英语人>词典>汉英 : 串励发电机 的英文翻译,例句
串励发电机 的英文翻译、例句


series dynamo · series generator · series wound generator
更多网络例句与串励发电机相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was in doubt for long time whether the static-excitation could be used to improve Subsynchronous Resonance condition in a certain power system with serial compensation.


The engine main circuit have to be gurranteed drawing the torque of electric motor and rotation speed wholly to do regulateing of independence ,But also possess extensive setting range SS7's mould electric locomotive adopts Quan Kongqiao and semi bridge accuseeing series connection to make up the monophase bridge style commutation electric circuit ,The coil power supply is encouraged against the stringtrain by the electric motor the drawing armature to 3 parallels operation ,Still there is an excitation commutation bridge ,He encourages the coil power supply with 3 electric motors drawing together to the series connection ,Moreover has one another accuses the regulating action .


更多网络解释与串励发电机相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alternating current series motor:交流串励电动机

alternating current resistance 交流电阻 | alternating current series motor 交流串励电动机 | alternating current shaft generator 主机)轴带交流发电机

series gap:串联火花间隙

series fluorescent lighting fitting 荧光灯列 | series gap 串联火花间隙 | series generator 串励发电机

series dynamo:串励发电机

series drive 组合传动 | series dynamo 串励发电机 | series excitation 串励

series dynamo:串激发电机; 串励电动机; 串励发电机

series conduction motor 单相串励换向器电动机; 交流串励换向器电动机 | series dynamo 串激发电机; 串励电动机; 串励发电机 | series motor 串激电动机; 串励电动机

series wound dynamo:串励发电机

series winding 串联绕组串联绕法 | series wound dynamo 串励发电机 | series wound generator 串激发电机

series excited dynamo:串励发电机

series excitation 串励 | series excited dynamo 串励发电机 | series expansion 级数展开

series motor:串激电动机; 串励电动机

series dynamo 串激发电机; 串励电动机; 串励发电机 | series motor 串激电动机; 串励电动机 | series parallel motor 串并激电动机; 串并联电动机

AC series motor:交流串励电动机

AC resistance 交流电阻 | AC series motor 交流串励电动机 | AC shaft generator 轴带交流发电机

series-wound motor:串励电动机

series wound generator 串励发电机 | series wound motor 串励电动机 | series-wound motor 串激电动机,串励电动机

series-wound motor:串励电动机

series wound generator ==> 串励发电机 | series wound motor ==> 串励电动机 | series-wound motor ==> 串激电动机,串励电动机