英语人>词典>汉英 : 事先准备的 的英文翻译,例句
事先准备的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与事先准备的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You often need more animation of a motion sequence than is provided in the motion capture data.


Extemporaneous talking is not entitled to be heard.


I never resort to a prepared script — anyone who does not have it in his head to do 30 minutes extemporaneous talking is not entitled to be heard.


Sort. I never resort to a prepared script — anyone who does not have it in his head to do 30 minutes extemporaneous talking is not entitled to be heard.


Luckily I'd had the foresight to get in plenty of food.


Once the water has reached the desired temperature remove the pump and heater and half of the water content, then pre-clean the rock in a bucket of saltwater by swishing it around to remove any debris and lose organisms then put it in the prepared water.


Kuragin was to get her into a sledge that was to be all ready with three horses in it, and to drive her off sixty versts from Moscow to the village of Kamenka, where an unfrocked priest was in readiness to perform a marriage ceremony over them. At Kamenka a relay of horses was to be in readiness, which was to take them as far as the Warsaw road, and thence they were to hasten abroad by means of post-horses.


Crumpit, the Grinch and his dog Max lived for years in solitude until one Christmas Eve night he decided to steal all of the Who's bamboozles, blunders, and even their roast beast.


"Mattel takes full responsibility for these recalls and apologises personally to you, the Chinese people, and all of our customers who received the toys," Mr Debrowski said.


When cooled, stock made from meat congeals because of the natural gelatin found in the meat. The stock can be clarified with egg whites , and then filled and flavored just before the aspic sets. Almost any type of food can be set into aspics. Most common are meat pieces, fruits , or vegetables . Aspics are usually served on cold plates so that the gel will not melt before being eaten. A meat jelly that includes cream is called a chaud-froid.


更多网络解释与事先准备的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a capriccio:无事先准备的,随意发挥的

a cappella无伴奏合唱 | a capriccio无事先准备的,随意发挥的 | accentato加重音的,加重的

cut and dried:事先准备好的;枯燥无味的

cut throat 害人的 | cut-and-dried 事先准备好的;枯燥无味的 | dark horse 黑马;冷门


cutsthout阻止;停止;故障;占上风 | cutthroat害人的 | cut-and-dried事先准备好的;枯燥无味的


[3]即兴而作(improvisation)最初用于描述爵士乐队未做事先准备的演奏活动,这里是指想法的形成、执行和完成几乎同时发生. 即兴而作虽然不能保证每次都能成功,但作为一个创造过程,是为开发新事物进行的一种尝试. 后来,

Off Hand:马上, 立即, 事先无准备地; 即席的; 现凑的; 随随便 便的

Nothing is stolen without hands. [谚]无贼不失窃. | off hand 马上, 立即, 事先无准备地; 即席的; 现凑的; 随随便 便的 | off sb.'s hands 脱手, 卸脱责任

poised: a.1:镇定(静)的 2.平稳(衡)的 3.作好事先准备的

shy: a.(动物等)易受惊的,怕人的,胆怯,畏缩迟疑的 | poised: a.1.镇定(静)的 2.平稳(衡)的 3.作好事先准备的 | inhibit: v.抑制,约束

cut throat:害人的

cut sth out 阻止;停止;故障;占上风 | cut throat 害人的 | cut-and-dried 事先准备好的;枯燥无味的


unprejudiced 没有偏见的;大公无私的;公正的;未受损害的 | unpremeditated 无预谋的;无准备的;未经事先考虑或计划的 | unsecured debt 无担保(或抵押)的债务

wine and dine sb:以好酒好菜款待

4 be tilting at windmills攻击假想敌 | 5 wine and dine sb以好酒好菜款待 | 6 wing it即兴表演; 随机应变; 不按照事先准备的讲稿而现场即兴发言

wing it:不按照事先准备的讲稿而现场即兴发言

2. go no where fast 尽管费力地做某件有意义的事情,但是却毫无进展,一无所成. | 3. wing it 不按照事先准备的讲稿而现场即兴发言 | 4. take someone under your wing 收养,养育