英语人>词典>汉英 : 为了避免 的英文翻译,例句
为了避免 的英文翻译、例句


for fear of
更多网络例句与为了避免相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To keep away from digital distortion caused by analog conversion,"Boutique Recording" applies APOGEE Analog to Digital Converter System in pre-recording, adopts Hi-End Prism Sound Digital to Analog Converter System during post mix and master disposal processes. In a word,"Boutique Recording" minimizes the distortion rate, and maintains the unique spirit of analog music.

为避免后期缩混时过多数字设备所造成的数码味,录音师坚持在前期录音与母带处理过程中使用传奇的模拟设备,在现场录音的同时进行立体声混音工作,为了避免模数转换时所造成的数字失真,达人艺典在前期录音中采用APOGEE模数转换系统,后期缩混及母带制作采用顶级HI-END厂牌Prism Sound数模转换系统,将失真率减到最低,保持独有的模拟音乐味道。

The best way to avoid it is to avoid smoking and reduce the amount of cholesterol in your body.


To make the engineering machine economize on energy efficiently will spread to move system to carry on a control towards launching machine and, reasonable allotment power, make it be placed in the best work condition;For easing a pilot to labor strength and improvement to manipulate function, need to adopt an automatic control, carry out an engineering machine automation;To complete the homework of high technical ability need intelligence to turn;For the sake of exaltation safety, demand safety control, carry on circulating appearance surveillance, the breakdown reports to the police automatically;Because the construction realm expands, in order not to the personnel arrive can't and not come-at-able place and the very bad place of the homework environment go to homework, need to be adopted long-distance leave remote control and no man to drive a technique.


Thereby, in order to avoid occurring the accident and extortionate reconstructed expense, it is necessary for us to research repairing and reinforcement of fatigue damage in RC structure.


In order to avoid the repetition, we find a group of coefficients that are generated with field and its gradient data. To establish explicit linear relation between structural index based on the linear relation, depth is calculated when calculated parameters are given without touching the field data. Accordingly, it can avoid the repetition of Euler's equation calculation and greatly reduce the works load as well as enhance efficiency.


To avoid mercury contamination, however, current guidelines suggest limiting fish to 12 ounces of cooked fish per week during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and avoiding shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish.


The research and development of visualization system of electromagnetic environment monitor is very necessary, and it is very important significance. It can assure the quality of communication for avoiding the interface of electromagnetic signal, live up to reasonable layout and distribution for the construct of mobile communication station and radio monitor station, reduce the endangerment electromagnetic radicalization for surrounding environment and body of people.


The best way to avoid tonsillitis is to avoid close contact with people who have the viral or bacterial infections that lead to the development of the condition.


In the design of the algorithm, different priorities are assigned to the operation of the arranging schedule, make it complished priority by priority, and thus bring down the probability of the conflict of the time arranging effectively, increase the probability of the successive arranging.


And if someone should say: King Louis ceded Romagna to Alexander and the Kingdom to Spain to avoid a war, I reply with the reasons given above: that a disorder should never be allowed to continue so as to avoid a war, because that is not to avoid it but to defer it to your disadvantage.

果有 人提出疑问说,路易国王把罗马格纳让给亚历山大,把那不勒斯王国交由西班牙宰割,为的是避免战争,那我就以前边陈述的理由作为回答:绝对不该为了避免战争而纵容祸端蔓延,因为这样不会避免战争,只是拖延时间罢了,结果会造成不利的局面。

更多网络解释与为了避免相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"血战"(blood)是最初盗版为了避免版权纠纷而改的名字. 内容上没有什么不同. 1.04版时暴雪推出"母巢之战"(brood). "血战"(blood)是最初盗版为了避免版权纠纷而改的名字.




G.7 撤离(Evacuation)为了避免或减少通常来自放射性烟云或高水平放射性沉降物的照射,而使人员暂时撤出某一区域. G.8 避迁(Relocation)为了避免受到较长时间的慢性照射,而把一部分人员较长时间地撤出放射性严重污染地区.

for fear of:为了避免, 害怕

80. in order adv.整齐, 状况良好, 适宜 | 81. for fear of为了避免, 害怕 | 82. as a whole adv.总体上

handily avoiding two EMT|guys loading an old lady:她是为了避免撞到|两个医护人员在帮一个老太太

managed to out-maneuver an|irate, screaming cab driver|惹到了一个盛... | handily avoiding two EMT|guys loading an old lady|她是为了避免撞到|两个医护人员在帮一个老太太 | onto a gurney|or something.|上担...

In order not to contaminate your other clothes:为了避免让你们其他衣服也变臭

Yes, Candy you do.|是的 凯迪 | In order not to contaminate your other clothes|为了避免让你们其他衣服也变臭 | all of you will wear the same one tomorrow as you did today|所有人明天不要换衣服



spot weld:点焊

科学家的计划是"点焊"(spot weld)50个战略地区的地球构造板块,阻止它们活动,进而避免了引起地震的灾难性分裂. 这种焊接法可以通过引爆深埋地下的原子弹来实现,目的是为了避免大地震将加州同北美大陆分离. 当时,这一概念几乎完全存在于科幻小说中.

spot weld:焊

科学家的计划是"点焊"(spot weld)50个战略地区的地球构造板块,阻止它们活动,进而避免了引起地震的灾难性分裂. 这种焊接法可以通过引爆深埋地下的原子弹来实现,目的是为了避免大地震将加州同北美大陆分离. 当时,这一概念几乎完全存在于科幻小说中.


一个普通的崇拜者(worshiper)的境况优于一个沉醉世务的人. 前者曾经习禅;为了避免掉进地狱之火而能升上天堂,他们做了很多善事,而且戒除恶行. 可是一个隐士又优于一个崇拜者. 因为隐士力求避免所有恶行,而单只希求与神冥合.