英语人>词典>汉英 : 乱写 的英文翻译,例句
乱写 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
scrabble  ·  scratch  ·  scrawl  ·  scribble  ·  scrabbled  ·  scratches  ·  scribbled  ·  scrabbles  ·  scrabbling  ·  scratched  ·  scrawled  ·  scrawling  ·  scrawls  ·  scribbles

更多网络例句与乱写相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You do doodle on them, I always wrote all over mine.


Don't scribble on the wall.


No screaming , grabbing, whining, hitting, teasing, tattling, breaking toys, scratching or fighting.


Concentrate on the lecture class to respect teachers, and students to contact others in good faith courtesy of civilization, yet to be aggrieved by a gentleman's demeanor, can be misunderstood tolerance of others; encountered teachers and guests, take the initiative to say hello salute; up and down the stairs, more crowded, pay attention to humility , walk right to protect the flow; about health, do not throw fruit, picked at any time to see the paper; care of public property, do not write without basis chaotic planning, strict adherence to school rules and regulations, mutual supervision, and work together to promote.


Encountered by teachers, parents and guests, take the initiative to say hello salute; up and down the stairs, more crowded, pay attention to humility, to walk right to protect the flow; about health, do not throw fruit, picked at any time to see the paper; care of public property, do not write without basis chaos zoned ......


The doodlers creamed the nondoodlers: those who doodled during the tape recalled 7.5 pieces of information (out of 16 total) on average, 29% more than the average of 5.8 recalled by the control group.


Doodling forces your brain to expend just enough energy to stop it from daydreaming but not so much that you don't pay attention.


"Thanks," the crooks daubed on a wall of the Zammit Ham and Bacon curers warehouse in suburban Sydney."Merry Christmas."


All the participants were asked to write the names of those coming to the party while the tape played, which meant the doodlers switched between their doodles and their lists.


In a delightful new study, which will be published in the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology, psychologist Jackie Andrade of the University of Plymouth in southern England showed that doodlers actually remember more than nondoodlers when asked to retain tediously delivered information, like, say, during a boring meeting or a lecture.

在一本名为Applied Cognitive Psychology的期刊中,英格兰南部的Plymouth大学的心理学家Jackie Andrade证明,乱写乱画的人对乏味的会议或演讲的信息保留能力比不乱写乱画的人更强。

更多网络解释与乱写相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cook up scrabble:胡诌乱写

this is in theory 人生至理 | cook up scrabble 胡诌乱写 | amusement myself 娱乐自己


32.Diploma mill 文凭制造工厂,不入流学校 | 33.Doodle 信手涂画,边想事边乱涂写 | 34.Down-to-earth 现实的,实际的


.涂鸦(Graffito)在意大利文中的含义是"乱写",而涂鸦(Graffiti)(复数形式)则是指在墙壁上乱涂写出的图像或画. 基本上,Graffiti是一种近乎于书写的行为,文字占相当多数,形象的符号或图形、标志等也是常见的内容,


scrabble up 拼凑成 | scrabble 乱写 | scrag 骨瘦如柴的人


2. unslanted 无偏见的,不歪曲的 | 3. scribble 胡写,乱写;粗制滥造的文章 | 4. manpower draft 人力征用,券集

bescribble:乱写在上 潦草地写在上

bescreen | 以屏遮掩 | bescribble | 乱写在上 潦草地写在上 | beseech | 恳求, 哀求

scrawly:潦草的, 乱七八糟的 (形)

scrawl 乱涂, 潦草地写; 乱写, 涂鸦, 乱涂 (动) | scrawly 潦草的, 乱七八糟的 (形) | scrawny 瘦的, 骨瘦如柴的 (形)


doodlebug 狮蚁 | doodling 乱写之物 | doohickey 小玩意

doodling doodlingn:乱写之物, 乱画之物

colorado 美国科罗拉多州(位于美国西部) | doodling doodlingn.乱写之物, 乱画之物 | slinking v.潜逃

So he took out some paper and scrawled with a pen:他拿出些纸,用笔在上面乱写着什么

the years of isolation had made him quite weak... | So he took out some paper and scrawled with a pen; 他拿出些纸,用笔在上面乱写着什么; | I'm possessed by this house and can never leave it again. 我好像...