英语人>词典>汉英 : 乔治亚的 的英文翻译,例句
乔治亚的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与乔治亚的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fourth-grade teacher Elisabeth Beckwith wants her students at Fernbank Elementary School in Decatur, Georgia, to pay attention to a lesson on Greek mythology.


The rolling foothill country of north Georgia was ploughed in a million curves to keep the rich earth from washing down into the river bottoms.


Yet as a youngster, he says, he dreamed only of working as a chef in a Soviet embassy; he joined the Party, and rose in the Komsomol, the communist youth league. He had "a very ordinary Soviet upbringing": an academic mediocrity, he ended up at culinary college, then did his military service in Georgia and at a dog-training school.


To appreciate Georgia's specialness, you need to realize that the housing bubble was a geographically uneven affair.


In the short term, Russia's war in Georgia has served as a reminder to places like Ingushetia and Chechnya that Moscow is ready to steamroll any opposition.


One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.


More than 100 volunteers -- actors and production crew -- produce this play and bring these stories to life. It is of such professional quality that the Georgia General Assembly has called it the "Official Folk Life Play of Georgia."


More than 100 volunteers -- actors and production crew -- produce this play and bring these stories to life. It is of such professional quality that the Georgia General Assembly has called it the "Official Folk Life Play of Georgia."


Matlo Comsamers Maru Gonzalez, who comes from a Puerto Rican family is an Obama supporter from Atlanta, Georgia who came here to help with the campaign.

Maru Gonzalez来自一个波多黎各家庭,他是Obama在乔治亚的亚特兰大的支持者,他来到这里来帮助Obama竞选。

Ihave a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons offormer slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sitdown together at a table ofbrotherhood.


更多网络解释与乔治亚的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这里的鳄鱼叫美洲鳄(alligator),比非洲鳄(crocodile)小,没有非洲鳄凶猛. 沼泽、鳄鱼、漂亮的飞鸟、蛇、龟...看到这些平时很难见到的景色和生物,感觉很过瘾. 早餐后驱车进入乔治亚州,沿I-95和I-16找到乔治亚的旅游小城萨凡纳(Savannah)市.


并将在全世界发行为单曲. 唱片公司的知情人透露说,"这首歌太牛X了. 管弦乐伴奏的幅度和尺度,是自雷.查尔斯(Ray Charles)录制>(Georgia)以来,从未见过的. 所有人都预期它会成为一首超级畅销曲. "

Georgian College:乔治亚学院

4、乔治亚学院(Georgian College)方案三:入读加拿大双录取大学什么是双录取?"双录取"指的是学生在申请某一所大学时,经过学校的评审,认为该学生的成绩符合学校的招生条件,可以被录取. 但由于学生的母语不是英语同时没有托福或雅思成绩,

Melrose:梅尔罗斯 佛罗里达州的城名

梅肯 乔治亚州的城名 Macon 70 | 梅尔罗斯 佛罗里达州的城名 Melrose 70 | 奥古斯塔 乔治亚州的城名 Augusta 70


并将在全世界发行为单曲. 唱片公司的知情人透露说,"这首歌太牛X了. 管弦乐伴奏的幅度和尺度,是自雷.查尔斯(Ray Charles)录制<<乔治亚州>>(Georgia)以来,从未见过的. 所有人都预期它会成为一首超级畅销曲. "

Calling Baton Rouge:巴吞鲁日的电话

22. Back Again 回来 | 23. The Devil Went Down To Georgia 乔治亚的恶魔 | 24. Calling Baton Rouge 巴吞鲁日的电话

George II:乔治二世

GEORGIA(乔治亚):纪念英国的乔治二世(George II) 国王. HAWAII(夏威夷):来源不确定. 这个群岛可能是以其发现者夏威夷.罗亚(Hawaii Loa)命名,也可能以传统的波利尼西亚人的家乡Hawaii或Hawaiki命名. IDAHO(爱达荷):来源于印第安语,

Georgian Bay:乔治亚湾

秋天赏枫叶的地方很多,霍克利山谷(Hockley Valley )和 卡尔登山林(Caledon Hills),乔治亚湾(Georgian Bay),慕斯科卡(Muskoka)和阿冈昆省立公园这座古堡是富有的金融家亨利拉特男爵 (Sir Henry Pellat) 在 二十 世纪初修建的,

New Georgia on My Mind:我心中的新乔治亚

10."Anyone for Suicide?"任何一个自杀者 | 11."New Georgia on My Mind"我心中的新乔治亚 | 12."The Cat's Whiskers"猫的胡须

between New York City and Dunwoody, Georgia:到乔治亚的出差次数非常的多

You can't believe the amount of traffic last summer|去年夏天... | between New York City and Dunwoody, Georgia.|到乔治亚的出差次数非常的多 | Howard Tully made at least six separate visits,|霍华德?塔利至少...