英语人>词典>汉英 : 中心化过程 的英文翻译,例句
中心化过程 的英文翻译、例句


centered process
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Fragmentation symbolizes reproduction of the interpretation of the world, which is also decentralization and deconcentration of power, indicating the possibility for individual experience, local history, and marginalized culture, to return to the spiritual value system.


Tracing the journey of their works from marginality to centerpiece in literary history, this paper holds that ideology, poetics and patron play a vital role in the way to canon, which is a universal law applicable to different national literatures.


It is easy to be centralized when the legislative power is being exerted so that it will induce not only the absolutization and irrationality of the legislative power but also some wrong idea that the leg-islative power,not people,is regarded as the key of the legislative procedure.


Children' s ogecetrism stems from biological ability precipitated in racial evolution and show tendency of decentration.


To put it exactly, the changes that the prenominal type of relatives underwent did not result from any gradual extraposing or postposing of the relative clause, but by starting anew, in other words, the old relativizers are replaced by the new ones, but relative clauses are always immediately attached to the head noun in the matrix.


A mathematical regression model was presented in this study for the separation of sterols in methyl of rapeseed oil deodorized distillate by central composite design.


The movement from the PC to the handheld radicalizes decentralization and changes the nature of communication.


He sees the child as an egocentric being, who socializes by decentring, verbally,morally, and even more so cognitively.


As a brand-new administrative model,the devolopment of NPM is bound to contain the philosophy implication of center being verged and verge being centralized.


The results show that the formation of the shear band is characterized with both strain localization and the localization of the averaged pure rotation ratio. The shear band starts right at the point where the volume strain changes from shrinkage to expansion. The development of these variables are significantly different within or outside of the shear band. Particularly, the stress-strain softening relationship was observed near or within the shear band, while the hysteretic phenomenon takes place outside the shear band. In addition, both the volumetric and deviatoric strains are larger inside than outside the shear band, with the soil being looser in the shear band.

研究表明:砂土剪切带的形成过程即为试样内部应变局部化过程,也为试样内部平均转动率(averaged pure rotation rate, APR)的局部化;剪切带开始形成点也为试样剪缩、剪胀分界点;剪切带内外各宏微观参数变化规律上存在明显的差异,主要表现为近剪切带位置土体及带内土表现为应变软化现象,而距带中心较远土体应力应变关系曲线出现'回滞圈'现象;带内变形量明显大于带外,且带内较带外松散。

更多网络解释与中心化过程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


宝马公司将这三个阶段定义为:理解(Understanding)、相信(Believing)、实现(Seeing). 三个阶段从根本上遵守宝马设计的中心原则:性格化是创造过程的核心. 这个基本原则不仅定义了宝马集团设计的工作方法,同时也是整个项目工作流程的特征.

centered process:中心化过程

center of symmetry 对称中心 | centered process 中心化过程 | centered system of sets 中心集系

centered system of sets:中心集系

centered process 中心化过程 | centered system of sets 中心集系 | centi 厘




特别是公寓型的集合住宅,由于工作在市内,商业也在市内,住宅也在市内,城市内部就成为一个日益拥挤的中心,这个过程在所有工业化国家的早期都经历过,叫"都市化" (urbanization) 过程,往市内发展的倾向就是"都市主义"(urbanism) ;