英语人>词典>英汉 : Vice Admiral的中文,翻译,解释,例句
Vice Admiral的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Vice Admiral

Vice Admiral的基本解释


vice admiral
更多网络例句与Vice Admiral相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"I'm not sure who you are," the Vice Admiral said, and his bushy white brows bunched together.


With a single word, the Vice Admiral had made Kurt a part of their group.


Vice Admiral, ma'am," he said."


We're growing in our capacity, administrator Paulsen and Vice Admiral Johnson have been working with both the Congress and the administration to get more resources into FEMA, and this is part of our mission and we're going to make it happen."


He'd had to appeal to Vice Admiral Parangosky, claiming he needed Spartans to train Spartans.


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更多网络解释与Vice Admiral相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Vice Admiral:中将

舰队的助手也就是舰队副司令则为中将(Vice Admiral),他将指挥舰队的首舰在海战中首先承受敌人的进攻. 在舰队的尾部,少将指挥其他的舰船,因为少将的位置是最为安全的,所以他在舰队中的军衔也就最低. 到了现代,少将仍然是将官中最低的军衔.

Vice Admiral:海军中将

海軍上將-----Admiral | 海軍中將-----Vice Admiral | 海軍少將-----Rear Admiral

Vice Admiral:中将","Vice-Admiral","中将

"Admiral","上将","Admiral","上将" | "Vice-Admiral","中将","Vice-Admiral","中将" | "Rear Admiral","少将","Rear Admiral","少将"

Vice Admiral:中將(海軍)軍事軍階

9049中將(英國空軍)軍事軍階air marshal | 9050中將(海軍)軍事軍階vice-admiral | 9051中將(陸軍,空軍)軍事軍階lieutenant-general

Stanforth,Vice Admiral:斯坦福斯中将

Spartan II 斯巴达II型战士(即士官长们) | Stanforth,Vice Admiral 斯坦福斯中将 | Toran图兰

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