be held in the place which the supreme pontiff, with the consent and approval of the council, is bound to depute and assign, within the month before the end of this council, as the place for the next council after the end of the present one.

李柱铭等,我们希望和愿望付诸实施了一项法令,这项总理事会〔 45 〕,其中规定,除其他事项外,一般认为,议会必须始终被扣押在地方最高的教宗,事先征得其同意与批准安理会的同意,势必 depute和转让,将在本月在本月底之前,安理会作为地方未来会结束后,现在的一。

The following types of licensing practices have been found to be contrary to US antitrust law: Requiring a licensee to purchase separate unpatented products as a condition of obtaining the license for a patented product; Requiring mandatory package licensing; Forming a cartel through exclusive cross-licensing; Using a patent, trademark or trade secret as the basis for an agreement that restrains where, how or to whom a patented product is disposed of in the US after the licenser or licensee has sold the product to an independent purchaser; Agreeing in relation to a license that no further licenses will be granted to a third party without the licensee's consent; Requiring a licensee to adhere to any specified or minimum price for the licensee's sale of the licensed products; Insisting as a condition of the license that the licensee pay royalties in an amount not reasonably related to the licensee's sale of products covered by the licensed rights; Attempting to enforce a patent license or collect a royalty beyond the term of the patent (the same reasoning could apply to attempts to enforce or collect royalties on a license based on know-how that has entered the public domain); and Requiring a licensee to agree in advance to grant back to the licenser title or an exclusive license on any new patents or trade secrets related to the licensed technology rights that the licensee may obtain or develop.


And so I think what a miracle it would be if this miracle which man attends eternally should turn out to be nothing more than these two enormous turds which the faithful disciple dropped in the bidet. What if at the last moment, when the banquet table is set and the cymbals clash, there should appear suddenly, and wholly without warning, a silver platter on which even the blind could see that there is nothing more, and nothing less, than two enormous lumps of shit. That, I believe would be more miraculous than anything which man has looked forward to.


A shop girl was the destiny prefigure d for the newcomer.


Chaoyang Court case, considers that the case is the focus of controversy 3 : Subscription book is the nature of effective ;3 million; The defendant did not know in advance whether the "pre-sale permit".


Legal experts believe that If the landlord tenant has been informed by the police over punishment, then he intends to re-rental, must first understand the right tenant, and in a timely manner in accordance with the relevant provisions to the police station to record.


7 Subject as hereinafter provided, any such Receiver may, for the purpose of defraying any costs, charges, losses or expenses which shall be incurred by him in the exercise of the powers, authorities and discretion vested in him and for all other purposes hereof or any of them, raise and borrow money on the security of the Property or any part thereof or any interest therein either in priority to the moneys hereby secured and the security hereby constituted or otherwise and at such rate of interest and generally on such terms and conditions as he may think fit and no person lending any such money shall be concerned to enquire as to the propriety or purpose of the exercise of this power or to see to the application of any moneys so raised or borrowed provided however that a Receiver shall not exercise this present power without first obtaining the prior written consent of the Lender

11.7 除下文另有规定外,任何接管人为支付在行使获赋予的权力、权限及酌情决定权时所招致的任何费用、收费、损失或开支,并为本契据所有其他目的或其中任何目的,可按其认为适当的利率,并一般而言按其认为适当的条款及条件,将物业或其任何部份或其中任何权益作抵押,以筹集与借取款项,该款项可排在以本契据担保归还的款项及以本契据构成的抵押之前,或依照其他先后次序。借出上述款项的人士,无须关注查究行使此权力是否恰当或为何目的,或关注如何应用上述筹集或借贷所得款项,但接管人未经贷款人事先书面同意,不得行使此权力

3 Enter into and upon and take possession of the Property or any part thereof (and for such purpose take any legal proceedings), and thenceforth to hold, possess and enjoy the same and to receive the rents and profits thereof without any lawful interruption or disturbance by the Borrower or any other person and/or (subject to any lease or tenancy granted by the Borrower with the Lender's prior written consent) let or lease the same or any part thereof at such rent, for such period and upon such terms and conditions as the Lender shall think fit and appoint any person at such reasonable and proper remuneration as the Lender shall determine to collect the rents and profits of the Property on behalf of the Lender, and surrender and accept the surrender of leases or tenancies of the Property

8.2.3 进入物业与取得物业或其任何部份的管有权(并为此目的提起任何法律程序),并从此在不受借款人或其他人任何合法干扰或骚扰的情况下,持有、管有与享有物业或其任何部份,以及就物业或其任何部份收取租金及收益,并/或(在不抵触经贷款人事先书面同意由借款人批出的任何租契或租约下)以贷款人认为合适的租金、租期、条款及条件,将物业或其任何部份出租或供人租赁;以贷款人认为合理与恰当的报酬,委任任何人代贷款人收取物业的租金及收益;退回物业的租约或租赁,以及接受退租

更多网络解释与事先认为相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这个婴儿还不会爬(crawl),更不要说走了. (let alone)(5)有些人想当然地认为日语(Japanese)中的每一个词(8)事先没有仔细阅读合同(contract)就签了名是吉姆(5) 当海啸(tsunami)袭来时,许多东南亚国家遭受了failed. (9)她病得很厉害,


但是由于他们受到当时在法国流行的实证主义和唯能论思潮的影响,这不仅使他们过于谨慎,而且事先就倾向于一种毫无结果的热力学模型. 他们错误地认为,放射性物质的射气(Emanation)不是普通的物质,而是一种能量,从而妨碍了他们走卢瑟福在1903年所走的道路.


个人 individual | 事先认为 preconceive | 非故意的 unintentionally


这是码头(quay)贸易的问题,这时还不叫船坞(dock). 城市被认为是发展中的:许多事物、事情和要素,将会到来或者发生. 为了应付某种事先不能确切知道的事物,必须做些什么呢?有个很简单的设想,就是利用卢瓦尔河(Loire)的岸堤来修筑尽可能最长的、最大的码头.


事先认为 preconceive | 非故意的 unintentionally | 来自 originate


如果地方对露宿的限制过于模糊(vague),以至普通公民无法事先知道什么是法律禁止的行为,那么地方规定就不符合正当程序要求. 然而,迄今为止,绝大多数美国法院认为这类规定并不过分模糊,并具备适当的公共利益为其宪法依据.