英语人>词典>汉英 : 中将 的英文翻译,例句
中将 的英文翻译、例句


Air Marshal · Lieutenant General · lieutenant-general · Vice Admiral · lieutenant general · air marshal
更多网络例句与中将相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If a program requires direct access to the absolute address of a symbol, that symbol will have a global offset table entry.


During the first phase of the experiment, the insurance program provides four products—property insurance, employer's liability insurance, life accident insurance and hospitalization benefit insurance—which basically cover all the possible risks farmers may encounter in their businesses. Farmers will receive maximum preference in insurance fee and during the experiment period, farmers will be given 200 yuan per family as the government subsidy. Each family will get security from 650,000 to 850,000 yuan as a return of paying only 300 yuan.


During the first phase of the experiment, the insurance program provides four insurance products—property insurance, employer's liability insurance, life accident insurance and hospitalization benefit insurance — which basically cover all the possible risks farmers may encounter in their businesses.


Examples of current liabilities include accounts payable, accrued wages and salaries payable, sales and excise taxes payable, income or property taxes payable, and short-term notes payable, dividends payable, estimated or accrued liabilities, the various payroll taxes liabilities and the portion of long-term debt due within one year (or the operating cycle, if longer).


Yet this is only one of several scenes in the film for which Oshima chooses to switch to black and white; often, the transition has the opposite effect - by disrupting the visual style of the film, it distances the viewer from the action.


As an educational thought,"actionless governance" means the educators should obey the rules of the development of students' heart and soul, teach different students by a silent transforming influence in education process, which will play a revelatory role in the teaching process of implicit ideological and political education in colleges.


To allocate a resource in turn to each of two or more claimants; for example, to allocate processing time to different programs in a multiprogramming system or to allocate line use to different terminals in a multiplexed communications system .


In which, the calling terminal initiates calling to the calling party calling controller; the calling party calling controller initiates calling to the called party calling controller, and sends the WAC group internal short number of the calling terminal to the called party calling controller; the called party calling controller initiates calling to the called terminal, and sends the WAC group internal short number of the calling terminal to the called terminal.


The error of ultimate load prediction of un-reinforced brick arch: brick arch will be simplified to portal frame are used to preliminary estimation, in-plane stiffness which only provides from vertical frame, the average error between -20~20%;Structure program are used to simulate brick arch with shell elements analyzed, the average error between -15%~10%.


On 27 August 1914, Vice-Admiral Sadakichi Kato's(人名加藤定吉日本第二舰队司令海军中将) Second Squadron began blockading Tsingtao.


更多网络解释与中将相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Vice Admiral:中将","Vice-Admiral","中将

"Admiral","上将","Admiral","上将" | "Vice-Admiral","中将","Vice-Admiral","中将" | "Rear Admiral","少将","Rear Admiral","少将"

Air Marshal:中将

在被任命为三军联合作战司令(chief of the tri-service Combined Operations)后不到六个月,他被任命为皇家海军的海军中将(vice-admiral)、陆军的陆军中将(lieutenant-general)、皇家空军的空军中将(air marshal),以及参谋长联合委

Lieutenant General:中将","Lieutenant General","中将

"General","上将","General","上将" | "Lieutenant General","中将","Lieutenant General","中将" | "Major General","少将","Major General","少将"

中将","Lieutenant General","中将:Lieutenant General

"General","上将","General","上将" | "Lieutenant General","中将","Lieutenant General","中将" | "Major General","少将","Major General","少将"

James Longstreet:(南卡罗莱那) - 中将

Samuel Cooper (新泽西) - 将军(参谋长、陆军高阶将领) | James Longstreet (南卡罗莱那) - 中将 | A.P. Hill (弗吉尼亚) - 中将


1819.11 Lilienstern 中将 (代理) | 1821.1.11 Muffling 中将 | 1829.1.29 Krauseneck 中将

Lieutenant General:中将","Lieutenant General","中将

"General","上将","General","上将" | "Lieutenant General","中将","Lieutenant General","中将" | "Major General","少将&amp

中将","Lieutenant General","中将:Lieutenant General

"General","上将","General","上将" | "Lieutenant General","中将","Lieutenant General","中将" | "Major General","少将&amp


"Admiral","上将","Admiral","上将" | "Vice-Admiral","中将","Vice-Admiral","中将" | "Rear Admiral","少将",&q

A.P. Hill:(弗吉尼亚) - 中将

James Longstreet (南卡罗莱那) - 中将 | A.P. Hill (弗吉尼亚) - 中将 | John Bell Hood (得克萨斯) - 中将