英语人>词典>汉英 : 乳头样的 的英文翻译,例句
乳头样的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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A unilateral eczematous eruption on one nipple, though most commonly a dermatitis, may be Paget's disease of the breast with underlying intraductal carcinoma.


A unilateral eczematous eruption on one nipple, though most commonly a dermatitis, may be Paget's disease of the breast with underlying intraductal carcinoma.


Many clear cell carcinomas show papillary growth; however, the cores of their often bulbous papillae are often hyalinized or myxoid rather than fibrovascular seen in papillary serous carcinoma.


The tumor is sessile, polypoid, or castlike and is characterized by the presence of innumerable papillary frondlike infoldings comprised of proliferations of columnar epithelial cells around the slender fibrovascular stalks that are supported by the connective tissue of the lamina propria.1 Occasionally, tumor spreads superficially along a variable length of the bile duct.


What was observed under a light microscope included: tumor cells were mulberry and micropapillaryshaped or it was of glandule tubular arrangement; there was obvious interspace between cancer nest and neighboring areas; micropapillary was empty of fiber blood vessel axes; immunohistochemical staining showed EMA positive location was both at outward surface of glandule duct and at micropapillarylike cancer nest.


What was observed under a light microscope included: tumor cells were mulberry and micropapillary shaped or it was of glandule tubular arrangement; there was obvious interspace between cancer nest and neighboring areas; micropapillary was empty of fiber blood vessel axes; immunohistochemical staining showed ema positive location was both at outward surface of glandule duct and at micropapillary like cancer nest.


What was observed under a light microscope included: tumor cells were mulberry and micropapillary shaped or were of glandule tubular arrangement; there was obvious interspace between cancer nest and neighboring areas; micropapillary was empty of fiber blood vessel axes, with micropapillae floating freely in spongy spaces and separated by fibrous septa.


For those who are not familiar with lichenoid dermatitis, this is a skin condition in which there is a histological damage to the lower epidermis beside a grouped chronic inflammatory infiltrate in the papillary dermis frightening the interface between the epidermis and dermis which as we all know, are the top layer of our skin.


Although this may be a high grade adenocarcinoma of mullerian origin, such as endometrioid, papillary serous, or clear cell type However, I do not see very classic papillary serous or clear cell features.


We know the nipple liquid can be a psychological or pathological, pregnancy and lactation nipple discharge rate approximately 3%, discharge May 8 is a colorless, ivory, light yellow, brown, etc, also can show hemorrhagic samples, blood, serum sample purulent fluid, may be less than, the time interval is different, generally treating patients with adanced when quite serious, of nipple discharge should smear cytology in breast cancer.


更多网络解释与乳头样的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

vernal conjunctivitis:春季卡他性结膜炎

春季卡他性 结膜炎(vernal conjunctivitis)是变态反应性疾病,季节性很强,常侵犯双眼. 每当春暖花开时发病,到秋末天寒时症状消失. 每年复发,轻症者3~4年后即不再发,重症者可连续复发10余年. 本病特点为双眼奇痒,睑结膜出现大而扁平的乳头及角膜缘附近结膜胶样增生,


1.乳头状瘤(papilloma)由复层的覆盖上皮,如鳞状上皮或移行上皮发生的良性肿瘤. 肿瘤向表面呈外生性生长,形成许多手指样或乳头状突起,并可呈菜花状或绒毛状外观. 肿瘤根部常有细蒂与正常组织相连. 镜下,每一乳头表面覆盖增生的鳞状上皮或者移行上皮,

anogenital warts:肛门生殖器疣

有几种性病都和你所讲的有点样似,你看看吧: 尖锐湿疣 尖锐湿疣(condyloma acuminatum,CA)又名性疣(Venereal warts)、肛门生殖器疣(anogenital warts),祖国医学称之为"瘙瘊",俗称"臊瘊",是由人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染所致的生殖器、会阴和肛门部位的表皮瘤样增生.

eczematoid carcinoma:湿疹样癌

一、概念:Paget病(Paget's disease)又名湿疹样癌(eczematoid carcinoma),为临床上表现为湿疹样皮损,病理上表皮内有大而淡染的异常细胞(Paget细胞)为特点的一种特殊型癌,可分为二型:①乳房Paget病(mammary Paget's disease), 发生于乳头及乳晕部;

hydroa vacciniforme:牛痘样水疱病

采用巢式PCR(Nested......目的筛选和鉴定人工合成的人乳头瘤病毒16型E7抗原人白细胞抗原A2分子限制性细胞毒性T细胞预测表位.方法对预测的E7抗原人白细胞抗原A2分子限制性细胞毒性T细胞(CTL)表位运用标准Fmoc方案进行合成与纯化,采用标准51Cr释放试验检测特......牛痘样水疱病(hydroa vacciniforme)是一种较罕见的皮肤病,

mammillation:乳头形成 乳头状隆凸

mammillarystructure 乳房构造 乳房状 | mammillation 乳头形成 乳头状隆凸 | mammilliform 乳头形的 乳头样的 乳头状的

mammilliform:乳头形的 乳头样的 乳头状的

mammillation 乳头形成 乳头状隆凸 | mammilliform 乳头形的 乳头样的 乳头状的 | mammilliplasty 乳头成形术

neuromyelitis optica:视神经脊髓炎

(一)视神经脊髓炎(neuromyelitis optica)是合并有视神经和脊髓的脱髓鞘疾病. 20~40岁好发,脊髓与神经症状常先后(或后先)出现,脊髓病变胸段最多,多呈横贯性病征,此外可有阵发性剧烈抽搐,或有烧灼样的局部痛性强直性痉挛发作. 视神经为视乳头炎或球后视神经炎,

papilliform:乳头形的 乳头样的 乳头状的

papilledema /乳头水肿/视神经乳头水肿/ | papilliform /乳头形的/乳头样的/乳头状的/ | papillitis /乳头炎/视神经乳头炎/


21.绒毛(Villi)真皮乳头伸长,有时扭曲,其上有一层或双层表皮细胞,并伸展至小疱、大疱和腔隙内. 见于毛囊角化病、寻常性天疱疮等. 22.乳头瘤样增殖(Papillomatosis)真皮乳头向增殖,致表皮面呈不规则的波形,见于银屑病.