英语人>词典>汉英 : 个人与个人之间的 的英文翻译,例句
个人与个人之间的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与个人与个人之间的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While he was writing ''Mr. Palomar'' two years ago, Mr. Calvino said,''What can I say of the book I'm working on now is that it is a quite different one, but it also deals with the relations between a man and nature.


It implies that there is, within any society, a delicate balance between individuality on the one hand and communality on the other; that the development of the self can only be meaningfully sought and attained in a context wherein the common good is also emphasized.


Direct democracy denies the intermediary organization between individuals and rights, emphasizes the community's homogeneity, lacks the tolerance to the dissidence and takes individuals as the tool to realizes the profit of the whole country.


And the basic relation of the individual to his fellowmen is one of cooperation and common sense.


Second chapter concentrates on the value-orientation and theoretical foundations of the industrial injury insurance.


According to his Monadology, all things that humans ordinarily understand as interactions between individuals and all things that humans ordinarily understand as relations among individuals (such as their relative positions in space and time) have their being in the mind of God but not in the Universe where we perceive them to be.


They lose themselves in the titillation of language and form; they are infatuated with fragmentary appropriations of the classics; they are infatuated with the emptiness of decline and the passion of desire. As with the Western artists Jan Saudek and Joel-Peter Witkin, 'real-world objects should give up any idea of entering my pictures,' unless they undergo restructuring—by the artist's own taste and proclivities, by an amalgam of memory and fantasy, by a tone of pensive irony, or by seemingly absurd but in fact accurate imagination, thus restructuring the individual's relation to reality. It does not hurt to call these artists' work realism, but it is a kind of 'psychological realism' which 'extracts a deeper level of genuineness from fictive objects.

他们迷恋于语言与形式的快感,迷恋于对文化经典的片断性挪用,迷恋于衰朽的虚无或色欲的激情,与简·索德克、乔·彼得·威金(Joel-Peter Witkin)那样的西方艺术家相似,"现实中的事物永远别想进入画面",除非是经过了他们的重构——以其个人的趣味与癖好,以混合着追忆与幻想、伤感与反讽的语调,以看似荒诞其实准确的想象力,重构了个人与现实之间的关系,你也不妨将他们的作品称之为现实主义,但那是一种"心理现实主义"——"从虚构的事物之中抽取出更深层的真实。"

More important is, the network shops, the popularity of the application such as network pay cost is ecbolic many individual and individual, individual and an enterprise between small pay wait for demand, traditional financial service has satisfied the requirement of the user very hard.


What he wanted to achieve was not to repeat the hardship of history, but to demonstrate the tensional relationship between the present and memory, art and life, the individual and history.


This idea with self-cultivation as the core, outward of which is self-cultivation, family-regulation, state-ruling and world-governance, inward of which is studying things, induction by conscience, sincerity and impartial heart, eliminated the personal and social barriers and the subjective and objective gap, reaching the spiritual realm of Integrating the inside and the outside.


更多网络解释与个人与个人之间的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beside oneself:疯狂

"[原则]分离个体"的观点又使我们回到关于"有若疯狂"(beside oneself)这件事上,尽管在旁观者与行为者的双重性和"恶魔"与"神性"之间是否对称还不清楚. 目前也没有非个人的或超越个人的标准,使我们可以用它来判断知觉和有意识的行为是神性的还是恶魔的,


"认同"揭示了"相似"(similarity)与"差别"(difference)的关系. 一个人的前后同一特性或一个群体成员之间的相似性同时也构成与其他人的差别. 从个人与社会的关系看,人们的认同是由社会认同和自我认同所构成的连续统.

individual differences:个人差异

现代思潮与后现代思潮杂糅并处、西方文化与东方文化相互斗争又相互融合、精英文化与大众文化你来我往、高雅艺术和通俗艺术此消彼长......传播学理论认为,在受众和媒介之间存在着一种被称作"缓冲体"(buffers)或"过滤器"(filters)的东西,德弗勒将这种"缓冲体"概括为个人差异(individual differ




interim 临时的 | interindividual 个人与个人之间的 | interior ballistics 内弹道学

They had a long-running feud over money:他们因钱的问题长期不和

43. the feuds between rival companies 相互竞争的公司之间的... | 44. They had a long-running feud over money. 他们因钱的问题长期不和. | 45. his personal feud with the city authorities 他个人与市政当局的...


首先,民族与民族之间的"自然边陲"被确定为"疆界",随之, "主权"(sovereignty) 的观念也出现了,神异性的国王变成国家主权神圣性和分立性的代理人和象征,法律成为全民性的规范,直接界定个人与国家之间的关系以及制裁制定.


人类在"人化"进程中必然会进行"社会化"(socialisation)和"全球化"(P1anetisation)的活动. 个人与个人之间互相联合起来,国家与国家、种族与种族之间互相联合起来,所有距离都消失了,全人类终于达到合而为一的大团结.


个人行为中善与恶的标准,这都与伦理学有关,也就是理论哲学的领域;如果是关于良好的社会,个人与群体之间的行为问题,则是政治学或政治哲学的范畴,也就是规范哲学的领域. (1)哲学对话:首次出现在柏拉图的<<对话录)) (Dialogues)中

