英语人>词典>汉英 : 中部美洲 的英文翻译,例句
中部美洲 的英文翻译、例句


Middle America
更多网络例句与中部美洲相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you like Americana living and a slow pace, then Central Oregon is for you.


Which started in the US, has now spread to Europe, Australasia, Central America and the Middle East.


Most cacao trees are found in Central and South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia.


But it was the Spanish explorer Hernando Cortes who understood that chocolate could be a valuable investment.


Any of various slow-moving, arboreal, edentate mammals of the family Bradypodidae of South and Central America, having long hooklike claws by which they hang upside down from tree branches and feeding on leaves, buds, and fruits, especially


Widely distributed in Central America of fresh water and salt waters, the United States for the main freshwater aquaculture species. 1999 U.S. freshwater aquaculture production accounted for about 81 percent of the large warm-water species of fish, fork spots to fish tail as the Ministry of Agriculture to promote the country's fresh water breeding improved varieties have a very obvious advantages: First of Table no scales no small thorn, processing convenience and the other is the quality and refine, nutrient-rich, easy to digest and absorb the third is of miscellaneous eating habits, fast-growing, high yield, strong adaptability and easy to keep the fourth character is tame, like cluster activities , High density of aquaculture, particularly the pond custody and cage culture Fifth Tansi, easy fishing, Youdiao suitable for the development of leisure industry.


A nuclear burst of one megaton some 400 kilometers over central United States can blanket the whole continental US with electro-magnetic pulse in less than one second.


A language phylum of North and Central America that includes Ute , Hopi , Nahuatl , and Shoshone .


Parasitic infections, including onchocerciasis, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pruritic eruptions in patients with a history of foreign travel...


IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_AZTECS_DESCR}Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican people of central Mexico in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries who built an extensive empire in the late Postclassic period of Mesoamerican chronology.

IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_AZTECS_DESCR}哥伦布到达美洲之前,后古典时代晚期位于墨西哥中部的中美洲人民在 14 至 16 世纪缔造了一个幅员辽阔帝国。

更多网络解释与中部美洲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Central America:中美洲

中美洲 中亚美利加洲,简称:中美洲(Central America) 墨西哥以南、哥伦比亚以北的美洲大陆中部地区.东临加勒比海,西濒太平洋.是连接南美洲和北美洲的狭长陆地.包括危地马拉、伯利兹、萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、哥斯达黎加和巴拿...

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg:卢森堡

至於卢森堡(Grand Duchy of Luxembourg)位於西欧中部,面积2586平方公里,邻国包括法国、德国和比利时,是欧盟的成员国之一,与欧洲各国和美洲金融交易活络.

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg:森堡

■卢森堡(Grand Duchy of Luxembourg)位於西欧中部,面积2586平方公里,邻国包括法国、德国和比利时,是欧盟的成员国之一,与欧洲各国和美洲金融交易活跃. ■阿鲁巴(Aruba)位处委内瑞拉湾外海,国土面积仅193平方公里,以观光旅游业为主,目前是荷兰王国的一个自治国,

Mycobacterium leprae:麻风分枝杆菌

本病的发病率最高的地区是亚洲与非洲,其次是中部以及美洲南部和大洋洲. 麻风病(Leprosy)是由麻风分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium leprae)引起的一种慢性传染病. 本病的发病率最高的地区是亚洲与非洲,其次是中部以及美洲南部和大洋洲.

caligo:视力不清, 眼蒙

caliginous | 昏暗的, 朦胧的 | caligo | 视力不清, 眼蒙 | Calinago | (小安的列斯群岛及美洲中部使用的)阿拉瓦克语


caligo | 视力不清, 眼蒙 | Calinago | (小安的列斯群岛及美洲中部使用的)阿拉瓦克语 | caline | 促成素


有爪动物(onychophora)是蜕皮动物(Ecdysozoa)中的一门,经常被简称为有腿的虫. 有爪动物(onychophora)一词出现于1853年. 全部产于热带,非洲中部、马来半岛、美洲中部均有分布,主要在南半球分布,靠捕食小动物,如昆虫生活. 它们身体内有腺体,会喷出一些粘稠的液体去粘住猎物然...