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交叉乘积 的英文翻译、例句


crossed product
更多网络例句与交叉乘积相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Firstly, the paper sets up a rational function model for the long run relationship between economic growth rate and the inflation rate by adding the cross product term of the both into the traditional model of "output-price" Phillips curve. The empirical analysis shows that the product term has substantial impact on the model\'s stability.


更多网络解释与交叉乘积相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cross product of chain:链的叉积

cross prisms | 正交棱镜 | cross product of chain | 链的叉积 | cross product | 叉积, 向量 积, 交叉乘积

cross spectral density:交叉谱密度

cross section 横截面 | cross spectral density 交叉谱密度 | crossed product 交叉乘积

crossed product:交叉乘积

cross spectral density 交叉谱密度 | crossed product 交叉乘积 | crossing number 叉数

crossed product:交叉积

乘积图:product graph | 交叉积:crossed product | 新产品:New Product

involutorial crossed product:对合交叉乘积

对合反自同构 involutorial anti-automorphism | 对合交叉乘积 involutorial crossed product | 对合循环代数 involutorial cyclic algebra

normalized crossed product:正规化的交叉乘积

normalized coupling coefficient 归一化耦合系数 | normalized crossed product 正规化的交叉乘积 | normalized curve 标准化曲线,正常曲线

involutorial algebras:对合代数

involutive distribution | 对合分配 | involutorial algebras | 对合代数 | involutorial crossed product | 对合交叉乘积