英语人>词典>汉英 : 中耳炎 的英文翻译,例句
中耳炎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

otitis media
更多网络例句与中耳炎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Here, we evaluated the role of adenoidectomy in the development of atopy and respiratory function changes characteristic of asthma.


Two cases of chronic otitis media simplex, 3 of otitis media caries, and 63 of otitis media cholesteatoma were all repaired with carbon materials and operated with stage Ⅰ audile reconstruction.


MethodTwo cases of chronic otitis media simplex, 3 of otitis media caries, and 63 of otitis media cholesteatoma were all repaired with carbon materials and operated with stage I audile reconstruction.


Such as serous otitis media, tympanic water, catarrhal otitis media, otitis media with effusion, glue ear, blue tympanic membrane and so on, in fact is based on non-suppurative otitis media, a feature of the pathologic process of naming.


The former is characterized by middle ear effusion, because fluid is a non-bacterial, it can also called acute catarrhal otitis media; The latter can be changed from the former come Recently known as the pulp - mucous otitis media.


The pathological changes are similar to those of human being.lt is a good animal model to study tympanosclerosis during chronical otitis media.


If the treatment of otitis media is not timely, especially in infants and young children of the baby period of low body resistance, otitis media can be extended to nearby organs, such as mastoiditis and even cause serious consequences, such as intracranial infection.


Methods Use flexible fibrescope observe nasopharynx of patients with otitis media with effusion and normal people.


Objective: To investigate the classification of secret tympanitis and surgical treatment at an early stage.


Abstract]Objective: To explore the method for repairing tympanic membrane perforation due to chronic suppurative tympanitis.

rane perforation。[Key words]MEBOpatchTympanic membrane perforation慢性化脓性中耳炎所致鼓膜穿孔为耳科临床常见病,但自愈困难,不但影响听力,常常导致中耳炎反复发作。

更多网络解释与中耳炎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aero-otitis media:航空性中耳炎;氣壓性中耳炎

aeronomy 超高大氣學;氣文學;超高層大氣物理學 | aero-otitis media 航空性中耳炎;氣壓性中耳炎 | aeropause 適航層頂

aero-otitis media:航空性中耳炎

航空心理卫生 aviation mental hygiene | 航空性中耳炎 aero-otitis media | 航空医学服务 aviation medicine service

aero-otitis media:航空中耳炎,气压中耳炎

aero-oleopneumatic shock absorbing strut 空气油压减震支柱 | aero-otitis media 航空中耳炎,气压中耳炎 | aero-projection method 空中投影法

delayed aero-otitis media:迟发航空性中耳炎

迟发气压性中耳炎 delayed baro-otitis media | 迟发航空性中耳炎 delayed aero-otitis media | 张力气胸 tension pneumothorax

otitis media:中耳炎,中耳炎

retinal 视黄醛,维生素A醛,视网膜的 | otitis media 中耳炎,中耳炎 | palpable 可触及的

Secretory otitis media:分泌性中耳炎

分泌性中耳炎(secretory otitis media)是以鼓室积液及听力下降为主要特征的中耳非化脓性炎性疾病 中耳积液可为浆液性漏出液或渗出液,亦可为粘液. 本病命名尚不统一 有称为渗出性中耳炎、卡他性中耳炎、浆液性中耳炎 浆液-粘液性中耳炎、非化脓性中耳炎.

acute otitis media:急性中耳炎

3.治疗及预后: (1)对症治疗为主,包括休息,供应充分水分,退热,减轻卡他症状等; (2)一般不宜使用抗菌素,除非症状持续 1 周以上,鼻分泌物粘稠变色,外周血白细胞增加.二,中耳炎(otitis media) 1.概要:中耳炎是中耳渗出性疾病,可分为急性中耳炎(acute otitis media),渗出性中耳炎 (

otitis media chronica:慢性中耳炎

otitis media catarrhalis sicca 干性卡他性中耳炎 | otitis media chronica 慢性中耳炎 | otitis media purulenta chronica 慢性化脓性中耳炎

otitis media serosa:浆液性中耳炎

otitis media purulenta chronica 慢性化脓性中耳炎 | otitis media serosa 浆液性中耳炎 | otitis media suppurative 化脓性中耳炎

aero-otitis media:航空中耳炎,气压中耳炎

aero-oleopneumatic shock absorbing strut ==> 空气油压减震支柱 | aero-otitis media ==> 航空中耳炎,气压中耳炎 | aero-projection method ==> 空中投影法