英语人>词典>汉英 : 主教区 的英文翻译,例句
主教区 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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There are also Tertiary fathers in the Archdiocese of Verapoly in India, established 1855, who serve a number of missions.

也有大专父亲,在总主教区的verapoly在印度, 1855年成立的,担任了一些访问活动。

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Florence is an ecclesiastical territory or diocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Italy.


These reforming bishops, then, use the device of the "automatic" penalty so that the absentee bishop loses the right to his income, and the pluralist is deprived of sees he will not resign; that the concubinary prelate who defies the warnings of the provincial council loses his see; that the bishop becomes a thief who accepts gifts from those he ordains or from the parishes and other churches where he is making the visitation; and that the metropolitan is deprived of his right to officiate who fails to report to Rome the fact of a defiantly absentee suffragan.

这些改革主教,然后,使用该装置的"自动"刑罚,使缺席主教失去了正确的,他的收入,以及多元,是剥夺认为他不会辞职;表示concubinary主教,他们无视警告的省会失去他见;主教成为一个小偷,接受馈赠,那些他ordains ,还是从各教区和其他教会他在哪里,使探视,并认为大都市,是剥夺他的权利,并担任主礼人不报告中,以罗马的一个事实,一个公然缺席

In the last place, this holy synod, troubled by the number of these most serious evils, cannot refrain from putting on record, that nothing is more necessary for the Church of God than that the most blessed pope of Rome, who by his office is bound to the care of the whole Church, should give this particular matter his closest attention, to associate with himself, as cardinals, only men of exceptional character and gifts, and to appoint as diocesan bishops the very best and most suitable; and this all the more because our Lord, Jesus Christ, will require at his hands the blood of those sheep of Christ who have perished through the wicked misgovernment of neglectful bishops unmindful of their duty.

"[13] "在过去,这个神圣的主教,困扰了不少这类最严重的丑恶的东西,可以不备案,没有比这更需要为神的教会比说,最有福的教宗,罗马人,由他的办公室势必照顾整个教会,应该给这件事他最亲密的注意,联想于律已,为枢机主教中,只有男人的特殊性格和礼物,并任命为教区主教非常最优秀和最合适;这时候都更因为我们的主耶稣基督,将要求在他手中的鲜血,那些羊基督的人都灭亡了,通过恶人不当的疏忽主教不顾自己的义务。

And the respect which he felt for her high rank,and his veneration for her as his patroness,mingling with a very good opinion of his authority as a clergyman,and his right as a rector,made him altogether a mixture of pride and obsequiousness,self-importance and humility.


Sunday school has just ended, and Billy and hazel meet in the assembly room of the parish house


He became a rector of a small parish where he ministered for several years.


And they are no less to enjoin on members of their dioceses and on any other persons of either sex, whether ecclesiastical or secular, over whom they have authority by reason of a prelature or any other ecclesiastical position of authority, and to encourage in the Lord those to whom God's word is proposed on their own or another's responsibility, that they should pour forth in private devout prayers to God himself and to his most glorious mother, in the Lord's prayer and the Hail Mary, for the peace of Christians and for the complete destruction of the infidels.


Just image, when you come to Sunday Mass there is no priest who speaks your language. What can you do? Indeed, right now we don't have in Toronto any seminarian who speaks Cantonese or Mandarin training to become a priest. Please pray devotedly! From now until end of April, in our Holy Mass' Prayer of the Faithful we will use the special "Called by Name" prayer. Other than your prayers, my brothers and sisters in Christ, let's also promote religious vocation work, strengthen the bonds among the ministries of the laity, clergy and fellow volunteers in our midst in order that more young men and women will be moved to consider vocations to priesthood or a religious life.

试想一下,有一主日当你步入此圣堂,发觉这儿没有一位能以华语主持弥撒的神父时,你将会有何感想呢﹖的确,我们能操华语的不论广东话或普通话的神父并不多,而现今更是没有任何华人青年在本地修院接受培育,换句话说﹕我们华人堂区在最近的几年内,没有任何可接班的神父,因此,请大家热心的求吧﹗未来一连四个月,即从现在开始直至四月底,我们在每台弥撒的信友祷文中,将会加念本教区特别编写的〝求圣召—Called by Name〞经文,让我们一同热心的献上诚挚的祈祷,并邀请各位在这圣召活动推广期间多方配合,务求能打动更多的青年男女认真的思考圣召问题。

Mennas pronounced the condemnation of these heretics for contemning the succession from the Apostles in the Apostolic See, for setting at nought the patriarchal see of the royal city and its council, the Apostolic succession from our Lord in the holy places, and the sentence of the whole Diocese of Oriens.


更多网络解释与主教区相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


每一个大教区/教省任命一位大主教/总主教(archbishop)通领教省的各个主教区. 枢机主教(cardinal,礼服是深红色的,因此俗称红衣主教):枢机主教由教皇直接在主教中选拔任命,终身任职,负责某个国家、地区或某项重要事务,

Bremen, Archbishopric of:不来梅大主教区

Bremen 不来梅-选自中世纪卷 | Bremen, Archbishopric of 不来梅大主教区 | Bruno 布鲁诺 -选自中世纪卷

Trier, Archbishopric of:特里尔大主教区

Trier 特里尔-选自中世纪卷 | Trier, Archbishopric of, 特里尔大主教区 | Trier 特利尔-选自近代卷

Cologne,Archbishopric of:科隆大主教区

Cologne 科伦-选自近代卷 | Cologne,Archbishopric of 科隆大主教区 | Colombia, 哥伦比亚

Mainz, Archbishopric of:美因兹大主教区

Mainz 美因兹-选自中世纪卷 | Mainz, Archbishopric of 美因兹大主教区 | Mainz美因兹-选自近代卷


Afrikaner,荷兰裔南非人 | Archdiocese,大主教区 | Archduchess,大公夫人

Trent, Bishopric of:特兰托主教区

Trent 特梭特 -选自中世纪卷 | Trent, Bishopric of, 特兰托主教区 | Trentino 特兰提诺-选自现代卷


但是,在印度,"公社主义"(communalism)一词指发生在印度教区和穆斯林教区之间的大规模仇杀. 在目前的危机中这种困境是显而易见的:由于正在逼近的生态灾难可以触发种族主义、法西斯主义和宗教原教旨主义,以及与之伴随的种族中心主义,

council, presbyterial:司铎谘议会:每一教区应成立司铎谘议会,代表司祭团协助主教治理教区(法典

communal celebration:团体举行礼仪:礼仪运动中强调团体参与的... | council, presbyterial:司铎谘议会:每一教区应成立司铎谘议会,代表司祭团协助主教治理教区(法典495). | council, provincial:教省会议;全省主教会...

rectorate:教区长之职位及任期 (名)

rector 教区长, 院长, 校长, 主事人 (名) | rectorate 教区长之职位及任期 (名) | rectorial 牧师的; 校长的 (形)