英语人>词典>汉英 : 临时记号 的英文翻译,例句
临时记号 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与临时记号相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The result is stored in the temporary storage unit and is output to the screen by the subprogram "Character generator output". The subprogram "Marker" holds the markers fixed in position in the event of output exceeding their allowable limits, and also handles clearing of the markers


Music A chromatically altered note not belonging to the key signature.


Music Of or relating to a sharp, flat, or natural not indicated in the key signature.

临时记号的:在主要调号上没有标出的尖锐、平缓或自然的符号 n。

Bartok created a special musical notation such as staffs,Bartok-devised key signatures, accidentals, 1/2pedal, harmonics. Some symbols are used to separate phrases, such as "│",",", fermata, etc., which is not common. Among all,"│" symbol is used most frequently to separate phrases.


Copying and pasting no longer causes redundant accidentals or naturals to appear in the target region.


更多网络解释与临时记号相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这些记号总称为临时记号(Accidental). 音程 两个连续或同时发响声音间的距离或高度差别叫做音程. 音程的命名,主要是依照它们在音阶上所具有的级数来计算,在计算时,两个音的本身也计算在内. 这些音程的名称,不管有没有半音变化,

tree marking;timber marking:伐采木标示;林木记号

主伐面积;伐采面积 felling area | 伐采木标示;林木记号 tree marking;timber marking | 非正常伐采利用;临时伐采 extraordinary felling;extraordinary harvest

Respell Accidental:重新拼写所选定音符的临时记号. 快捷键

Mixer 调音台. 快捷键:M | Respell Accidental 重新拼写所选定音符的临时记号. 快捷键:Return | Reset Beam Groups 重新设置符尾横杠.


14. accented passing-note 强拍上的经过音. | 15. acciaccatura 短倚音、快速唱奏的装饰音. | 16. accidental 临时记号.