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乘积 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
product  ·  products

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In this paper, the adjointness of the product of two differential operators generated by a third order normal and singular symmetric differential expression in the limit-circle case is discussed. The necessary and sufficient conditions which make the product operators being the adjoint operators obtained by the matrix analysis and calculation. At the same time, the adjointness of the product of the power and adjointness operator obtained.


Firstly, we analyze the deficiencies ofexisting ones, extend domains of fuzzy logical operators from the cap product withtwo sets to them with arbitrary (finite, enumerable, or non-enumerable) number ofsets to form two general mappings so as to conform them to the fuzzy conjunctionand infimum, and to fuzzy disjunction and supremum, respectively, and fuzzify theset inclusion of fuzzy sets. Similar to the classical adjunction, the concept of fuzzyadjunction is introduced.


Bordered matrix has very wide applications in the matrix theory, many specialists and scholars had studied bordered matrices before.


Firstly, the paper sets up a rational function model for the long run relationship between economic growth rate and the inflation rate by adding the cross product term of the both into the traditional model of "output-price" Phillips curve. The empirical analysis shows that the product term has substantial impact on the model\'s stability.


By using the partition theorem of unity, a continuous selection theorem for a multimap from a compact Hausdorff topological space to a finitely continuous topological spaces (simply, FC-spaces) without any convexity structure was obtained, and from which and Tychonoff fixed point theorem, a collectively fixed point theorem for a family of multimaps on the product space of compact FC-spaces and several collectively fixed point theorems for a family of multimaps on the product space of non-compact FC-spaces were given.


On the product of unit spheres,we give a kind of natural embeddings from the product unit spheres to the unit sphere in which the product of unit spheres can be viewed as a hypersurface.


In this paper,the law of iterated logarithm for product sums of positive as- sociated sequences with the strong stability and the strong law of large numbers for product sums of positive associated sequences with different distributions are proved.


However, the fact that SICp category does not exist establishes the basis of further study work on the Cartesian closedness of categories for semicontinuous lattices .


In Chapter 2, we recapitulate some fundamental definitions and propositions of topological degrees and some fundamental results about the computation of topological degrees;in Chapter 3, applying relative definitions and propositions of topological degrees, we establish product formulae of topological degrees in product space, in particular, the product formula of fixed point index on product cone, moreover, combining with the fundamental propositions and the computation of fixed point index, we obtain some fixed point theorems on product cone.


In Chapter 3, we discuss the self-adjoint boundary-value problems for products of m differential operators generated by the same symmetric differential expression of order n defined on a, b

第三章 讨论了m个由同一n阶对称微分算式生成的赋予某种边界条件的微分算子乘积自伴边值问题,结合常微分算子自伴扩张的一般构造理论,分别给出了两个四阶微分算子、两个n阶微分算子、m个n阶微分算子乘积自伴边条件的解析刻划,得到了乘积微分算子是自伴的充分必要条件及与乘积算子自伴性有关的一些有益结果。

更多网络解释与乘积相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

infinite product:无穷乘积,无穷积

infinite prime divisor 无限素因子 | infinite product 无穷乘积,无穷积 | infinite product representation 无穷乘积表示

infinite product representation:无穷乘积表示

infinite product 无穷乘积,无穷积 | infinite product representation 无穷乘积表示 | infinite programming 无限规划

product form of inverse:逆的乘积形式

乘积展开式 product expansion | 逆的乘积形式 product form of inverse | 乘积公式 product formula

Kronecker product of matrices:矩阵乘积

Kronecker设计矩阵乘积 Kronecker product of designs | Kronecker矩阵乘积 Kronecker product of matrices | Kruskal统计量 Kruskal statistic

Kronecker product of designs:设计矩阵乘积

Kounias不等式 Kounias' inequality | Kronecker设计矩阵乘积 Kronecker product of designs | Kronecker矩阵乘积 Kronecker product of matrices

Kronecker product of matrices Kronecker:矩阵乘积

Kounias' inequality Kounias不等式 | Kronecker product of matrices Kronecker矩阵乘积 | Kronecker product of designs Kronecker设计矩阵乘积

product moment generating function:乘积动差生成函数

乘积动差相关 product moment correlation | 乘积动差生成函数 product moment generating function | 乘积动差法 product moment method

Product moment:乘积动差

乘积测度 product measure | 乘积动差 product moment | 乘积动差相关 product moment correlation

product formula:乘积公式

逆的乘积形式 product form of inverse | 乘积公式 product formula | 模的乘积群 product group of module

product moment correlation:乘积动差相关

乘积动差 product moment | 乘积动差相关 product moment correlation | 乘积动差生成函数 product moment generating function