英语人>词典>汉英 : 个别接触 的英文翻译,例句
个别接触 的英文翻译、例句


personal conferences
更多网络例句与个别接触相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In traditional, the working probe naturally sustaining repeated bending actions and wear, absolutely needs a mechanism to prevent it from being damaged, caused by the change of the probe's geometry and the increase of the contact resistance. Therefore, in this study, we develop a CMOS-based chip in connection with the electroformed probes to detect each of their counterforce, contact resistance to evaluate if their contact force and coplanarity are controlled within safe range.


Most chemical occupational-disease hazards were low to the limit of GBZ2-2002 except lead smoke and carbon monoxide in front of the furnace. The noise of most workplaces was classified as 0 except those above Ⅰ at some workplaces like grinding, granule-making, etc. The hot working environment of the furnace was classified as Ⅵ, other hot working environments were classified asⅠ.


529 Derived an expression for the saturating contact rate of individual contacts in an epidemiological model.

诱导法。 31(1993)529推导出个别接触饱和接触率的流行病模型的表达式。

更多网络解释与个别接触相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


可藉由雏形 (Prototypes) 来测试.既有文件通常可能与现实不符;可能过时 (out of date) 或无法反应实际状况下的公司策略个别接触可以让访问者 (interviewer) 对使用者所陈述内容作出反应;


在那时,大部分做为保护的"麻木"(numbness)消耗怠尽了,人们会觉得焦虑、沮丧、疲倦、焦躁、挫败和气馁. 对灾难各阶段的彻底了解,以及将工作重点放在个别幸存者正在体验的阶段,是成功的主动接触服务不可或缺的.

personal conferences:私下交谈;个别接触

persist in坚持作... | personal conferences私下交谈;个别接触 | personal contact私下交往

personal conferences:私下交谈;个别接触 ncN无忧研修网

persist in 坚持作... ncN无忧研修网 | personal conferences 私下交谈;个别接触 ncN无忧研修网 | personal contact 私下交往 ncN无忧研修网

personal contact:私下交往

personal conferences私下交谈;个别接触 | personal contact私下交往 | perspective glass透视镜

personal contact:私下交往 ncN无忧研修网

personal conferences 私下交谈;个别接触 ncN无忧研修网 | personal contact 私下交往 ncN无忧研修网 | perspective glass 透视镜 ncN无忧研修网


* 足量性(Substantiality)市场区隔的大小及获利的程度,必须值得采取个别行销方案. * 可接近性(Accessibility)市场区隔能有效达到和有效为之服务的程度. 购物地点固定,接触某一特定媒体的集群较易接近.

wind vane:风标

与接触式风速计(Contact anemometer)及风标 (Wind vane)相连接为风向风速之遥测指示器. 指示器由一中央灯,连至接触风速表,周围有八个等间隔之灯,个别连接於风标上一组同等间隔之电接触点上. 在一段时间内计算中央灯闪亮之次数即可决定风速. 风向则自周