英语人>词典>汉英 : 乳头周围的 的英文翻译,例句
乳头周围的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
peripapillary  ·  circumpapillary

更多网络例句与乳头周围的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because the interdental embrasure is the site of greatest plaque stagnation gingival inflammation usually starts in the interdental papilla and spreads around the margin.


As you bring the bar down, it should be brought to around your nipple area.


Purpose: To discuss the correlation between the biological behavior of primary duodenal papilla peripheral carcinoma and the treatment.


Some of them with visual loss, optic papilledema and orbital mass. B-scan ultrasonography revealed a cyctic tumor and a strong echo spot with spontaneous movement. On CT scanning, found was a well-defined hyperdensity mass in which there was a low density area. On MRI, the signal intensity of T1WI of cystic fluid was low or moderate and of T2WI was high, while the signal intensity of T1WI and T2WI of surounding scar tissue was still low.

结果 22例有反复的眶内炎症史及占位性病变体征,如眼睑及结膜充血水肿,眼球突出,眼球运动受限;6例有视力下降和视乳头水肿,并扪及肿物。B超示占位性病变内有液性暗区及自发运动光斑;CT扫描示高密度块影中央部有低密度区;MRI检查示囊液信号强度T1WI为低或中信号,T2WI为高信号,其周围的纤维瘢痕组织T1WI和T2WI均为低信号。

Some have circled rings around them that are beginning to pucker .


Results? 6 cases in X-ray film revealed round or oval stones in areatus distribution in the areas of renal papillae and medulla. 3 cases of IVP revealed cystic or hair-brushed dilation. 5cases in B-ultrasound revealed little anechoic area and strong echo light spot in radial distribution with acoustic shadow. Unenhanced CT of 6 cases revealed spotted or areatus stones surrounding minor renal calices with collecting tube system dilation and enhanced CT showed artifacts of stones magnification because of the collection of contrast medium around the stones. Conclusion?

结果 X线平片检查6例,表现为肾乳头、髓质区见簇状排列的圆形、椭圆形致密影;IVP检查3例,显示肾集合管囊状、刷子状扩张;B超检查5例见肾髓质内呈放射状分布的小无回声区和强回声光点,其后方伴有声影;CT检查6例,平扫呈环绕肾小盏分布的点状或簇状钙化灶,集合管囊状扩张,增强后因钙化周围的集合管内造影剂聚集,造成钙化影增大的假象。

The duodenoscopy and the biopsy are the principle methods for the diagnosis of the duodenal tumor; the therapy varies as the location of the tumor differs in such a way that the gastroduodenotectomy is advisable mainly for the tumor above the papilla, the duodenal segmental excision is for the tumor below the papilla, and either the pancreatoduodenectomy or the local excision of the duodenal tumor is to be the choice for the papilla periphery tumor according to the biological property of the tumor itself.


What was observed under a light microscope included: tumor cells were mulberry and micropapillaryshaped or it was of glandule tubular arrangement; there was obvious interspace between cancer nest and neighboring areas; micropapillary was empty of fiber blood vessel axes; immunohistochemical staining showed EMA positive location was both at outward surface of glandule duct and at micropapillarylike cancer nest.


What was observed under a light microscope included: tumor cells were mulberry and micropapillary shaped or it was of glandule tubular arrangement; there was obvious interspace between cancer nest and neighboring areas; micropapillary was empty of fiber blood vessel axes; immunohistochemical staining showed ema positive location was both at outward surface of glandule duct and at micropapillary like cancer nest.


Ah, I am also a July 28 of 月经, you should be able to test the bar, most of them are good pregnant, my cycle is 28 days there have been relatively quasi-dare to August 24, when not to, I on the test, then there are two lines to the hospital on the 26th good for blood to confirm the pregnancy, then a few days I am also a breast nipple pain, especially when touched, as well as the past two days on my left breast around the nipple long a few small granules of the small point that seems to look at this line is like a reflection of early pregnancy


更多网络解释与乳头周围的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


表面呈棕黑色,外观极似黑色素瘤.若发生的为皮肤基底细胞癌,则瘤体表面多呈结节状或乳头状突起,底层多呈浸润性生长,与周围的组织分界不清.一、上皮性肿瘤 腺瘤(adenoma)与腺癌(adenocarcinoma) 是家畜常见的一种肿瘤,


\\"旋的,围旋的\\",\\"circumflex\\" | \\"缠络性疝痛(马)\\",\\"circumflexion\\" | \\"乳头周围的\\",\\"circumpapillary\\"


牙龈炎(gingivitis)是发生在龈缘和龈乳头的炎症. 单纯性龈炎是局限的,不包括深层组织. 幼儿极少见,儿童由于食物残渣堆积在牙齿周围,引起龈缘轻微充血发红,但触动时不出血,属于局部刺激的反应,刺激去掉以后,充血即行消失,一般不诊断为龈炎,


[附]乳房(mamma)是授乳器官,与女性生殖功能密切相关. 女性自青春期起,乳房开始发育,腺组织及脂肪组织显著增生. 受孕及授乳期中又有很大变化. 成年女子乳房呈半球形,中央有乳头,乳头上有12-15个输乳孔. 乳头的周围有色素较深的皮肤环形区,


此外,欧洲人虽然并不容易受阳光作用的影响,同样也有某些部位皮肤常是 黑色的现象,例如,胸部分泌腺的乳头周围的小圆圈(areola)就是色素变深的;另一 方面,在以医学名黑变病(melanism)著称的病态下,身上会出现与黑人皮肤极为近似 的黑点.

tricuspid valve:三尖瓣

入口是右房室口,口周围的纤维环上附有三片瓣膜,称三尖瓣(tricuspid valve),可分为前尖、后尖和隔侧尖. 瓣膜尖朝向右心室腔,瓣的游离缘借数条腱索与心室壁上的乳头肌相连. 右房室口周围的纤维环、三尖瓣、腱索和乳头肌在功能上是一个整体,

tricuspid valve:尖瓣

入口是右房室口,口周围的纤维环上附有三片瓣膜,称三尖瓣(tricuspid valve),可分为前尖、后尖和隔侧尖. 瓣膜尖朝向右心室腔,瓣的游离缘借数条腱索与心室壁上的乳头肌相连. 右房室口周围的纤维环、三尖瓣、腱索和乳头肌在功能上是一个整体,

circumvallate papillae:轮廓乳头

固有层中有丰富的毛细血管,使乳头外观呈红色(图12-2)3.轮廓乳头 轮廓乳头(circumvallate papillae)有10余个,位于舌界沟前方. 形体较大,顶端平坦,乳头周围的粘膜凹陷形成环沟,沟两侧的上皮内有较多味蕾. 固有层中有较多浆液性味腺,导管开口于沟底,

circumvallate papillae:轮廓乳头,城廓状乳头

\\"乳头周围的\\",\\"circumpapillary\\" | \\"轮廓乳头,城廓状乳头\\",\\"circumvallate papillae\\" | \\"卷卷的\\",\\"circumvolute\\"


periovaritis 卵巢周炎 | peripapillary 乳头周围的 | peripapillarychoroidalsclerosis 乳头周围型脉络膜硬化