英语人>词典>汉英 : 中断请求 的英文翻译,例句
中断请求 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

break request · interrupt request
更多网络例句与中断请求相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

BRS? Break Request Signal?


BR? Break Request?


Equipment and then adjust the "Input / Output range","interrupt request" and "Direct Memory Access" address, so that there is no conflict.


The system prioritizes the handling of hardware and software interrupts with the interrupt request level.


Windows XP assigns an interrupt request level to each hardware interrupt and to a select few software events.

Windows XP为每一个硬件中断和一些软件事件选择分配中断请求等级。

The IRQL is known as the "Interrupt ReQuest Level". The processor will be executing code in a thread at a particular IRQL.


This circuit can also be connected through an IRQ line to a Programmable Interrupt Controller, so that it issues interrupt requests on behalf of the device.


Design and implementation of a residential gateway system: The paper studies the priority tuning of interrupt and DMA requests in residential gateway system.


Next the MCU control the interface circuit of telephone to accomplish simulated off-hook, then auto-dial by dial-up circuit of DTMF, and play the phonetic information which has been recorded beforehand by phonetic circuit, to tell the user of the emergency which has occurred so that they can take corresponding step on time.

当红外探测器检测到警情的时候,就会向单片机发出中断请求,再由单片机控制电话接口电路,实现模拟摘机,通过 DTMF 拨号电路实现自动拨号,并由语音电路通过电话完成播放预先录制好的语音信息,实现语音报警,来通知用户发生警情,以便让他们及时的做出相应措施。

In computing, an interrupt request by a peripheral unit, as opposed to a software interrupt written into a computer program .


更多网络解释与中断请求相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

break request:中断请求

break request signal 中断请求信号 | break request 中断请求 | break sheer 锚链缠绞

break request signal:中断请求信号

break pulse generator 断脉冲发生器 | break request signal 中断请求信号 | break request 中断请求

BR Break Request:中断请求

BPSK Binary Phase-Shift Keying 二进制相移键控 | BR Break Request 中断请求 | BRANCH 分路、分支.

BRS Break Request Signal:中断请求信号

BRS BRanch Subroutine 转移子程序,分割子程序 | BRS Break Request Signal 中断请求信号 | BRS Business Recovery Services 营业恢复服务

interrupt handler:(中断处理器)

供VME总线系统的中断器(Interrupter)和中断处理器(Interrupt Handler)之间进行中断请求和中断认可使用. 是提供总线系统组态和管理服务的VXI器件. 一个资源管理器必须是具有命令者能力的消息型器件,其逻辑地址为0 ,通常也提供0号槽服务.

interrupt requests:中断请求

中断也称为 中断请求(Interrupt Requests) 或 IRQs. 当设备中发生 CPU 需要知道的某事件时,设备就会发出一个中断,CPU 则临时停止正在做的其他工作,来处理那件事情. 对真正的成功者来说,不论他的生存条件如何,都不会自我磨灭

interrupt priority:中断优先

interrupt mask 中断屏蔽 | interrupt priority 中断优先 | interrupt request 中断请求


每个网卡都有其确定的配置参数,但是容易出现问题的地方是网卡"中断请求"(IRQ)设置、基本I/O端口地址和存储器地址. 如果这些方面出现任何差错,或与工作站或终端中其他设备产生冲突,NIC即使能工作,也无法连续工作.

HSINT Hook Switch Interruption:挂机中断请求信号

HSEARRP 耳机右通道正 | HSINT Hook Switch Interruption 挂机中断请求信号 | HSYN Horizontal Synchronous 行同步


0x8 软件中断(SWI) 特权模式(SVC) 60x18 外部中断请求(IRQ) 外部中断(IRQ)模式 40x1c 快速中断请求(FIQ) 快速中断(FIQ)模式 3混合编程情况下的程序编译及链接后的输出代码与没有混合编程时是不同的.