英语人>词典>汉英 : 乡村舞 的英文翻译,例句
乡村舞 的英文翻译、例句


country dance
更多网络例句与乡村舞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Radio, and broadcasting, became a popular source of entertainment, and "barn dance" shows featuring country music were started all over the South, as far north as Chicago, and as far west as California.


And was joined by members of gypsy punks Gogol Bordello for a crazed hoedown version of "La Isla Bonita."


Charlotte and her partner began an English country dance, and you must imagine my delight when it was their turn to dance the figure with us.


Read, cooked, baked, solved puzzles, played games with friends, rode horses, rode a bike, played hopscotch, roller skated, went sleighing with or without horses, skiing, treasure hunts, played cards such as rummy, paint by numbers, art work, pingpong, played music, went to the lake, went to barn dances, city dances, country dances, always with friends.


Rocky MAOUNTAIN dancers performs dance from throughout the United States, including square dances, clogging, pioneer dances, contras, quadrilles, reels, Appalachian Mountain dances and New England dances.


We were the second couple in the third country dance.


Henry complains of her talking to someone while dancing with him and compares a country dance to a marriage.


This, by the way, is called a country dance, after the French, contredanse.


This, by the way, is called a country dance,after the French, contredanse.


She was engaged for the second country dance, but promised me the third, and assured me, with the most agreeable freedom, that she was very fond of waltzing.


更多网络解释与乡村舞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

country damage:内陆损害

country cousin | 不习惯城市生活之乡巴佬 | country damage | 内陆损害 | country dance | 土风舞,乡村舞,乡村舞

Baroque Hoedown:巴洛克乡村舞(迪斯尼主要街道游行音乐)

10. Mickey Mouse March 米老鼠进行曲 | 11. Baroque Hoedown 巴洛克乡村舞(迪斯尼主要街道游行音乐) | 12. Disney Fantasy Medley 迪斯尼串烧幻想曲

morris dance:莫里斯舞

16~20世纪的宫廷与社交正式舞蹈通常也从民族舞蹈发展而来;包括嘉禾、吉格、马厝卡、小步舞、波卡、森巴、探戈和华尔滋. 参阅乡村舞(country dance)、草裙舞(hula)、莫里斯舞(morris dance)、方块舞(square dance)、剑舞(sword dance)和踢躂舞(tap dance).

square dance:方块舞

16~20世纪的宫廷与社交正式舞蹈通常也从民族舞蹈发展而来;包括嘉禾、吉格、马厝卡、小步舞、波卡、森巴、探戈和华尔滋. 参阅乡村舞(country dance)、草裙舞(hula)、莫里斯舞(morris dance)、方块舞(square dance)、剑舞(sword dance)和踢躂舞(tap dance).

square dance:(乡村方块舞)

.Close Harmony(密集和声) | .Square Dance(乡村方块舞) | .Jug Band(坛罐乐队,即兴蓝调演奏)

sword dance:剑舞

16~20世纪的宫廷与社交正式舞蹈通常也从民族舞蹈发展而来;包括嘉禾、吉格、马厝卡、小步舞、波卡、森巴、探戈和华尔滋. 参阅乡村舞(country dance)、草裙舞(hula)、莫里斯舞(morris dance)、方块舞(square dance)、剑舞(sword dance)和踢躂舞(tap dance).

Rustically solemn or in rustic laughter:有着纯朴的严肃或者乡村的笑声

Leaping through the flames, or joined in circles, 跳越火焰,或者加入舞... | Rustically solemn or in rustic laughter有着纯朴的严肃或者乡村的笑声 | Lifting heavy feet in clumsy shoes,于笨拙的鞋子中抬起沉重...


据最近一项由美国国立酒精乱用酒精中毒研究所资助的研究表明:听街舞(hip-hop)、说唱乐(rap)的年轻人,比听乡村音乐(country and western)或者"全美音乐排行榜前40位"音乐的年轻人更容易乱用违禁药物,也更容易采取攻击性行动.

country dance:土风舞,乡村舞,乡村舞曲

set of condinate 座标系统 | country dance 土风舞,乡村舞,乡村舞曲 | consultant teacher 专科顾问教师

This, by the way, is called a country dance, after the French, contredanse:顺便说一句,这只舞叫做乡村舞,源于法语中的contredance(对舞)

Ah, then your country reputati... | This, by the way, is called a country dance, after the French, contredanse. 顺便说一句,这只舞叫做乡村舞,源于法语中的contredance(对舞) | Not because it is exhibited a...